Based on the story "The Heroes of Yucca," The Invincible Six features a ragtag group of jewel thieves who become the unofficial guardians of a small Iranian village. When bandits attack the village, looking for the body of their former leader and his treasure map, the Invincible Six are there to save the day, wooing the local females and frustrating the new leader of the bandits.
A lawyer's agonizing journey to the breaking point of his private and professional lives as he becomes more and more alienated from everyone connected with him.
Successful businessman Joe Lampton is married to the wealthy Susan, has two children, and lives in the mill town of Warley in northern England. But his career seems to have plateaued, leaving him disillusioned. This feeling is only exacerbated when he discovers his wife's infidelity with local man Mark. So he takes up with attractive TV host Norah and moves with her to London, aiming to reignite the fire that drove him to the top.
После того как в 1870 году сильный ураган опустошил Ямайку, супруги англичане Торнтоны, проживающие на этом острове, решают отправить на историческую родину, в Англию, своих пятерых детей. На одном корабле с этими детьми оказываются двое детей из семьи Фернандес. По пути на них нападают пираты во главе с капитаном Чавесом
Майра Сэвэдж, медиум-самозванка, придумывает план как стать знаменитой. Она уговаривает мужа, Билли, похитить дочь богатых людей, потребовать выкуп, а потом «найти» ее. План сработал, за исключением того, что Билли начинал понимать, что она не собирается оставлять ребенка в живых...
That Kind of Girl is a British cult film and the directorial debut of Gerry O'Hara. Produced by Robert Hartford-Davis with a script by Jan Read, it was released in 1963. The film's subject is premarital sexual relationships and sexually transmitted diseases in an English 1960s millieu.