Valeria Chagüi

Valeria Chagüi


Valeria Chagüi


The Trip 4
This year, the Rubio family goes to Miami. Beach, breeze and sea with pot walk included. So it is the style of this picturesque family that by chance the destination has the opportunity to travel to Miami. Finally they will spend holidays in another place different from their dear Sasaima. Soon Miami will receive these enthusiastic tourists full of patriotism that dazzled by the magic of the city of the sun will try to leave the name of the motherland very high. And as the suitcase is known to the passenger, the Rubio-Cucalon displaying all its Colombian charm will live the most fun situations that will leave surprised and enchanted to more than an unprepared gringo. Will the Rubio-Cucalón succumb to the American dream?
Once a Year Can't Hurt 2
Marcela Rodríguez
A sequel to more traditions of a typical Colombian family, this time we will see a bachelor party, Halloween, a heartbreak and much more.
Once a Year Can't Hurt
Marcela Rodríguez
It tells the story of a university student who makes a documentary to find out if Colombia is a country of drinkers or not. In the midst of everyday and comic situations, the young man will obtain interesting and entertaining material for his research.