José W. Bustos


The Flight of the Stork
An erotic model has three lovers, one of them is the father of her child. Which of the three will be?
The Nights of Paloma
While being shuttled from her convent/boarding school to her wedding, a young lady of the upper classes is kidnapped by bandits. She gets to see the world and meet interesting people.
The Mansion of The 7 Mummies
Mexican wrestling and mummies in Antigua, Guatemala
La casta divina
Chronicle Caste War in Yucatan held in the nineteenth century, where the land and the people were the property of the landowners, who called themselves " divine caste ". On one hand, General Salvador Alvarado organized the revolution; on the other, the landowners hire Colonel Ortiz Argumedo to organized the defense of their autonomy. Don Wilfrido, one of the masters, do not hesitate to send his son to fight to maintain their wealth and privileges.
The Long Awaited Desperate Love
A thirty-something woman fears that life is passing her by and that she's going to end up as the family's 'maiden aunt'. She imagines that somebody in her circle is courting her, and he's too polite to disillusion her. And then...
Грибной человек
Однажды дон Эверадо приводит в дом мальчика-негритенка. Он называет его Гаспаром и дарит младшей дочери Эмме. Дети подружились, а позже и полюбили друг друга… Спустя много лет дон Эверадо и его жена Эльвира возвращаются из далекого путешествия. Эльвиру поражает красота молодого Гаспара. Не подозревая того, что его сердце уже принадлежит Эмме, Эльвира предпринимает попытку соблазнить прекрасного юношу.
La venida del rey Olmos
After spending some time with the Mennonite community in Chihuahua, Reynaldo Olmos goes back to Mexico City and establishes a ministry in the poorest of poor neighborhoods. Is he sincere, or is this a scam?
Satanic Pandemonium
Sister Maria is known in the convent for her good works and charity, but, in the secret depths of her sexual fantasies, she is tormented by visions of another world - a world where her forbidden passions are allowed to run free. In this world Satan is her master. As her acts of violence and blasphemy mount, Maria realizes that she has been chosen by the Devil to destroy the convent and lead her sister nuns into hell!
The Vengeance of the Crying Woman
Santo and Mantequilla Nápoles team up to end the curse of La Llorona by getting ahold of a special medallion. Unfortunately, La Llorona escapes in the process.
La tigresa
Orphan girl grows up to take revenge on the men who killed her parents.
The Beasts of Terror
A young heiress is kidnapped by two aspiring thieves who are then captured by a mad scientist. It's up to the police, Santo, and Blue Demon to rescue them.
The Mummies of Guanajuato
Satan, a wrestler who sold his soul to the Lord of Darkness for fame but was thwarted by Santo's ancestor, who is now rising after a hundred years with his army of mummies to take revenge.
Santo vs. the Vice Mafia
Legendary masked wrestler El Santo must stop a criminal gang.
The Champions of Justice
Blue Demon and pals square off against the Black Hand's army of super powered midgets. Five luchadores (Blue Demon, Mil Mascaras, El Medico Asesino, La Sombra Vengadora, Tinieblas plus Black Shadow) face off against a mad scientist and his army of powerful wrestling midgets.
Just Right There, Mother!
In a neighborhood of Mexico City, inhabit different characters. From a hardened general, suffering from delusions of persecution, to a recruit; two brothers dedicated to teaching music; two treasure hunters restless, and a friendly concierge who lives with her son, the popular Gordolfo Gelatino.
The World of the Dead
Santo and Blue Demon take on a 300-year-old witch with a nasty attitude. She raises a legion of zombies and sends them to fight Santo in his home and in the rings.
Santo vs. Blue Demon in Atlantis
A Nazi scientist using the lost city of Atlantis as his home base threatens to destroy civilization with a nuclear bomb. The Nazi scientist wants the third Reich to rule again and if his demands are not meet he will follow through on his threat of nuclear annihilation. With very little time to spare Santo is enlisted to find the nuclear bomb, disarm it and end the Nazi scientist’s diabolical plan
Tres noches de locura
Anthology movie, episodes about three women who undergo stressful experiences that cause their minds to snap.
Santo and Blue Demon Against the Monsters
Bruno Halder a sinister scientist seeking revenge against his brother and niece is resurrected by Waldo his faithful sidekick. Besides his minions of zombies Halder enlists the help of Wolfman, Franquestain, a Vampire, a Mummy and a Cyclops. Once again the survival of mankind is put in the hands of Santo
Santo in the Treasure of Dracula
A woman travels to her past life with the help of Santo's past life regression machine
Cinco en la cárcel
Five criminals are arrested after a bank-robbery. One escapes, and the police officer in charge of transporting them arrests a new person at random to cover up for his negligence.
Даже ветер от страха воет
Действие фильма происходит в удаленном от города колледже для девушек. Директрису этого колледжа ученицы за глаза называют ведьмой, ибо это очень чёрствая и злая женщина, которая никогда не меняет своих решений и чересчур строго относится не только к ученицам, но и к преподавателям.
El amor de María Isabel
Follow up to Maria Isabel. Newly wed to a rich man, Maria Isabel must still struggle with being branded as a lowly maid and endure the scorn of her adoptive daughter and the infidelity of her husband.
Cautivo del mas allá
Vicky loves Ricardo but Ricardo loves Barbara. So, Vicky goes to a gypsy witch who convinces her she must make a pact with Satan in order to cast an effective love spell on Ricardo. After Vicky gives her body and soul to the Dark One, she engages with Ricardo in a passionate night of lovemaking that is cut short by Satan, who, sensing that Ricardo has not completely fallen under the spell, orders Vicky to kill him. Following Ricardo's death, his brother Carlos is haunted by nightmares of the dead sibling, who appears and takes possession of Carlos in order to get his revenge on Vicky.
Amanecí en tus brazos
Adios cuñado
The classic family with more sisters and one brother who has to deal with all the naughty words about being the brother in law of many.
The Four Juanes
Juan Sin Fiedo (Javier Solis), Juan Colorado (Antonio Aguilar), Juan Pistolas (Luis Aguilar) and Juan Charrasqueado join their destinies during the Mexican Revolution.
Nosotros los jóvenes
Young-adult movie about a crew of 8 or 10 upper-middle-class boys and girls -- mostly about the romance between two of them.
La cigüeña distraída
Los reyes del volante
Comedy film starring Viruta and Capulina.
El dengue del amor
Dancing fanatic weasels his way into Perez Prado's entourage as a personal assistant.
Escuela para solteras
All-star ranchera fest, rom-com style. Four charros, four eligible young ladies.
Dile que la quiero
Teenager covers for his no-count older brother. Ice-cream parlors, rock-n-roll dances, football games, jalopies and racing cars. Also tragedy.
Fuerte, audaz y valiente
Production Design
Western comedy: two medicine-show guys vs. badhats.
Fuerte, audaz y valiente
Western comedy: two medicine-show guys vs. badhats.
Santo in the Wax Museum
El Santo, the masked Mexican wrestler, investigates a series of kidnappings. He discovers that the mysterious Doctor Caroll is using the victims as part of his experiments to develop an army of monsters. Naturally, El Santo is able to overcome them all - with wrestling!
The Terrible Giant of the Snow
A man and his wife discover they are in danger when they hear reports of a Yeti that lives on a nearby volcano is on the prowl.
La Bandida
During a lull in the Mexican Revolution when Francisco Madero became president and attempted to implement land reforms, two former revolutionaries are pitted against each other for the love of the same woman.
Ткач чудес
В ночь под рождество в маленькую мексиканскую деревушку въезжают на осле индеец Арнульфо и его жена Хансита, которая с минуты на минуту должна родить. Местная акушерка Ремедиос и ее воспитанник, двадцатилетний Теофилос, решили использовать создавшуюся ситуацию в своих корыстных целях. И вот по деревне разнесся слух, что в хлеву у Ремедиос рожает женщина, приехавшая на осле как дева Мария. Охваченные религиозным фанатизмом, крстьяне кинулись к дому Ремедиос. Они верят, что совершается чудо, что «новый» Христос, который должен родиться, принесет всем счастье и благосостояние. Не скупясь, они дают Ремедиос и Теофилосу деньги для будущего ребенка. Священник не в силах доказать фанатичной толпе, что родился самый обыкновенный ребенок. И тогда он идет на крайние меры: незаметно умерщвляет ребенка. Виля, что новорожденный оказался смертным, толпа верующих быстро расходится.
¡En peligro de muerte!
Heaven and Earth
Nun interferes in the lives of a dysfunctional family.
Santo vs. the Vampire Women
A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires intent on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil.
Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb vs. the Monsters
The film follows adventures of Little Red Riding Hood (Maria Gracia) and Tom Thumb (Cesaro Quezadas) and their friends, fighting against the wicked Witch Queen (Ofelia Guilmáin) and her band of monsters. The film starts at the meeting of the evil monsters in the castle in the Haunted Forest, heart of the Devil's dominion, during which the Vampire (Quintín Bulnes) accuses the Wolf (Manuel Valdés) and the Ogre (José Elías Moreno) of betraying the Witch Queen (La Reina Bruja, renamed Queen of Badness in the English dub), who orders them to ber executed. Their friend Stinky the Skunk (Santanón) however escapes and informs Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb, who promise to help. Meanwhile, the Queen and her sister the Old Witch cast a terrible curse, turning villagers into monkeys and mice for trying to defy her magic. The rest of the story details the heroes' quest to conquer evil.
Santo vs. the Zombies
Masked luchador "Santo" fights against an evil doctor and his zombie army.
Frankenstein, the Vampire and Company
Two screwballs get mixed up with monsters, mad scientists and vampires.
Caperucita y sus tres amigos
Villagers think the Big Bad Wolf has returned to his fierce, wild-animal ways. Also gypsies.
Senda prohibida
The story of Nora, a poor but ambitious young woman, who uses her beauty to seduce a rich and married lawyer.
En carne propia
Rookie reporter and his publisher's daughter get caught up in a bizarre crime/traffic accident noir dilemma.
A tiro limpio
El ánima del ahorcado contra el latigo negro
Masked rider leads a posse to defend their town from crimes related to appearances of a hanged man come back from the grave.
El sordo
Craftsman who sculpts religious figures goes deaf. Lotsa pathos.
The Little Red Riding Hood
The classic story of the Red Riding Hood spiced up by a couple of funny characters like the dog Duke, companion to the girl in her adventures, and the stinky Skunk, henchman to the Wolf.
Scared to Death
A young woman hires Viruta y Capulina to find a notorious jewel thief, known as Rostov.
La odalisca No. 13
The Emir of Beirutistan gets the hots for a Mexican singer and arranges to have her kidnapped. Her costar and manager tag along to rescue her.
Sueños de oro
Negative Cutter
Sueños de oro
The Vampire
A pretty young Mexican girl returns to her hometown to make funeral arrangements for her beloved aunt, who has just died. Soon she begins to hear disturbing stories about the town being infested by vampires, and she eventually begins to suspect that her remaining aunt and the mysterious next-door neighbor may be involved.
To the Beat of Rock and Roll
When a romantic orchestra won't change their boring style into something more modern to get gigs, their girlfriends split and form a rock and roll orchestra that quickly becomes talk of the town. The guys are furious since they are relegated to their opening act as a comical number, but when the League of Virtue protests against the new satanic music, the old-fashioned music seems to win the day.
La faraona
Pastora Heredia is a beautiful gypsy with great character who always tries to help the needy. One day she gots the notice of the death of his grandfather, a millionaire who lived in Mexico and that since his father was angry, she knew nothing of him. However, as Pastora was his only granddaughter and sole heir of all his property, it does not hesitate to cross the pond to claim his inheritance. But once there is that Don Guillermo, grandfather, not dead.
Wild Heart
On the Caribbean island of Martinique, two half-brothers are involved in the entanglements of a frivolous and calculating young woman.
Los tres amores de Lola
Flamenco artist in Mexico draws attention from three suitors.
Tú y las nubes
Music School
School for Tramps
Alberto Medina is a very famous composer and is on a field trip when his car runs out of gas and goes downhill. While looking for help, he finds the Valverdes' house and is welcome by Emilia, the mother of the family, who is known for giving shelter to tramps. The rest of the family disagrees, because the last one disappointed her. In a story of family situations, funny moments and jealousy, Alberto ends up earning everyone's respect and has a special connection with the oldest daughter, the beautiful Susana, and they fall in love.
Beware of Love
Salvador accompanied by two friends of his father whom he calls uncles, they arrive at a fair in the village, there he meets Ana. When he wins a bet he is paid with a mortgaged house, to his surprise upon entering the hom he realizes that Ana and her mother live in it, provoking a funny entanglement with an explosive final.
The Intruder
Upon her arrival to the village San Ignacio, Gabriela meets Raúl, owner of a residence that her grandfather administrates. He doesn't reveal his real identity and they fall madly in love. Tania, Raúl's sister-in-law, secretly loves him and she decides to separate them by simulating a car accident from which Gabriela temporarily becomes paralized. Aware that they will marry, Tania makes the girl believe that Raúl is marrying her out of compassion, causing Gabriela to disappear from the residence...
¿Por qué ya no me quieres?
Three Dates with Destiny
The White Orchid
In the Southern Mexican jungle, an adventurous archaeologist is accompanied by an equally daring female photographer in a search for a lost Toltec city. They engage a guide to lead them on their expedition, and soon find themselves in the jungle's depths, far from civilization. Soon both the guide and the archaeologist are vying for the affection of the photographer. They must all deal with enormous danger and sacrifice before their quest is complete.
Oh Pain, Little Pain, Pain!
Negative Cutter
Carmela is a Gypsy singer who sells lottery tickets. She meets two penniless Mexican brothers and they buy a ticket between the three: if it is awarded, could share the prize and go to Mexico, they to return to their homeland and her for bullfighter boyfriend whom has no news. The fate accompanies them, but, on reaching Mexico, her boyfriend rejects her. This way, she ends up acting in a cafe where reaps many successes.
Oh Pain, Little Pain, Pain!
Carmela is a Gypsy singer who sells lottery tickets. She meets two penniless Mexican brothers and they buy a ticket between the three: if it is awarded, could share the prize and go to Mexico, they to return to their homeland and her for bullfighter boyfriend whom has no news. The fate accompanies them, but, on reaching Mexico, her boyfriend rejects her. This way, she ends up acting in a cafe where reaps many successes.
Dios los cría
Mrs. Nínive Cánovas Cannesi (Marshall) comes back from a long tour visiting Europe and not even realizes that her house is being inhabited by two jobless and homeless bandits (Tin Tán and Tun Tún) with master keys who had been living there worry free. They all share the house for a period of time, unknowingly to each other, in a series of well crafted and perfectly timed scenes where Catita and Tin Tán can be in the same room without seeing each other... When Tin Tán notices her presence, poses as the help, intercepting the real employees and sending to the north pole, literally. So now that Catita has them at her service, she can take time for her real goal, the foundation of a House for old people so they can live happy until the day they die, but Tin Tán and Tun Tún keep getting in her way and complicating everything...
Por el mismo camino
On vacation, an old lady and her niece pick up a hitch-hiker.
El enamorado
Martin retired from his job as a hero because of his marriage to Rosario, a beautiful and ambitious girl who passed through the workshop where he works. However, Martin has to return in principle to help a friend from robbers.
Los hijos de María Morales
Two brothers known in town for their womanizing, drinking and rowdiness meet their matches when two girls who like them decide to tame the two machos.
La loca
Mentally-ill woman went over the edge 15 years earlier, as a result of family traumas and the disappearance of her daughter. Now, present day, evil relatives are trying to take control of money she's inherited...
Here Comes Martin Corona
Martin Corona, player and womanizer, defends the underprivileged, the poor and the needy. He will have to defend a Spanish girl and her servant from the clutches of the villainous of the town. Not only will he have to fight the bad guy, but against the pride of the girl who initially believes that he is the bad character and distrusts him. She was very proud to put him at her feet, but there was a problem, Martin Corona was due more to his people than anyone and she was not willing to risk losing it, so before marrying him, made him swear he would not intervene In other problems.
The Absentee
After arguing with her husband, a woman runs out of the house in the car and dies in a mysterious accident
The Martyr of Calvary
The Martyr of Calvary (Spanish: El Mártir del Calvario) is a 1952 Mexican drama film directed by Miguel Morayta about the life of Christ. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
Las locuras de Tin Tan
Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.
Paco, el elegante
Paco's ordered by a higher-up in his gang to beat up a journalist who wants to write exposes about Mexico City drug traffic, and that ends up opening a whole can of worms.
Oh, Love… How Have You Put Me!
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
The Troublemaker
Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.
Crimen y castigo
Adaptation of Dostoyevsky's novel about a student who plans a conceptual murder and then butts heads with a police detective.
Hell Road
When a robbery goes wrong, the thief takes a singer as hostage, they fall in love and try to rebuild their lives, but tragedy surges in the most unexpected way.
Serenata en Acapulco
Three broke-ass promoters ingratiate themselves with the owners of a hotel aand a rich guest, all with an eye toward putting on a show.
Heart of beast
Wanted criminal has plastic surgery, starts new life in a distant town. Old habits die hard.
Apartment house
Personal dramas among the residents of an apartment house.
Tierra baja
A poor shepherd is convinced to marry a beautiful woman. This is a Maquiavellian plan schemed by the woman's fiancé and her father.
Manos de seda
By the False Door
Bernardo is in love with Adela and although she does not belong, he has always helped her family although they only care about money and not the virtues of man.
La loca de la casa
Novice nun returns to her parent's home to save the family fortune by marrying a creditor.
También de dolor se canta
The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his family are in. The next scenes introduce the viewer to his family and their poor financial and social situation. As Braulio stumbles around looking for his glasses, he causes a famous film star, Alfonso de Madrazo (Rafael Alcaide) to crash his car. Braulio offers him to eat at his house as an apology. Braulio's sister and mother, big film fans, immediately recognise Alfonso and attempt to get him to bring the girl, Luisa Peláez (Irma Dolores) to Mexico City to become a film star. Alfonso agrees and tells them to come to the capital.
Vino el remolino y nos alevantó
Three generations of a stable, middle-class family in the capitol are scattered to the four winds by blowback from the Mexican Revolution.
The King of the Neighborhood
A poor man becomes a modern Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor.
Ex-con presides over an underworld court trial in an abandoned warehouse to determine the fates of some accused "squealers." Flashbacks reveal the facts of the case being tried.
La mujer del puerto
Orphaned, abandoned by her fiance, forced into prostitution by the absence of "respectable" alternatives.And the-e-en...
¡No me defiendas, compadre!
A bungling wannabe-lawyer keeps interfering in his friend's lives; his desire to help always makes things worse.
A disfigured woman is helped by a talented composer to recover her face with plastic surgery. Then he discovers that she's a beautiful woman and a talented singer.
Nosotros los rateros
A young woman, a thief and a lawyer find themselves in the same hotel room without planning it. Mercedes, the thief, has a brother who, by mistake, kidnaps the lawyer Alberto, which will cause a mess.
Cita con la muerte
Soy Charro de Levita
Tin-Tan and his carnal Marcelo take over Carmelita baby for a few hours, and suddenly, the three are hired by an employer of the tents, starting the funniest adventures you can imagine.
La vorágine: abismos de amor
It narrates the adventures of the poet Arturo Cova and his lover Alicia, a story of passion and revenge framed in the plain lands and the Amazon jungle where the two lovers scape from society, and which exposes throughout its plot the harsh living conditions of settlers and Indians enslaved during the rubber rush.
Cuando los padres se quedan solos
Mom and dad make sacrifices for the sake of their adult children. And then more sacrifices. And more.
Allá en el Rancho Grande
Remake of famous 1936 ranchera musical.
Las mañanitas
Rom-com scheming; wealthy landowner wants to seduce one of his tenants, but she wants the other guy...
Músico, poeta y loco
An underaged heiress is sent to a reformatory by her unscrupulous guardians to prevent her from fulfilling the conditions of her father's will. Meanwhile, a street-vendor gets mistaken for an eminent psychologist and is hired to teach at that reformatory.
Si Adelita se fuera con otro
Young couple run off to join the Mexican Revolution, in part because she has a crush on Francisco Villa.
Albur de amor
Dark romantic melodrama, played out with high-stakes card games and cockfights.
La insaciable
The Jungle of Fire
A beautiful woman awakens passions in the workers of a camp deep in the jungle.. Venice Film Festival 1947
The Naughty Son
A poor young man is mistaken for a millionaire when he travels to the city to fulfill his dream of being a singer.
Flor de durazno
City slicker scams on young farmgirl while her fiance's in USA on a work permit.
Me he de comer esa tuna
In rural Mexico, a young man competes with his best school friend for the love of a girl whose marriage has been arranged by her parents.
Konga Roja
Heroic adventures in the banana industry.
María Eugenia
Before marrying María Eugenia, landowner Carlos are away to visit her godmother to break the promise to marry his daughter. The godmother is dying, Carlos quiets and everything takes an unexpected course.
The Spirit's Canyon
The love between María Ángela and Fernando is impossible because there's an ancient history of hate between their families. His father killed hers, and other family members have killed each other for years. When María Ángela's grandfather finds she's in love with Fernando, he frames the young man and forces her to marry Manuel. Maria Ángela finds that Manuel doesn't love her and together plan her escape with Fernando. But things go wrong and the lovers find their destiny in The Spirit's Canyon.
Los apuros de Narciso
A 1940 film directed by Enrique Herrera.