Friquette Thévenet


Рядом с Раем
Costume Design
Фанэтт до сих пор помнит студенческую юность, когда она впервые влюбилась в прекрасного Филиппа. Накануне поездки в Нью-Йорк, где ей предстоит закончить свою новую книгу, Фанэтт получает таинственную записку, в которой Филипп назначает ей свидание на крыше Эмпайр Стэйт Билдинг. Через мгновение строки послания смывает дождь. Что это — сон или реальность? Невероятное событие превращает зрелую женщину во влюбленную студентку, которая, забыв обо всём, устремляется навстречу своей судьбе и незабываемым романтическим приключениям…
Jeux d'artifices
Elisa and Eric are two teenage war orphans. They change their apartment on the outskirts of the city into a photo-studio to make a living, and they are very devoted to it. The two seem to live like heavenly beings without connecting to the outside world. Their only contact with the exterior is through Jacques, a loyal friend, but he also cuts himself out of any social life. The sister and the brother then take to get in touch with the world by Mrs Jean, a friend of their deceased mother with whom Elisa takes courses of singing. They live in harmony until a young man, whom Elisa falls for, eventually leaves with Eric for the USA and left her brokenhearted alone in France.
Le chaud lapin
Nelly, la "troisième belle sœur" de François
William, together with his family, joins his childhood friend and his family in a crowded country house for a summer vacation. As a result, he has had to leave behind his mistress and all the other lovely women he enjoys trying to seduce. Stranded in the isolated rural cottage with his friend's family, he attempts to bed every female member of that clan. Unsuccessful and extremely frustrated, he is determined to have some fun on his vacation and abandons the whole group in pursuit of a trio of hippyish females who flirted with him earlier.