PaulaSu Grisham


12 могучих сирот
Football Fan / Mom
Ветеран Первой мировой войны Расти Рассел решает стать тренером футбольной команды и для этого возвращается в приют, где мать оставила его ещё ребёнком.
Бескрайняя ночь
Basketball Fan / Mom (uncredited)
В конце 1950-х в штате Нью-Мексико телефонистка Фей и радиоведущий Эверетт обнаруживают странный сигнал, тайна происхождения которого способна изменить жизнь их маленького городка и их будущее.
The Great Altar
Church Member #2
A minister, Father Michael, and his wife, Renae, are taking a road trip and end up in a bad car accident. Father Michael wakes up to find out he crashed into a tree and his wife Renae is gone. His journey into a small vacant town results in a great conspiracy involving an artifact known to Bible scholars at the throne of Satan.
Color Me You
Auction bidder
Kat Abernathy must live up to her family name by attending law school and working for her family practice, until she is challenged to create a second identity for herself in order to pursue, defend and protect her passion as a painter.
My Friend
Producer's Assistant
Three middle school boys; Jason, an orphan child with speech difficulties, Brandon, a child with a perfect life and Patrick, a child from a dysfunctional family, learns from one another that heroes come from all walks of life.