A shepherd from the mountains of a remote Asian region travels to Southern Italy, in love with what he saw on Italian television. There, he accidentally ends up in a holiday resort, where he's treated like a guest for a whole day, thus cementing his assumption that all the opulence and kindness he saw on TV were true.
Фантоцци не может жить без приключений. В этой серии внучку Фантоцци похищают, требуя выкуп, Фантоцци бросается на ее поиски; наговаривает в сексе по телефону огромные суммы; синьора Сильвани хочет сделать пластическую операцию и под видом беременной от него, Фантоцци требует денег; бухгалтера сажают в тюрьму…
Italian slice-of-life comedy-drama following the exploits of four low-life teenagers from Rome's suburbs.
Boom Operator
A young girl swimmer, involved in an organisation with the aim of protecting dolphins, is engaged in an action against the local fishermen whose nets are endangering the creatures. She develops a rapport with some rescued dolphins, joining them in the society's tank, surprising other members with her ability to hold her breath for long periods. Following the death of a colleague, with whom she was in love, She decides to publicise the situation by breaking a world free-diving record.
Boom Operator
In this romantic story, a couple (Michel Serrault and Virna Lisi) who have been married for over forty years are forced to separate, one to each of their two children's families, when they can no longer pay the rent on their longtime apartment. Absence, in this case, refreshes their memory of the love they have shared, and they take to meeting one another furtively in hotel rooms for sex and affection. One summer, as each of their daughters families takes them on separate vacations, they have had enough, and elope, finding contentment as lighthouse keepers off the coast of Sicily.
Boom Operator
Ugo Maria Volpone is a very rich shipowner. He dissimulates to be close to die in order to have the attention of three of his friends: Corvino, Voltore and Corbaccio. The three accepts every kind of humiliation and money loss in order to inherit all Volpone's fortune. Volpone hires a new servant, Mosca. Together the two start to realize new jokes and extortions to the three greedy fake friends. Who will win the inheritance?
Boom Operator
Boom Operator
Из Неаполя отплывает роскошный лайнер, на борту которого страстные почитатели оперы провожают на родину прах оперной дивы Эдме Тетуа. По палубе слоняются ее многочисленные друзья и поклонники, жизнь кажется прекрасной. По пути корабль подбирает потерпевших кораблекрушение сербских беженцев. Австро-венгерский броненосец требует их выдачи. Завязывается сражение.