Ladislav Vinklárek


Lucie and the Miracles
Special Effects
The harsh reality of a home for abandoned children blends with episodes of youthful fantasy and slapstick comedy in this story of an orphan girl. Lucy's fondest wish is to find new parents and leave an orphanage. She befriends a man who can create doors from paint. He gives her a stuffed dog that magically comes alive when placed on the ground, and he and his wife end up adopting the little girl. After finding parents of her own, Lucy sets out through fantasy to find parents for her orphan friends. All of the people Lucy meet during her remarkable make believe wanderings end up taking children home.
Golden Queen
Special Effects
A man returns to his native village in search of renewed faith and his old girlfriend. But she, now a middleaged woman, does not recognise him and he goes home, more disillusioned than ever.
Za pět minut sedm
Special Effects
A modern fairy tale that takes place in the present.
Za pět minut sedm
Assistant Camera
A modern fairy tale that takes place in the present.
Do You Keep a Lion at Home?
Special Effects
“And what did you do at school today?” In Pavel Hobl’s Czech fairytale, when Pepik and Honzik learn that school has been canceled they embark on an amazing odyssey around Prague that has them directing traffic, following the lead of a talking dog, breaking the spell an evil sorcerer has placed on a group of local musicians, rollerskating through a museum, and winning a magical car race. (University of Chicago Doc Films)
Do You Keep a Lion at Home?
“And what did you do at school today?” In Pavel Hobl’s Czech fairytale, when Pepik and Honzik learn that school has been canceled they embark on an amazing odyssey around Prague that has them directing traffic, following the lead of a talking dog, breaking the spell an evil sorcerer has placed on a group of local musicians, rollerskating through a museum, and winning a magical car race. (University of Chicago Doc Films)
Okurkový hrdina
Special Effects
Lidé jako ty
Assistant Camera
Конец пути
Camera Operator
История Йозефа Лахмана, который мечтал уехать на Запад, предварительно захватив из тайника деньги, о которых ему рассказал эсесовец в благодарность за содействие его побегу. Однако бежать за границу Лахману не удается. Его арестовывают на вокзале, где он и узнает, что деньги, ради которых он совершил столько преступлений, оказались фальшивыми.
Assistant Camera
O medvědu Ondřejovi
Assistant Camera
Как Франта научился бояться
Assistant Camera
Сказка о том, как Франта, который не боялся ничего на свете, научился бояться и как мельница была освобождена от духов.
Дело господина Пучика
Assistant Camera
Словацкому чиновнику поручили отнести в банк крупную сумму денег, но по ошибке дали пустой конверт. По обвинению в воровстве его заключают в тюрьму и заставляют признаться в преступлении.
Zemianska česť
Assistant Camera
The Last Witch
Assistant Camera
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his model is a young girl. This is much disliked by the clergy who unjustly accuse the girl of witchcraft. She is saved from being burnt at a stake by the students of the Trnava University. (IMDb)
Assistant Camera
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Assistant Camera