Ученые подводной лаборатории «Акватика» разрабатывая препарат от болезни Альцгеймера, находят способ генетического увеличения мозга подопытных акул.Агрессивные и злобные хищники превращаются в думающих монстров-убийц, способных перехитрить своих создателей. Герои фильма пытаются справиться с разъяренными хищниками. Но спастись от острых челюстей огромных и умных акул практически невозможно…
The First Political Speech is inspired by words, charismatic hypnotic and humorous, but ultimately meaningless. The animation shows a crowd of technological “robotniks”, enhanced by a speaker seen only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders from many cultures, respond with applause, as serfs to empty words. The words of inspiration used in the animation are from a poem of the same title written by Canadian author, Eli Mandel.
Art Designer
The First Political Speech is inspired by words, charismatic hypnotic and humorous, but ultimately meaningless. The animation shows a crowd of technological “robotniks”, enhanced by a speaker seen only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders from many cultures, respond with applause, as serfs to empty words. The words of inspiration used in the animation are from a poem of the same title written by Canadian author, Eli Mandel.
The First Political Speech is inspired by words, charismatic hypnotic and humorous, but ultimately meaningless. The animation shows a crowd of technological “robotniks”, enhanced by a speaker seen only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders from many cultures, respond with applause, as serfs to empty words. The words of inspiration used in the animation are from a poem of the same title written by Canadian author, Eli Mandel.
The First Political Speech is inspired by words, charismatic hypnotic and humorous, but ultimately meaningless. The animation shows a crowd of technological “robotniks”, enhanced by a speaker seen only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders only through the motion of its shadow. The robotniks, surrounded by hazy images of past, current and future world leaders from many cultures, respond with applause, as serfs to empty words. The words of inspiration used in the animation are from a poem of the same title written by Canadian author, Eli Mandel.