Niccolò Notario


In a dystopian Rome, a law is enforced which does not allow immigrant families to have more than three children. If a fourth is to be expected, he or she must be born, however, one of them must then be killed, giving the females priority for sacrifice. Zoe, Iris and Clio are three sisters, but one of them will soon be killed. Tria is a tragic story, suspended between life and death, set in the home of a family that has accepted to sacrifice its integrity in order to carve out a place in the world. A dystopian story, yet not so far from what could happen, or what, somewhere else, may have already happened.
Беспощадные киллеры
Серджио — бывший наёмный убийца, который открыл собственный бар, чтобы начать всё с чистого листа. Новая жизнь ему нравится гораздо больше, чем прошлая. Но вскоре его мирное существование нарушает пара незнакомцев — Франческо со своей сестрой Робертой. Они просят его выполнить последнее задание: убить братьев Вентура, опасных преступников.
Matilde lives in a cramped house on the beach with his grandfather. To make some money, she scours the sand with her metal detector hoping to find something of value. On a cold winter morning, Matilde will discover an object which will change her life forever.
Matilde lives in a cramped house on the beach with his grandfather. To make some money, she scours the sand with her metal detector hoping to find something of value. On a cold winter morning, Matilde will discover an object which will change her life forever.
Гаванское Кирие
Отчаявшийся мужчина снова находит страсть к жизни на Кубе. А всё благодаря музыке и сыну, которого он никогда не встречал.
Guinea Pig