Sri Isworowati


Rio the Survivor
Nenek 2
Rio Sudiro has been living with HIV from his birth, and both his parents have died of AIDS. Rio’s father passed away while he was still in his mother’s womb and his mother has recently passed away a year ago. After his mother died, Rio was taken care of by his grandmother. They live by selling fried food in front of the house and also have other stalls in the neighbourhood reselling their fried food.
Я мщу, остальные платят наличными
Food Vendor Lady
Аджо Кавир — сильнейший боец яванского преступного мира. Но молодого бойца тревожит болезненная тайна: он импотент. Когда он наконец находит достойного соперника, им оказывается суровая и красивая телохранительница Итан. После схватки Джо влюбляется в Итан, но сможет ли он когда-нибудь сделать её счастливой?