Barta Barri

Barta Barri

Рождение : 1911-08-16, Budapest, Hungary

Смерть : 2003-12-07


Barta Barri


The Sea Serpent
A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.
Преступление капитана Санчеса
В его основе лежало настоящее преступление 1913 года. Сюжет. В Мадриде Мануэль Санчес, вдовец с шестью детьми и престарелым отцом, изо всех сил пытается прокормить свою большую семью своей скудной зарплатой в качестве военнослужащего испанской армии. Его страсть к азартным играм не помогает его тяжелым обстоятельствам. Старшая дочь Мануэля, Мария Луиза, работает на фабрике по глажке одежды
Monster Dog
Old man
Victor Raven, a famous rock star, returns to his childhood home to shoot a music video. Believing his presence is responsible for the return of a monstrous hound that killed folks when he was kid, the locals decide to do something violent about it.
Revenge of the Black Wolf
Black Wolf is forced again to fight his rival, who now has been appointed California Governor. Against such power, the lonely 'wolf' fights a duel to the death.
The Black Wolf
A version of "Zorro" (fox in Spanish) but this time is a wolf... and black, located in California in mid-nineteenth century
Where Time Began
Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs,
The Black Pearl
The young Ramon Salazar, son of a village owner, dreams of becoming a pearl fisherman. His father agrees to let him experience this job. Ramon enters a forbidden cave, den of a giant skate nicknamed the Manta Diablo. He finds an oyster containing a black pearl of unusual size. His father donates it to the Virgin rather than sell it to dishonest traffickers. Shortly after, the flotilla of the village led by Salazar perishes at sea. Ramon must face the Manta Diablo with another fisherman to bring prosperity to the village ..
Curse of the Black Cat
Cronometrador (as Barta Barry)
A notable opera singer tries to commit suicide because of a emotional breakdown. While hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, her daughter cautiously approaches the man she considers to be the blame for the state of her mother in order to gain her revenge.
La menor
Presidente del consejo
The People Who Own the Dark
Russian Ambassador
A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.
Un día con Sergio
Sergio, a film heartthrob in the decline of his career, agrees to spend 24 hours with the winner of a radio contest. The fate of the prize lies with Tina, a girl from the small town of Algarrobo of Mijares, a fervent admirer of the actor.
El segundo poder
Doctor Daza
Strange Love of the Vampires
Ligeramente viudas
Whisky and Ghosts
A snake-oil salesman is chased across the desert by a gang of Mexican bandits. He finds out, however, that he is being protected by the spirits of Davey Crockett, Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed.
El talón de Aquiles
Las violentas
The Fish With the Eyes of Gold
Wal Davis takes turn as detective after a series of brutal murders rock a small town. He even wakes up next to the bloody corpse of the girl he spent the night with.
Незнакомец и стрелок
Мастер восточных единоборств и ковбой с Запада ищут потерянное сокровище. Задача осложняется тем, что отдельные части карты, вытатуированы на… ягодицах разных красавиц…
Человек, которого звали «Полдень»
Наемный убийца по прозвищу Суровый Полдень, подвергшийся неудачному покушению, частично теряет память. Спасаясь от преследователей, собирающихся с ним покончить, он встречает Раймса, такого же изгоя, как и он сам. Новым приятелям предстоит собрать по кусочкам память главного героя и узнать правду о том, что с ним произошло, и из-за чего на него устроена безжалостная охота.
Pastor (as Barta Barry)
A young, beautiful woman marries a rich old blind man. While in the household she becomes aware of a plot to kill her elderly husband.
Панчо Вилья
В 1916 году знаменитый мексиканский бандит- революционер Панчо Вилья спасается от казни и начинает творить суд и расправу..
Остров сокровищ
В комнате Билли Бонса, погибшего в схватке с пиратами, юный Джим Хокинс находит карту острова с обозначением места, где спрятаны сокровища капитана Флинта. Он с друзьями отправляется в путь на поиски таинственного клада. Немало приключений и испытаний выпало на долю путешественников. Клад был найден, но самым дорогим сокровищем оказалась дружба, проверенная в схватке с пиратами.
Поезд ужасов
First Telegraphist
1906 год. Геологическая экспедиция находит в глухом районе Китая захоронение. Останки грузятся в Пекине на транссибирский экспресс. Уже при погрузке русский священник утверждает, что там нечистая сила.
Dr. Jekyll vs. the Werewolf
Gyogyo, the inn-keeper
This is the fifth film to feature Spanish actor Paul Naschy as Waldemar the Wolfman. Here he comes to swinging seventies' London, seeking a cure to his malady. Unfortunately he meets Dr. Jekyll who injects him with a serum that turns him into the lascivious killer Mr. Hyde. In his top hat and black cloak, Hyde haunts the flesh pots of Soho, while two gorgeous women fight for possession of his wolfman soul... Top grade Euro-horror and definitely the craziest werewolf film ever.
El hombre que vino del odio
Река плохого человека
Американская революция..... но Кингу с его бандой на это наплевать - они по-прежнему продолжают грабить банки. И вдруг выясняется что у некоего мистера Монтеро есть чек на миллион долларов, и этот чек оказывается нужен не только Кингу, но и другим баньдюгам....
Красное солнце
По железной дороге едет японский посол. В подарок президенту от японского императора он везет церемониальный самурайский меч. На поезд нападают разбойники, и один из них похищает вместе с награбленным и меч. Посол поручает телохранителю за неделю найти его. И вынуждает грабителя, которого предали свои, быть проводником самурая в поисках банды
Si estás muerto, ¿por qué bailas?
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman
Elvira is travelling through the French countryside with her friend Genevieve, searching for the lost tomb of a medieval murderess and possible vampire, Countess Wandessa. They find a likely site in the castle of Waldemar Daninsky, who invites the women to stay as long as they like. As Waldemar shows Elvira the tomb that supposedly houses the countess, she accidentally causes the vampire to come back to life, hungrier than ever. Daninsky has a hidden secret of his own, but will it be enough to save the two girls from becoming Wandessa's next victims?
The Horrible Sexy Vampire
Some kind of sadist, but not human, is murdering people. A doctor is convinced that the killings are the evil workings of a reclusive odd baron who died many years ago.
Pierna creciente, falda menguante
Wilhelm von Krautel
Человек по прозвищу Кувалда
После совершения ограбления среди его участников разгорелся спор при дележе добычи. Новичок в банде решил спор в свою пользу. Прибрав все, он скрывается вместе с золотом. Остальные отправляются на его поиски, которые приводят их в один из городков Мексики…
Los hombres las prefieren viudas
Marisa is an employee in a travel agency. She is in mourning and her workmates call her in fun 'the little widow'. One day, Carlos, the owner of a hotel in Almuñécar, visits the agency and is attracted by her thinking that she really is a widow. She falls in love with him and, encouraged by her friend Amelia, they both go on holiday to the hotel owned by Carlos.
Vertigo of Crime
Mr. Fred
A tale of rival gangs and drug trafficking.
Dead Are Countless
Wilson (as Barta Barry)
Johnny was mentally traumatised when he witnessed as a child the killing of his father (a deserter) by a group of soldiers. As an adult he randomly kills every soldier he gets hold of, so that the army sends out the brutish Lieutenant Garringo to stop Johnny.
A Candidate for a Killing
Hombre de los gémelos
A traveler becomes a target for various crime syndicates when it turns out he's a dead ringer for a wanted mercenary.
Prisionero en La Ciudad
Поцелуй меня, чудовище
Inspektor Kramer
Некий профессор создал средство для производства человеческих клонов и пропал где-то в дебрях Венесуэлы. На поиски его наследия отправляются два очаровательных спецагента Диана и Регина, которым противостоит синдикат международных преступников, сумасшедшие феминистки и сатанисты. Но устоять против сексапильных шпионок не сможет никто…
El niño y el potro (Más allá de río Miño)
Maracoli (as Barta Barry)
White Comanche
Major Bolker
William Shatner plays two roles: cowboy Johnny Moon and his ruthless Indian twin brother, Notah. Notah likes peyote and gets the crazy idea that he's the Comanche messiah sent to lead the Comanche nation against the white man but more specifically the dusty desert town of Rio Hondo. Moon, estranged from his brother, decides to stop Notah either by words or by bullets.
Dead Men Don't Count
Damon and Steffen are paired up bounty hunters falsely accused of murder in a lawless town ruled by racketeering lawmen
1001 Nights
Omar and his friend, Ali, returning to Moorish Granada after several years in the Middle East, discover that an evil usurper is now in power. With the help of a female genie, Omar sets about restoring freedom and justice.
¡Cómo sois las mujeres!
Mario and Teresa are a seemingly happy marriage, but she reproaches that he does not value enough her work at home. As he is not willing to recognize the importance of domestic chores, Teresa offers him to exchange roles. While Teresa gets a job, and develops very well, Mario is unable to keep the house in order.
O.K. Yevtushenko
Col. Yevtushenko
Vine finds himself on the trail of a missing Russian spy and soon finds himself involved in a bonkers plot involving Albanians and the Chinese.
Las cicatrices
The unstoppable ambition of a young lover of the bullrings and the support of her sister and a friend, will enable him to become a great figure of bullfighting, overcoming the various barriers that every torero finds when entering the world of bullfighting .... Pedrin, the son of a newscaster, decides to be a bullfighter and, after the death of a partner, struggles to succeed in the bullrings.
The Man Who Killed Billy the Kid
Rancher - Tunstill's Neighbor
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Black box affair: Il mondo trema
Another Eurospy flick featuring Craig Hill as a secret agent.
The Lady of the Dawn
It is three years since Martín's wife, Angélica, mysteriously disappeared in the waters of the river. Despite the bad weather and ignoring the advice of Angélica's mother, Martín leaves the house. At that moment a strange pilgrim arrives in search of shelter. She can only stop for a few minutes because she has to go to the bridge to meet Adela, a girl with an appointment with Death.
Левша Джонни Уэст
Одинокий стрелок Джонни Уэст ссорится с нехорошими парнями на золотом руднике. После чего ему приходится собирать команду, чтобы справиться с негодяями ...
Son of a Gunfighter
A young man stalks his mother's killers.
Espionage in Tangiers
French chauffeur
A secret agent is assigned to capture a criminal gang that is threatening to destroy Earth with a death ray.
That Man in Istanbul
An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.
Samson and Gideon
Fara (as Barta Barry)
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
Saul and David
David of Bethlehem slays the giant and becomes a rival to King Saul.
La carga de la policía montada
Trapper Don Halsey
Two men pretend to the same woman in a fort located in the wilds of Canada. Also, one of them will be the object of desire of an Indian girl.
The Ceremony
Death House Guard
A man has an affair with his condemned brother's girlfriend while plotting his escape in Tangier.
The Secret Seven
Greece is under the power of Rabirius, from which rise a few patriots led by Axel. He is taken prisoner and condemned to die of hunger and thirst. But his brother Leslio, who fears no one, makes him free. The next step Leslio takes, is to dissolve a group of mercenaries, without listening to his brother, who begs her to join the fight for freedom.
Дуэль в Техасе
Lou Stedman
Бесстрашный стрелок Ричард, стремится расправиться с появившейся в окрестностях вооруженной группой безжалостных бандитов, в отместку за убийство своей семьи. Рука его быстра как молния, а кольт не знает пощады к врагу ...
José María
Biography of the famous bandit El Tempranillo, acting with impunity in Sierra Morena during the reign of Ferdinand VII.
Gladiators 7
Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.
The Son of Captain Blood
The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.
Mi adorable esclava
Comprador de la lámpara
Fray Escoba
(as Barta Barry)
The Invincible Gladiator
A Roman warrior leads a revolt against an evil ruler. A young, diminutive ruler makes a big decision to unseat a nobleman whose ego has outgrown him. But can the 10-year-old take on such an impressive nemesis?
Conqueror of Maracaibo
Alan Braves, captain of a pirate ship, is, by the treachery of a comrade, accused of a crime of which he is innocent. He decides to go to America, but during his trip, he finds a Spanish galleon that saved from attack by pirates, and escorting the galleon to Maracaibo. Braves is first received with full honors for saving a Spanish ship but after that is reported to the Governor, Braseeur, the pirate traitor. It is, therefore, arrested and sentenced to death from the visualization of torture ...
The Boy Who Stole a Million
Gang Leader
A boy gets involved in a bank robbery
Ama Rosa
Rosa gives birth to a child who, by circumstances of life, is given for adoption to a wealthy family who lost theirs during childbirth. Soon, Rosa will be working for the new family of his son and, so, without anyone knowing, will give him all her love.
Melocotón en almíbar
Listen to My Song
A poor child, who does not know his parents, joins a caravan of puppeteers to escape from the house where it is received and try to find his mother. Although living in extreme poverty, the child has, however, something that helps you get ahead: his great voice. One day, when a producer heard her singing in the street, receives an invitation to go to television.
Вавилонский лев
Pädar (uncredited)
Шейх племени Хаддедин, Хаджи Халеф Омар и Кара Бен Немси обнаруживают махинации уважаемого чиновника, сафира, который на самом деле обязан своим богатством контрабанде оружия. Восемнадцатилетняя Сафа и ее двадцатилетний брат Икбал также живут в его дворце на Евфрате. Сафа думает, что Сафир - её отец, но на самом деле это дочь капитана полиции Досорзы, а Икбал - его сын. Ее мать была убита контрабандистами 20 лет назад, а дети похищены. Досорза думает, что она мертва.Икбал влюбился в дочь купца Ириду, которая мешает ему совершить набег на караван, ведущий к сафирам. В гневе Сафир бросает их обоих в темницу, в которой томятся немецкий профессор Игнац Пфотенгауэр и эксцентричный английский путешественник сэр Дэвид Линдсей...
Una gran señora
Duque de Rispoli
Charo is a fashion model, in love with enigmatic Adolfo. The fashion house where she works is ruined. In a parade, an English lady confuses her with a countess and invites her to spend some days in Estoril. There, Charo will try to save the company from bankruptcy.
Las de Caín
Adapted from a comedy of the brothers Alvarez Quintero, raised in a spirit rather routine and a remarkable lack of imagination. The minor nature of the adapted work greatly limited their chances, but there was no resolution film the slightest hint of creativity, merely a recreation under the sign of awkwardness.
Невольничий караван
Scheich el Dschemal
В верховьях Нила на караван, с которым путешествуют друзья Бен Немзи и Хаджи Халеф Омар, нападают работорговцы Абу Эль Мота. Приятели попадают в плен, но Немзи чудом удаётся бежать. В пути он встречает чудаковатых учёных, профессоров Линдсэя и Протенхауэра, которые, не подозревая о грозящей им угрозе попасть в руки Эль Мота, занимаются своей непонятной наукой. Пока Немзи строит планы освобождения своего друга, тот встречает в подземельях работорговца сына свергнутого эмира, Хамида, и его возлюбленную Сеницу, с которыми Эль Мот связывает зловещие планы.
Red Cross Girls
Padre de Marion
Paloma, Isabel, Marion and Julia Madrid are four girls belonging to different social strata, who are preparing to apply for the Red Cross on the flag. The four girls will be sought by many young ...
El puente de la paz
(as Barta Barry)
Muchachas en vacaciones
Ernesto Cohen
Spanish comedy of the 50s, with carefree and youthful air.
El sol sale todos los días
The War Starts in Cuba
Year 1898. When war broke out in Cuba, Juanita, a beautiful variety singer without much luck, decides to return to Spain when she discovers that her twin sister Adelaide has married the governor of Badajoz. Adelaide is capricious, vain and embarrassing, the opposite of Juanita. However, as the girls are physically identical, the singer intends to take full advantage of this situation.
Sail Into Danger
In this adventure, an American is forced by smugglers to sail his boat from Barcelona to Tangiers. The ruthless fugitives then kill his son, and harm his shipmate, sending the pilot, himself an ex-smuggler into such a rage that he kills two gang members and helps police capture the survivors and bring them to justice.
Гордость и страсть
1810 год. Наполеон оккупировал Испанию. Партизанский отряд под предводительством Мигеля вступает в борьбу с завоевателями. В их руки попадает гигантская пушка, брошенная отступающими испанскими войсками. Мигель решает атаковать превосходящие силы французов в крепости Авель при помощи грозного орудия. В этом ему поможет британский морской офицер Энтони Трумбулла, и красавица испанка Джуана. Всему отряду повстанцев предстоит сложный и опасный путь во французский тыл.
Whom God Forgives
Set in rural South of Spain in the 19th century, tells the story of group of outlaws, from very different origins, trying to survive, hiding from the law enforcement officers in caves in a hilly area, and their struggle against the evil mining company that exploits the poor people of their home village.
La pecadora
Francisco, el alcalde
Ha pasado un hombre
El golfo que vio una estrella
Extranjero vestido de torero
Los agentes del 5º grupo
Barrier, Jefe de la Banda
El ceniciento
Padre de Clara
Los gamberros
El presidio
El Abogado
Fantasía española
Two adventurers without economic resources create an amateur theater company and want to succeed, posing as aristocrats. The project aims to fill the theater with their performances and, thus, to satisfy their debts.
La danza del corazón
Don Pablo
On her journey to a provincial capital, Elena falls for the director of the Company of Zarzuela and leaves with him, despite opposition from his father. But the guilt of having abandoned him pursues her constantly to the point to shake their relationship.
Souls in Danger
El Francés
Two boys are sent to reform school under the guidance of Father Fernando, a young and dedicated priest.
Spanish Round
Jefe de los saboteadores
Over a hundred members of the chorus girls and dance groups from the Spanish "Sección Femenina" embark to America to show the richness of their national folklore. The girls have left parked their daily tasks to enjoy this great adventure aboard "Mount Albertia". During the trip, the relationship between the girls and the crew is very lively and in all scenarios where they perform, success always accompanies them.
Criminal Brigade
A young policemen witnesses a bank robbery which will become his first case. To catch the thieves he will infiltrate himself as one of the gang members. At first it works, but it won't be so easy afterwards.
La familia Vila
Mr. Vila is a family father who has worked a lot during his life to achieve a good life for his family. His oldest daughter, Elvira, causes him many problems because she acts as a rebel.
Mi hija Verónica