Ran Li


Across the Furious Sea
Director of Photography
A murder case reveals unknown secrets of the killer and the victim.
Hide and Seek
Director of Photography
A man lives in a lovely apartment with his wife and 2 children. He is obsessed with cleanliness, has strange dreams and struggles with a mystery in his past. He goes to a bad part of town hunting for a long lost brother, leaving his wife and children in their car. As he tries to get cooperation from neighbors, the wife finds her children are missing. A stranger wearing a dark motorcycle helmet appears, frightening her. As the story unfolds this stranger follows them becoming more and more threatening.
Director of Photography
На грани 90х годов 18-летняя Дже Вэй поступает в колледж, следуя за парнем своей мечты. Девушка начинает свою университетскую жизнь, тая в сердце надежду на любовь. Но реальность далека от вымыслов, и Дже Вэй осознает, что ее бросили. На этой почве она сближается со своими тремя соседками по комнате и, сплотившись в дружный коллектив, они шагают по студенческим годам рука об руку, желая оставаться вечно молодыми. Неожиданно Дже Вэй знакомиться с парнем, который при первой же встрече вызывает у нее бурю негодования. Позже, приняв свои истинные чувства, главная героиня пытается добиться от юноши взаимности. Десять лет спустя, после выпуска, жизни героев круто поменяются. Кому же из них суждено остаться вечно молодым? И что принесет в новую жизнь Дже Вэй ее бывший идеал Лин Джин?
Invisible Killer
Director of Photography
Zhang Yao, the leader of the Haidao vice squad, accidentally captured suspect Gao Fei, who used a fake ID. According to his confession, Gao Fei is a player of the online game "World of Warcraft" and he once met a beautiful young woman Ju Yue at a party. They began to date. One night, Cheng Tao, Lin Yan's husband, unexpectedly found the saucy chat record between Gao Fei and his wife. In a blaze of anger, he posted an anonymous letter online condemning them . His story drew more attention than expected. Net-friends started a "cyber manhunt" and the private information of Gao Fei and Ju Yue were posted online. They also issued a wanted circular for Gao Fei and Ju Yue. To protect his family and himself, Gao Fei lost his job and hid on an island with a fake ID. After Gao Fei left the police station, Zhang Yao answered a call that a headless female body was found on the dock.