Marc Sorkin


Singing in the Dark
Leo, a holocaust survivor who suffers from total amnesia, comes to the U.S. and works as a hotel desk clerk. One night while a comedian who owns a bar in the hotel gives him a drink, he breaks out in song and discovers a great voice. Under a psychiatrist's treatment, and because of a blow to the head by some hoodlums, he realizes his name is David and that he was the son of a great Jewish Cantor, and gradually recovers his memory of losing his parents. He gives up a promising career singing in nightclubs to return to the synagogue.
Pictura is a documentary film directed by seven famous directors, and narrated by several famous Hollywood actors. The film attempts to give the general filmgoing public a taste of art history and art appreciation.
Schubert's Serenade
Serenade represented the return to the screen of international favorite Lillian Harvey after an absence of two years. Based loosely on the life of composer Franz Schubert, the film casts Bernard Lancret as Schubert, Harvey as his dancer sweetheart, and Louis Jouvet as a possessive Baron who has his own designs on our heroine.
Pasha's Wives
Mireille, a Frenchwoman, marries a westernized Turkish diplomat and, thinking that she will live a dream life in an Arabian Nights setting, follows him back to his native country, only to discover that, in a staunchly traditional society, she will not be a free woman there any longer.
Street of Shadows
A slippery femme fatale, a spy for Germany during the Great War, is sent to Thessaloniki in Greece and becomes involved with a man on the other side, a French military officer.
Cette nuit-là
The Five Accursed Gentlemen
European tourists on holiday in Morocco are threatened by a native sorcerer who predicts five of them will die, one by one, before the full moon.
Антивоенное выступление, ратующее за дружбу и согласие между людьми на примере истории французского шахтера, спасенного его немецким коллегой после взрыва рудничного газа.
Morals at Midnight
Berlin, the center of pleasures and kingdom of small virtues. From all over Germany, young night owls come to burn themselves cheerfully in its lights, to drown in its champagne and fill its boxes and restaurants until dawn.
Scandal about Eva
An engaged woman discovers her fiancé has a four year old son. Pretending to take a cure she travels to the boy's foster-parents to make his acquaintance.
Westfront 1918
A group of German infantrymen of the First World War live out their lives in the trenches of France. They find brief entertainment and relief in a village behind the lines, but primarily terror fills their lives as the attacks on and from the French army ebb and flow. One of the men, Karl, goes home on leave only to discover the degradation forced on his family by wartime poverty. He returns to the lines in time to face an enormous attack by French tanks.
Белый ад Пиц-Палю
Assistant Director
Мария и её жених Ганс проводят медовый месяц в швейцарских Альпах и планируют подняться на вершину горы Пиц-Палю. Они находятся в альпинистском домике, у подножья горы. В это домик приходит и доктор Йоханес Крафт, которого прозвали «призраком горы» за то, что он долго скитается по этим горам. Скитания доктора связаны с тем, что его жена погибла в этих горах около 2-х лет назад во время их медового месяца. Тело её так и не было найдено, и Крафт собирается пройти тот же маршрут вновь. Мария и Ганс присоединяются к нему.
Дневник падшей
Assistant Director
Тимьян – наивная, изнасилованная помощником отца девушка, которую родители запрятали в исправительную школу. После многих испытаний она счастливо выходит замуж, но клеймо падшей и воспоминания не дают ей жить спокойно.
The Devious Path
Neglected by her husband, an ambitious lawyer, Irene seeks variety in Berlin's nightlife-- An evening of dancing, dolls, cocaine and immoral passion. Irene takes the "devious path" as she seeks to make her husband jealous.
The Love of Jeanne Ney
In the Crimea, the Reds and the Whites aren't done fighting, and Jeanne discovers that the man she loves is a Bolshevik (when he kills her father). Penniless, she returns to Paris where she works for her uncle. Soon after, her lover Andreas is in France to organize the sailors in Toulon. So also is a thief, traitor, and libertine, Khalibiev, who wants to seduce Jeanne. His schemes, Jeanne and Andreas's naivete, and a lost diamond bring the lovers to the brink of tragedy.
The Love of Jeanne Ney
Assistant Director
In the Crimea, the Reds and the Whites aren't done fighting, and Jeanne discovers that the man she loves is a Bolshevik (when he kills her father). Penniless, she returns to Paris where she works for her uncle. Soon after, her lover Andreas is in France to organize the sailors in Toulon. So also is a thief, traitor, and libertine, Khalibiev, who wants to seduce Jeanne. His schemes, Jeanne and Andreas's naivete, and a lost diamond bring the lovers to the brink of tragedy.
Secrets of a Soul
Assistant Director
Werner Krauss, who had played the deranged Dr. Caligari six years earlier, stars as a scientist who is tormented by an irrational fear of knives and the irresistible compulsion to murder his wife. Driven to the brink of madness by fantastic nightmares (designed by Ernö Metzner and photographed by Guido Seeber in a brilliant mix of expressionism and surrealism), he encounters a psychoanalyst who offers to treat the perplexing malady.