William Russell

William Russell

Рождение : 1924-11-19, Sunderland, County Durham, England, UK


William Russell Enoch (born 19 November 1924) is an English actor. He achieved prominence in 1956 when he took the title role in the ITV television series The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956–1957). In 1963, he became part of the original lead cast of BBC1's Doctor Who, playing the role of schoolteacher Ian Chesterton opposite William Hartnell from the show's first episode until 1965. Russell's film roles include parts in The Man Who Never Was (1956), The Great Escape (1963) and Superman (1978). On television, he notably appeared as Ted Sullivan in Coronation Street in 1992. In recent years, Russell has maintained his association with Doctor Who; he returned to the show in 2022, making a cameo appearance as Ian in "The Power of the Doctor", 57 years after the character's last television appearance. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


William Russell
William Russell
William Russell
William Russell


Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
The very first crew of the TARDIS land in a petrified forest on an alien planet. Determined to explore, the Doctor leads his companions into the metal city, where they discover danger at every corner and what will become his deadliest enemy... the mutant Daleks. It's time to encounter the Daleks once again, but this time in a way you've never seen them before. Originally transmitted in December 1963 to February 1964, the seven original episodes of the first Dalek story have received a cosmic makeover, dazzlingly colourised and woven together into a 75-minute blockbuster with brand-new sound and a brand-new score created by Mark Ayres. The Daleks has been gloriously updated, whilst ensuring the original story remains as thrilling as it was in 1963.
Недалекое будущее. Адвокат подает в суд на правительство Бразилии с требованием возмещения ущерба всем потомкам африканских рабов в стране. Авторитарное правительство в ответ подписывает указ о депортации всех чернокожих граждан страны в Африку. На людейа начинается настоящая охота - их ловят и насильно вывозят на другой континент. Пока армия и полиция следят за соблюдением закона, адвокат поручает дяде найти его жену, а сам присоединяется к подпольному движению сопротивления.
The Doctors: The William Hartnell Years
This is the definitive set of interviews with the team of actors who brought the William Hartnell era of Doctor Who to life! Together with a special tribute to William Hartnell (the Second Doctor), containing messages from a host of stars and production staff from Doctor Who, this also features the best in-depth interviews ever undertaken with, Carole Ann Ford (Susan), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara), William Russell (Ian), Peter Purves (Steven) and Jackie Lane (Dodo)!
Приключение в пространстве и времени
Фильм расскажет о ранней истории создания сериала «Доктор Кто». История о становлении Доктора в зависимости от таланта актера Уильяма Хартнела и о невероятных стечениях обстоятельств, которые преследуют сериал.
Don't Lose Your Head
Don't Lose Your Head was a DVD documentary concerning Doctor Who that was released on 28 January 2013.
Vision On
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
Vision On was a documentary of Clive Doig discussing the role of the vision mixer in making early Doctor Who episodes, including footage and discussion of studio mishaps that occurred on screen.
The Sets of Marinus
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
The Sets of Marinus is a BBC documentary looking at set design for the Doctor Who story The Keys of Marinus. It was released on the DVD of the serial.
Creation of the Daleks
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
Featured on the "Doctor Who: The Beginning" box set and tells the story of the Creation of the Daleks.
Masters of Sound
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
Documentary on the sound effects of Doctor Who in the 1960s.
Inside the Spaceship: The Story of the TARDIS
Self / Ian Chesterton
A feature on Doctor Who: The Beginning box set which tells the stories of the Doctor's time machine - the TARDIS.
Over the Edge: The Story of
Self / Ian Chesterton
Documents the making of the Doctor Who Serial, "The Edge of Destruction". It was released on the DVD of the serial and hence in The Beginning box set.
Doctor Who: Origins
A 55-minute documentary, detailing the creation of Doctor Who, including a rare interview with creator Sydney Newman, and new interviews with producer Verity Lambert, directors Waris Hussein and Richard Martin, actors William Russell and Carole Ann Ford, title sequence designer Bernard Lodge, and TARDIS sound effect creator Brian Hodgson
Remembering 'The Aztecs'
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
The guest actors of the 1964 "Doctor Who" (1963) story, "The Aztecs", reminisce about their time on the programme and making the series.
Myth Makers 43: William Hartnell
As the very first Doctor, William Hartnell created the character that made Doctor Who a success. No other actor made such a lasting contribution to the programme or influenced it so greatly. In this special Myth Makers, Nicholas Briggs meets William’s friends, colleagues and family and explores the personality of this shy, complex and private man. With contributions from William Russell, Carole Ann Ford, Maureen O’Brien, Peter Purves, Verity Lambert, Michael Craze, Anneke Wills, Donald Tosh, Christopher Barry and a revealing interview with Jack Pitt, who was an extra in Doctor Who and shared William’s flat in London. Also featured is Jessica Carney, who has written a biography of the grandfather’s life titled Who’s There? This is not just a Myth Makers tribute… it’s almost a chance to meet the man himself.
Henry V at Shakespeare's Globe
King Charles VI of France / Bishop of Ely / Sir Thomas Erpingham
A documentary about Shakespeare's Globe opening performance of "Henry V" in 1997. The documentary combines the performance of Act IV with rehearsal shots and opening gala footage.
The Affair
Dr. Hastings
A black soldier in World War II England begins an affair with a white woman whose husband is a soldier currently overseas in battle and in doubts of her relationship with him as she discovered he had been having an affair with his secretary.
The Kill-Off
In a seedy New Jersey nightclub, gossip turns to murder when the owner Pete hires exotic dancer Danny Lee, who starts up an affair with barfly Ralph, much to the chagrin of his bedridden wife, Luane.
Прямой репортаж о смерти
Dr. Mason
В недалеком будущем происходит действие этого известного фильма. Некий телебосс решает показать зрителям сенсационный репортаж о последних часах жизни человека. Выбор падает на писательницу Катрин. А репортеру Родди, взявшемуся за это грязное дело, в мозг вмонтировали минипередатчик, а глаза служат объективами. Но Родди увлекается жертвой и, чтобы спасти ее, ослепляет себя…
Instant Enlightenment Including VAT
BBC Play for Today. Maximillian Schreiber runs a series of gruelling motivational courses - all coming at a cost to the participants - including VAT.
8th Elder (uncredited)
Цивилизация планеты Криптон стоит на грани гибели. Ученый Джор-Эл, чтобы спасти своему ребенку жизнь, отправляет его на Землю. Маленький мальчик вырастает и открывает в себе неземные возможности. Он — Супермен! Огромная сила и способность летать помогают ему в борьбе с любыми проявлениями зла. И когда коварный злодей Лекс Лютор строит зловещие планы, угрожающие всему человечеству, только Супермен может помешать ему…
Lord Garrick
Сожжённая на костре ведьма перед смертью клянётся жестоко отомстить потомкам своих мучителей.
Трое в лодке, не считая собаки
Конец 19 века. Трое молодых лондонцев с собакой отправляются в путешествие на лодке по Темзе из Кингстона в Оксфорд с целью набраться новых впечатлений и поправить здоровье. Вперемешку с собственными приключениями, по пути они вспоминают и истории, которые произошли с ними и их друзьями раньше.
Doctor Who: The Chase
Ian Chesterton
The Doctor and his companions are pursued through time and space by the Daleks on the desert planet Aridius and beyond.
Doctor Who: The Space Museum
Ian Chesterton
On the planet Xeros, the TARDIS crew discover their own future selves frozen in time as exhibits in a galactic museum and must avert this potential future.
Doctor Who: The Crusade
Ian Chesterton
In 12th century Palestine, the Doctor and his friends are drawn into the holy war between the forces of King Richard the Lionheart and the Saracen ruler Saladin.
Doctor Who: The Web Planet
Ian Chesterton
On the planet Vortis, the Doctor and his companions aid the butterfly-like Menoptra in their battle against the parasitic Animus and its mind-controlled minions, the ant-like Zarbi.
Doctor Who: The Romans
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS crew take up residence near Rome in 64AD, where Ian and Barbara are kidnapped by slave traders, and the Doctor's imitation of Maximus Pettulian sees him taken to the court of Emperor Nero where he inadvertently plays a part in deciding the course of history...
Doctor Who: The Rescue
Ian Chesterton
On the planet Dido, the Doctor, Ian and Barbara meet two survivors from a crashed spaceship who are terrorised by the monster Koquillion.
Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS arrives in a desolate future London, where the Doctor discovers his old enemies the Daleks have taken control of Earth.
Doctor Who: Planet of Giants
Ian Chesterton
When the TARDIS malfunctions, it and its travellers land on Earth at the size of insects. They uncover a murderous plot involving a new insecticide, but how can they stop the crime in their miniaturised condition?
Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS materialises not far from Paris in 1794 — one of the bloodiest years following the French Revolution of 1789. The travellers become involved with an escape chain rescuing prisoners from the guillotine and get caught up in the machinations of an English undercover spy, James Stirling — alias Lemaitre, governor of the Conciergerie prison.
Doctor Who: The Sensorites
Ian Chesterton
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan arrive in the TARDIS on board a spaceship. Their initial concern is for the ship's human crew, who are suffering from telepathic interference from the Sensorites, but Susan communicates with the Sensorites and finds the aliens fear an attack by the humans and are just defending themselves. Travelling to the Sense Sphere (the Sensorites' planet) the Doctor seeks to cure an illness to which the Sensorites and Ian have succumbed, but finds it has been caused by deliberate poisoning. The political manoeuvring of the Sensorite City Administrator poses another threat to the TARDIS crew as he seeks to discredit and implicate them.
Doctor Who: The Aztecs
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS materialises inside an Aztec tomb. Outside it, the Doctor and his companions soon discover that Mexico in the 15th century is a bloodthirsty and dangerous place... And with Barbara mistaken for a reincarnation of an ancient high priest called Yetaxa, the history teacher thinks that she can put an end to the barbaric human sacrifices once and for all. But can she rewrite history without disastrous consequences?
Doctor Who: The Keys of Marinus
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Marinus on an island of glass surrounded by a sea of acid. The travellers are forced by the elderly Arbitan to retrieve four of the five operating keys to a machine called the Conscience of Marinus, of which he is the keeper. These have been hidden in different locations around the planet to prevent them falling into the hands of the evil Yartek and his Voord warriors, who plan to seize the machine and use its originally benevolent mind-influencing power for their own sinister purposes.
Doctor Who: Marco Polo
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS crew lands in the Himalayas of Cathay in 1289, their ship badly damaged, and are picked up by Marco Polo's caravan on its way along the fabled Silk Road to see the Emperor Kublai Khan. The story concerns the Doctor and his companions' attempts to thwart the machinations of Tegana, who attempts to sabotage the caravan along its travels through the Pamir Plateau and across the treacherous Gobi Desert, and ultimately to assassinate Kublai Khan in Peking, at the height of his imperial power.
Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction
Ian Chesterton
In this completely TARDIS-based story, the crew find themselves and their ship acting very strangely indeed. Blame runs high for the Ship's unusual behavior, until the Doctor realizes the TARDIS itself may be trying to warn them...
Doctor Who: The Daleks
Ian Chesterton
The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Susan, Barbara, and Ian to the planet Skaro where they meet two indigenous races — the Daleks, malicious mutant creatures encased in armoured travel machines, and the Thals, beautiful humanoids with pacifist principles. They convince the Thals of the need to fight for their own survival.
Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child
Ian Chesterton
Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, two humble teachers during 1963, discover a genius student's grandfather, simply known as "the Doctor", and his police box time machine. Deciding that the pair knows too much about his otherworldly origins, they are whisked away on a journey through time and space.
Большой побег
Американские, британские и канадские военнопленные осуществляют массовый побег из немецкого лагеря во время Второй мировой войны.
Return to Sender
A fraudster is arrested for stealing a large sum of money from his partners. When he learns that a particularly brilliant barrister will lead the prosecution against him he sets out to undermine the credibility of the barrister.
The Share Out
A gang of high class corporate thieves use blackmail to induce their victims to sell property at knock-down prices.
Adventure Story
The story of Alexander the Great.
The Big Chance
Bill Anderson
A clerk sees his big chance to escape a humdrum existence, but his resolve is tested as many unexpected obstacles arise.
The Adventures of Hal 5
A very old Austin 7 car is found by two children and bought by their uncle, the Vicar, but the garage proprietor conceals its faulty transmission, which leads to some surprising developments.
Человек, которого никогда не было
Это подлинная история об одной из операций Британской разведки. 1943. Союзники готовят вторжение в Сицилию и пытаются создать дезинформацию, что целью вторжения является Греция. Решение просто, но изобретательно: тело человека, умершего естественной смертью, оставляют на побережье Испании, переодев в форму летчика британских ВВС, с необходимым пакетом «секретных» документов о высадке Союзников в Греции. Поверит ли в это немецкое командование?
Волны над нами
Фильм рассказывает о реальных событиях октября 1942-го и сентября 1943-го годов, когда англичане совершили попытки вывести из строя немейкий линкор "Тирпиц" - операциях "Title" и "Source". Изменены лишь имена участников событий и некоторые детали операций- возможно из соображений секретности. "Тирпиц" укрывался в норвежских фьордах, и одним своим присутствием в северных водах угрожал. Атлантическим конвоям и сковывал значительные силы Британского флота. Для устранения этой угрозы, британским подводникам пришлось преодолеть множество трудностей - неспокойное Северное море, немецкий флот, береговые батареи. Участник операции "Source" - Дональд Кэмерон - был военным советником при съемках фильма. За эту операцию он был награжден крестом Виктории.
Мистер Питкин: К лучшему
Alec Bigley
Норман работает в сиротском приюте. Жизнь течет своим чередом до тех пор, попа председатель правления приюта не вознамерился закрыть учреждение, снести здание и на его месте построить фабрику. А что будет c детьми? Норман начинает действовать…
The Gay Dog
Leslie Gowland
Jim Gay loves his racing greyhound but, out of town, he finds a dog with a better chance to win. His friends bet on his dog while he bets against.
They Who Dare
Lieutenant Poole
In Greece during the war a small group of British commandoes and patriots land on an island with orders to attack two airfields from which the Luftwaffe is threatening allied forces in Egypt. The island is crawling with troops, and even moving by night the men soon run into trouble.
The Saint's Return
Keith Merton
A private detective goes after the people who murdered his girlfriend.
Malta Story
Officer at Prison
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
Intimate Relations
Yvonne is seething when her devoted son, Michael, declares his intention to marry Madeleine, despite the latter's admitting to having an affair with a mysterious older man. At the same time, George, Michael's father, confides in Yvonne's sister, Leo, that he is in fact Madeleine's other lover. Together, they hatch a plot to end Madeleine's hopes of marriage - by threatening to reveal George's scandalous secret to his son.
Gift Horse
Compton Bennett's war drama The Gift Horse follows the fortunes of ageing destroyer The Ballantrae and her crew from the time they come together in 1940 until the climactic raid on occupied St Nazaire in 1942. Trevor Howard plays Lt Cmdr Hugh Alginon Fraser, the newly appointed captain, back in service after having left the navy following a court martial.