Francois le Verdun
Француз Жюльен и молодая привлекательная немка еврейского происхождения Анна бегут от наступающей гитлеровской армии. Они оказываются в одном поезде, и с первого взгляда между ними возникает глубокое чувство. Но по прибытии к месту назначения они вынуждены расстаться, ведь у Жюльен есть семья. Через несколько лет судьба вновь сводит их вместе на допросе в гестапо…
Georges Arnaud
Летописец французского правосудия суховато зафиксировал научно-технический прогресс компромата. Против "левого" врача, борющегося на выборах в парижском пригороде с мэром-реакционером, чьи подручные запросто убивают расклейщиков плакатов конкурента, используется фотомонтаж, где его жена запечатлена во время "partouze", модного в 1970-х светского групповика. Сам доктор, обвиненный в убийстве, выходит из тюрьмы благодаря связям жены, но утрачивает любые иллюзии.
Il dottore
Ange leaves New York to fly to his native Corsica. His mother is dying and Ange, who was not present when his father died, wishes to be present at her death. In Corsica Ange finds his brother Baptiste who married Maria, the woman he loved. He finds out that his father was killed, but nobody wants to tell him the name of the killer. And finally he finds two killers expecting him.
Hugo Cordell
Барт Кордепл, слывущий в свете плейбоем и интеллигентом, после загадочной смерти отца становится владельцем крупной медиаимперии. Он начинает наводить порядок и одновременно ведет расследование, так как уверен, что его отец был убит. Но далеко не всем выгодно, чтобы добытые им сведения были преданы огласке.
Marchand, Inspector General of Police
Перед выходом на свободу известному преступнику Коре один из охранников даёт «наводку» на ограбление модного ювелирного магазина на Вандомской площади. Освободившись, Коре едет в Париж, и в пути спасает бежавшего из-под надзора бандита Фогеля, которого сопровождал к месту заключения комиссар Матей. Два преступника, два волка-одиночки становятся преданными друзьями. Они умеют многое, но далеко не все. Для осуществления замысла нужен снайпер. Так в «красном круге» оказывается и Йенсен — бывший полицейский. Кража драгоценностей на 2 миллиарда франков «старыми» — огромная удача. Но долго ли она будет сопутствовать героям, если по их следу идет хитрый комиссар Матей…
an official
Экранизация одноименного романа Эмиля Золя. Франция, 1863 год. Когда героя фильма Этьена Лантье увольняют из железнодорожной компании за его революционную деятельность, молодой человек устраивается на работу в одну из шахт на севере страны. Крышу над головой ему предоставляет один добрый местный человек, тоже шахтер, чья дочь выказывает явную симпатию Лантье. Работа в шахтах оказывается чрезвычайно тяжелой, опасной и низкооплачиваемой. Тогда герой картины «Жерминаль» решает организовать забастовку рабочих, которую власти безжалостно подавляют...
Le président de la Chambre des pairs
Оказавшись несправедливо заключенным в страшную тюрьму, откуда нет возврата, Эдмон Дантес в течение тринадцати лет вынужден терпеть лишения и лелеять мысли о мести своим обидчикам. С помощью человека, сидящего с ним в соседней камере, Эдмону удается совершить побег…
l'autre chevalier envoyé du Gurthengerg
Фильм состоит из четырёх новелл, рассказывающих о знаменитых любовных историях, но не претендующих при этом на историческую достоверность.
Le capitaine (uncredited)
In this romance, a jilted lawyer joins the French Foreign Legion to help him forget his faithless love. While in the desert he espies a village beauty who is the exact double of his true-love.
Le commissaire
Провинциальный булочник Бернар Перль, женатый на сварливой Жюльетт, едет в Париж для получения наследства. На Эйфелевой башне он встречает Мод, разыгрывающую самоубийство, влюбляется в неё и едет с ней в курортный город Дювиль, где проматывает все деньги. Мод исчезает с остатком наследства, а Перль симулирует амнезию, чтобы избежать объяснений с Жюльетт…
Inspecteur Joly
A Dakota plane is carrying a ton of gold bound for Brazzaville, but it is hijacked over the Camargue. On arrival, we find nails instead of gold!
Simone's friend is murdered and the young woman is implicated. A journalist, Bernard Landry, succeeds in proving her innocence before being himself unmasked by an investigator.
Judge (uncredited)
Орфей – это перенесение Жаном Кокто знаменитого мифа в современный мир. Орфей, известный поэт из Сен-Жермен-де-Пре, околдован загадочной принцессой, которая является не кем иным, как Смертью. Ради нее он бросает свою жену Эвридику. Но принцесса, осознавая невозможность их любви, возвращает Орфея Эвридике...
Le duc d'Anjou
Фильм повествует о жизни Бертрана Геклена, начиная с детства и до смерти в сражении, о его битвах против англичан и наварцев, за которые ему был пожалован славный титул коннетабля Франции.
Le chef
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Le marquis de Santa Cruz
1695 год. Окончив университет, Рюи Блаз едет в Мадрид искать работу. По дороге он знакомится с герцогом Альбой. Неожиданно на путешественников нападает шайка разбойников и захватывает герцога. Встретившись с предводителем разбойников, Альба крайне поражен удивительным сходством атамана Дзафари и студента Рюи Блаза, который умчался на коне герцога за выкупом. Дон Салюстин коварный министр испанской полиции, двоюродный брат Сезара де Базана, главаря банды скрывающегося под именем Дзафари, был также поражен сходством молодых людей и решил этим воспользоваться в своих корыстных целях. Он попал в немилость к королеве. И чтобы остаться у власти он закручивает хитроумную интригу против королевы, а удивительная похожесть Рюи Блаза и Сезара де Базана поможет ему в этом…
Le gouverneur
In a Central American state, the owner of a dance hall and his sponsor engage in drug trafficking. Are involved in various intrigues, a gypsy orchestra, its singer, the sister of the conductor, some policemen. Imprisonment and death are at the end of the adventures.
Maitre de Latour Martin had been reported missing during the war. Peace returned, he finds his two wives. Guilty of bigamy, he shelters the ladies in his home and a third woman arrives whom a dowry hunter had married thanks to the papers lost by the lawyer. Life at four is stormy and Maitre Latour regrets his life as a soldier.
The orphan Catherine Maguet, nicknamed "La grande Maguet", was taken in by a young and good chatelaine, Suzanne de Norvaisis. Edmond, the husband of the latter, during a trip abroad, falls madly in love with another and will go, to conquer this one, to poison his wife. Imprisoned then released, the lord will finally marry the one for whom he has become a criminal. But the great Maguet will avenge her beloved murdered benefactress...
Le directeur de la Sûreté
The invincible bandit faces his daughter, courageous and honest, who wants to end his criminal activities. With a young journalist, her fiancé, she discovers his hideout.
Portrait of a two-faced man. By day he is rich, brilliant and respectable financial officer Lussac; at night, he becomes "Mirror", a ruthless gang leader in Marseilles.
The colonel
In an aero-naval base, a marine engineer who was about to deliver the name of a redoubtable spy is murdered. Shortly afterwards three different men appear on the crime scene, each of them claiming to be Monsieur Sylvain, the expected sleuth. But which of the three investigators is actually Sylvain? And what about this delightful young lady who arouses one of the police inspectors? Couldn't she be the murderous spy?
comte de Beauvent
1799 год, время Великой Французской революции. Во французской провинции Бретань идёт ожесточённое вооружённое контрреволюционное восстание крестьян-шуанов, аристократов и священнослужителей — Вандейский мятеж. По приказу Жозефа Фуше из Парижа едет Мари-Натали де Верней — в прошлом аристократка, а в настоящее время падшая женщина, красивая шпионка на республиканской службе. Прибыв в Бретань, она должна опираться на помощь Корантена — опытного, амбициозного и беспринципного полицейского. У Мари задание соблазнить и захватить лидера шуанов — маркиза де Монторана, посланника короля, недавно прибывшего в Бретань из Англии...
Le président du tribunal
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
Maître Doillot
The adventurer Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, descendant (by the left hand) of the king of France Henri II, and who claims to be "Countess de la Motte", imagines a tortuous plan to steal a magnificent diamond necklace that the queen Marie-Antoinette refused to buy from the jewelers Boehmer and Bassange.
During the 1940 exodus, a young girl takes in a baby to whom she becomes deeply attached.
An Alsatian, head of a section of the Gestapo, is actually spying on behalf of the French and dismantling a Nazi network. His activities are brought to light by the Germans and he owes his life only to the intervention of a young woman.
Paris, 1865. In a music-hall Manon accidentally kills her partner who was trying take sexual advantage of her. She is condemned to twenty years of hard labor first and then to be deported to marry a released convict. On the ship where she sails with her female fellow-sufferers she gets to know a young doctor and helps to suppress a revolt. Once arrived at her destination, Manon hesitates between her official fiancé and the doctor whose household she does not want to break...
Inspector Pillot
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
Le commissaire Lucas
Господин Мышь, доброжелательный старый клошар, бывший преподаватель сольфеджио, разорённый женщиной, побирается у входа в кабаре. Он находит труп в машине. Пока он соображает, кому бы сообщить о находке, машина уезжает. Мышь подбирает бумажник, содержание которого - крупную сумму денег - сдаёт в полицию, надеясь получить деньги обратно через год и один день. Дальше его ждут необыкновенные приключения...
Maximilen de Robespierre
Deals with the ordeals of a crude washerwoman in the chic court of Napoleon the First. Based on the play of the same name.
le général
Three students from Saint-Cyr are sent to Syria to fight the rebels in the desert.
The duel between a Czarist general and a lieutenant, over the general's wife, is postponed with war approaching. Years later, the rivals meet again but the general realizes his wife has been faithful to him after all.
Le prince de Bulow
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.
The prosecuter
Based on true facts, a news item which was widely talked about in the nineteenth century, this is the story of a wife who might have poisoned her husband .
Le commissaire
A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.
A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.
A friend of Chimay
After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war. He thinks he has succeeded, but the government subverts his discovery, and Europe slides with seeming inevitability toward World War II. In desperation, Diaz summons the ghosts of the war dead from the graves and fields of France to give silent, accusing protest.
A florist in a nightclub in Montmartre, a good, naive man is manipulated by a gang of gangsters who use him to smuggle drugs.
Le président
A wealthy industrialist, Roger de Vetheuil, married, feels assured of aging in peace. Then appears a blackmailer who accuses him of being a usurper, actually called Jean Pelletier, a mobster well known to police. Vetheuil, judging himself slandered, refuses to listen to his tormentor and goes to the police. The man speaks. The scandal is public soon ...
During the students ' rebellion against Nicholas the Second in Russia, Viana tries to kill the governor but it's her lover who is arrested and sent to a sinister fortress : hence the title. To help the prisoner,Vania marries the officer who commands the place. There the convicts have really a bad time, but Vania manages to communicate with her dear captive. But beware of informers.
Two bank employees like Lucie, their colleague. They steal money from the cash register to gamble. Jean wins and Paul ends up in prison for five years. When he leaves, he discovers that Jean has become a businessman and that he has married Lucie.
For some time, the police have been on the trail of a mysterious burglar who has evaded capture whilst executing one daring robbery after another. No one has any clue as to the identity of this elusive criminal and he has come to be known as Monsieur Personne.
Le commissaire
For some time, the police have been on the trail of a mysterious burglar who has evaded capture whilst executing one daring robbery after another. No one has any clue as to the identity of this elusive criminal and he has come to be known as Monsieur Personne.
King John IV of Cerdania, who knows monarchs are a vanishing race but who plays his royalty role in state council or boudoir to the hilt, is in Paris to sign a treaty, and becomes enmeshed in intrigue with an actress, Therese Mannix and involved in a bit of cuckoldry with YouYou Bourdier, the ex-seamstress wife of a French senator, who is un-awed by money, power or the King's kisses. For his part, her husband, Senator Bourdier, is glad to use his wealth, wife and collectivist ideals for social position, in spite of his democratic posing.
Le colonel
Fernand Espitalion is miserable as totally whipped husband of a dragon 'passed on' -like cloths- by his late cousin. She often leaves him waiting outside like a dog when she does business. While she sees a notary about an inheritance, he's seduced to a bar by a shady man. The rogue gets Fernand drunk, knocks him out and switches costumes and papers. He's now Robert Durand, a voluntary Foreign legion recruit. After failed attempts to explain, he tastes military life and finds it less disciplined and more enjoyable then, marriage. But will that last when his wife tracks him and his unit is sent to action in tribal Algeria?
During the French Revolution in 1793, a member of the Convention, seduced by the Comtesse de Beaulieu, helps her to discover the truth about the relationship between Agnès de Fitz-James and the count who was guillotined.
Prince Zamnitzky
In war against the Poles, the leader Cossack sees itself betrayed by one of his threads, been in love the girl of an enemy.
Dedicated to men, natives and French, which under the leadership of General Lyautey, made modern Morocco. After a historical prologue where we see Clemenceau yield to the entreaties of Lyautey, we are witnessing the arrival of settlers on Moroccan soil with the rapid rise of one of them: the ambitious Bourron. Similarly it has conquered the land from scratch, Bourron could conquer a woman, Christiane, who followed him not without confessing his love for another man. It is this love that Bourron will use later to acquire a forest of olive trees, which he believed to be the symbol of its success. Christiane accept but never forgive her husband...
The gratuitous murder of his father and the misery of the people, aggravated by a succession of bad harvests, lead Gaspard, a great admirer of Mandrin and blacksmith by profession, to revolt. With his companion Samplan, he finds himself at the head of a handful of soldiers dissatisfied with their fate and a band of brigands. They steal money from the rich to give it to the poor, like highwaymen, vindicators with a big heart. In their eyes, things cannot go on like this, in this country which seems given over to the decadence of the nobility and the whims of an indolent king. Gaspard and his troupe are responsible for making it known.
Brothers Moïse and Salomon run a modest bazaar near the Butte Montmartre, under the sign of "everything for nothing". There are office items, perfumes and leather goods. Their niece, the beautiful Lia, twenty years old, a graduate in synthetic chemistry, lives under their roof. She is less close to her pennies than the old grigous, and willingly visits the store "Aux femmes françaises", administered by the very Christian Valois family, where she hopes to place products. of its creation; perfumes, make-up and ointments of all kinds.
Le soldat du 54e
During the First World War, before joining a squadron at the front in 1918, Herbillon (Jean-Pierre Aumont) has a liaison with Helene (Annabella), a married woman. The young man discovers that his mistress is none other than the wife of Maury (Charles Vanel), an aviator friend.
The crazy adventures of a character forced by circumstances to take on such dangerous professions as those of gangster, burglar, Chinese chiropodist and amateur detective.
Le sous-directeur de la Sûreté
A respected gangster, Justin, finds himself in a deadly feud with his rival, the unscrupulous Esposito. The latter plans to steal a cargo of opium bound for China and to have Justin killed.
During the First World War, the Russian officer Captain Ivan Ignatoff falls in love with his nurse, Natasha Kovrin. But she is subject to an upcoming marriage of family convenience to Brioukow, a wealthy industrialist of peasant stock. Brioukow is unjustifiably jealous, since Natasha has not betrayed him. He forces Ignatoff into his debt as a means of humiliating him. When Ignatoff's new friend, Madame Sabline, offers to pay his debt, preventing his ruin, Ignatoff comes quickly to realize that Madame Sabline has an ulterior motive, one that could prove dangerous to more lives than just Ignatoff's.
The sentimental and comic adventures of three sailors, during a stopover of their ship in Toulon, are grafted onto a story of stolen documents, which allows the three friends to turn into amateur detectives.
Jacques de Nisson, a rich man, has a new mistress, Lucie Cavelier. Which does not prevent him from courting Florence, the wife of his lawyer friend Forestier. One day, Jacques is found murdered and chief-inspector Candély is sent on the spot to investigate. Jean, the victim's butler, Lucie as well as Florence are suspected in turns but the real murderer is finally identified thanks to his fingerprints.
Le ministre des finances
A bureaucrat, tax assessor, specialized in tax return and fraud, complains about his son-in-law's inactivity. He'd rather have thought twice before urging him to work...
Toboggan, the 1934 Henri Decoin French boxing sports romantic love triangle melodrama (about a washed up boxer who makes a comeback for a sexy dancer, but she is two-timing him, and she brings her boyfriend into the arena during the climactic boxing match) starring Georges Carpentier (real life heavyweight boxing champion), Arlette Marchal, Paul Amiot, John Anderson, and Raymond Cordy. Note that because Carpentier was a real life boxer, he naturally was able to do his own boxing scenes, and the producer of the movie interwove footage of Carpentier from his actual matches into the film.
Fedora swears to avenge the death of her fiancé, Prince Yarischkine, killed by Ipanoff who fled to Paris. She finds Ipanoff whom she falls in love with and he confesses to having killed her fiancé because Yarischkine was his wife's lover. But learning that her brother was executed because of Fedora, Ipanoff leaves her. Fedora commits suicide.
Попавший в тюрьму Санте по обвинению в финансовых махинациях, банкир Жюль Тафар самовольно покидает это заведение и под именем месье Гедеона находит место ночного сторожа в прозябающем магазинчике женского белья «Корсеты Сильфиды». Однако талант под спудом не утаишь: деловая хватка и умение располагать к себе людей помогли ночному сторожу быстро дослужиться до коммерческого директора и заручиться безграничным доверием семейства Жениссье – владельцев магазина. Но пока последние радуются росту обороту и расширению производства, месье Гедеон строит собственную экономическую империю, начавшуюся со скупки подержанных вещей и вышедшую, в конце концов, на международный рынок торговли оружием.
Le docteur
A man who suffers from the delirium of persecution and to the point of trying to strangle his wife is interned. His brother, needing his signature for his own business, gets him out of the asylum with the complicity of a false magistrate and against the advice of the doctor.
Mr. Zambault
A woman steals to have enough money to please her husband. Her nephew, madly in love with her, reports this to a detective who catches her red handed.
A traumatic nightmare for a glove salesman who falls asleep on his counter at night and the wax models begin to come to life...
Hendrick Van Hoolst
A young man, Charles, operator in a neighborhood cinema, is suspected of involvement in the theft of jewelry. His fiancée, Lucette, but it would save would necessitate denounce his brother Olivier who is the leader of the band of thieves. Lucette will see the victim, the jeweler Van Hoolst who agrees to withdraw its complaint against restitution jewelry. Thieves do not meet the market but ultimately, the operator is cleared and becomes the owner of the cinema.
Also known as Lilac, this early Anatole Litvak-directed talkie was based on a play by Tristan Bernard and Charles Henry Hirsch. The story bears traces of the Bertold Brecht-Weill piece The Threepenny Opera, with heroine Lilac (Marcelle Romeo) consorting with the criminal scum of Paris. Lilac falls in love with a handsome detective (Andre Luguet), but he doesn't let his emotions stand in the way of his duty, and in the end he reluctantly turns her over to the authorities. At $120,000, Coeur de Lilas was one of the most expensive movies to come out of France in 1931, but it more than made back its cost at the box-office.
A visitor from the western front tells young children, in a sober commentary, about the battle of Verdun.
A dramatized re-enactment and documentary of the Battle of Verdun as seen by both French and German soldiers, shot on site of the actual battle.
Le marquis de Thorigné
This 8 chapter serial drama tells the story of a resistance movement led by Jean "Chouan" Cottereau against the Republicans in Western France starting in 1793.
Widow Simone d'Argentières lives in Neuilly with her son Jean and her friend Hélène Castillon, whose brother Georges wants to marry Simone. Both the chauffeur Pistol and the servant Malar are in love with the maid Prunette. Georges makes a deal with businessman Paramine in the hope of ending his financial troubles while Albert D'Amentières proposes to his sister-in-law Simone who declines arguing that she does not wish to give Jean a step-father. Hélène overhears this and repeats it to Georges who says in front of the servants: "What a shame she has a son'. Little Jean leaves for a vacation with old father Pailloux at the country. Gypsies settle near by and their leader Luigi meets Paramine who is here under the assumed name of Simon and gives him money. The next day, little Jean disappears.
The story takes place in the Parisian "High Society" of the time. Two long-time friends become enemies because of a beautiful girl.
Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.