Gabriel Rongier

Рождение : 1921-04-30, Marseille, Bouches du Rhône, France

Смерть : 1991-08-13


Ciao, You Guys
Flesh Fever
Money can't buy you everything, but it sure goes a long way for all the fun that one of the richest men in France is having. Wine, women, and more women make up his modern day harem. He traipses around Paris, tasting the joys of scintillating new flesh. That is, after his trusty butler breaks them in with a suitcase filled with tools. An endless parade of flesh sets this Casanova on a mad search through the bedrooms of Paris for a cure for Flesh Fever!
Passionate Pleasures
Pierre has sexual fantasies about his next door neighbor Marianne leading his wife to get him an appointment with a sex therapist. Jean-Louis Vattier dreams about his lovely downstairs neighbor, Brigitte Lahaie, although his dreams occasionally turn into nightmares involving his hard hat co-worker Dominique Aveline. One particularly strange and violent sequence is not made any more watchable by some slow motion fighting accompanied by the usual ‘arousing’ sax music instead of more threatening music, but this entire film is one big incomprehensible trip anyway, so the viewer had better prepare for more far out scenes. Pierre awakes to find his beautiful blond wife (although she’s no Brigitte) played by Ursula White. Obviously their marriage is in trouble, with him living in a fantasy world of his own making while she, Janine, has taken a lover of the same sex (Liliane Lemieuvre as Rosette). Pierre spots Brigitte in a book store and begins to fantasize once more.
La Dernière Bourrée à Paris
The Crazy Capo Affair
Production Design
French gangster movie
The Crazy Capo Affair
French gangster movie
A Police Officer Without Importance
Camille, Dov and Joëlle live on the edge of society and are involved in petty theft helping them to buy their drug doses and to survive as best they can. One day, while attempting to rob a movie theater, they activate the alarm signal and it is Pierre, Camille's brother, who is doing a heist in the same building, who is arrested red-handed. The three young people decide to kidnap a police officer and exchange him for Pierre.
Les galets d'Etretat
Following a car breakdown, Miss Annie, director of a weight loss center, meets a certain Mr. Kelvo, a car champion. But instead of helping her, he rapes her. She decides to take revenge and follows him.
Love Me Strangely
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
Vertigo For A Killer
Jean-Pierre Desagnat's Vertige pour un tueur involves Marc (Marcel Bozzuffi) as a hood hunted down by his boss when he fails to execute a man who happens to be his friend. He is hidden by a woman (Sylva Koscina) whose husband has murdered his business associate and wants Marc to take the rap for the crime. Michel Constantin is the friend targeted for murder. Jean Luciani and Daniel Moosmann also appear in this suspenseful action feature.
Время волков
В течение двух лет уголовная полиция Парижа не может справиться с бандой гангстеров, успешно очищающих сейфы банков и ювелирных контор. О таинственных грабителях и их главаре, скрывающем свое подлинное имя под прозвищем Диллинджер – в честь американского гангстера 30-х годов, – неизвестно практически ничего, кроме одной детали. Псевдо-Диллинджер и его «оппонент» комиссар Крамер – давние школьные друзья. До поры до времени Крамер проигрывает в гонке, но настанет день, когда удача отвернется от Диллинджера – и он начнет терять то немногое, чем дорожил в жизни.
Пианист Жак Кристен, оставшись без работы, получает необычное предложение о трудоустройстве + одновременно выгодное и рискованное. Ему предложено стать двойником пропавшего без вести Поля де Баера, чтобы не ушло на сторону грядущее наследство от умирающего дяди. Слуга де Баера Франк рьяно натаскивает Кристена по всем деталям жизни хозяина - его вкусам и привычкам, особенностям почерка и манере обращения с полубезумной женой Жильбертой. Вот только дядюшкино ли наследство светит настоящему Полю де Баеру?
Sin with a Stranger
François, a journalist, is approached on the train home by pretty a blonde. She leaves at the same station as him and follows him until he ends up inviting her to his house.
Mission to Caracas
Special agent Becker is after a briefcase that rather cleverly disguises some secret documents.
Франция, лето 1944 года. Полковник фон Вальдхайм мечтает вывезти из Парижа в нацистскую Германию ценнейшую коллекцию произведений искусства. Но следует торопиться, пока союзнические войска не освободили город. Полковник настолько одержим этой идеей, что она становится важнее, чем война. Он убеждает начальство предоставить ему поезд. Железнодорожный инспектор Лабиша умоляет руководство музея остановить этот поезд. Но они не желают рисковать людьми ради произведений искусства. Фон Вальдхайм вынуждает Лабиша вести поезд. Об тайном поезде становится известно бойцам французского Сопротивления. Разработав хитроумный план, они придумывают, как оставить коллекцию во Франции. Лабиш соглашается помочь...
Jeff Gordon, Secret Agent
Jeff Gordon, FBI agent, infiltrates a gang and finds himself in the midst of a gang war.
In a small Gallic village, tourists are regaled by street entertainers and brash prostitutes. One of the tourists, a black girl named Bessie, falls in love with local villager Bob, and he with her. Soon racial tensions erupt volcanically among tourists and townsfolk alike. All is forgiven when the respective parents of the hero and heroine save the village's water supply.
Clara and the Villains
A rich kid, the daughter of an oil tycoon, lives a life of luxury. Bad guys kidnap the heiress.
La Polka des menottes
Elisabeth is persuaded to have killed her noisy upstairs neighbor, scientist Charles Magne. To save her, Mr. Matheu, Elisabeth's father, accuses himself while Pierrot, Elisabeth's fiancé gets rid of the body in order to save father and daughter. For his part, a gangster also believes he has killed the scientist but he gets shot down by a taxidermist, who runs for life. The girl, her daddy and her boyfriend also run away. But Magne is not dead. A bum is mistaken for him and a police inspector makes everyone believe that he is the one who shot the gangster. At the end of this crazy chain of events all the protagonists are reunited at the station house and everybody dances to express their relief.
Les pépées au service secret
Сногсшибательная девушка
Однажды, случайно угодив со своим велосипедом под грузовик и отделавшись легким испугом, небогатая парижская модистка Доминик Ложье поняла, что нашла золотую жилу. Совсем скоро предприимчивая девушка поставила несчастные случаи на поток, ведь водители нередко готовы откупиться от пострадавшего, лишь бы не доводить дело до полиции. А уж обаятельный угонщик, прямо у нее на глазах экспроприировавший чужую машину, тем более готов будет раскошелиться. Великолепный план Доминик портило только одно неизвестное ей обстоятельство: угонщик на самом деле был высокопоставленным служащим Интерпола, а владельца угнанной машины подозревали в контрабанде золота.
Queen Margot
Три туза
Скетч фильм с участием трех персонажей из романа: инспектор Венс, Лемми Осторожный и комиссар Мегрэ.
The Hunting Ground
In Cantagrel, Urbain Coindet, a farmer and town councilor in his forties, finds his wife hanging from a beam in the barn. Aurélie Coindet has committed suicide but not everybody is convinced. The village is soon divided in two conflicting sides, the Republicans who support Urbain and the clericals accusing him of murder, which particularly suits Frédéric, a tobacco smuggler who hates the farmer. Urbain's case becomes even worse as he develops a tender feeling for Jeanne, a sweet young lady who happens to be Frédéric's sister...
Endive-Meunier, a prosperous silk dealer from Lyon has an affair with his secretary he tries hard to keep secret. One day, he nevertheless accepts to accompany her to the seaside resort of Coeur-sur-Mer. Unfortunately for him, once there, he finds himself in the presence of Claudius Paquito, the popular barman of a fashionable club. The trouble is that the man is no other than one of his former employees he once fired for insolence...
Two Doves
A man remarried his wife's sister whom he believes died in a fire. The alleged deceased reappears and sows trouble and discord in the new household.
Two Doves
A man remarried his wife's sister whom he believes died in a fire. The alleged deceased reappears and sows trouble and discord in the new household.