Walter Rilla

Walter Rilla

Рождение : 1894-08-21, Neunkirchen, Germany

Смерть : 1980-11-21


Walter Rilla (22 August 1894 – 21 November 1980) was a German film actor of Jewish descent. He appeared in more than 130 films between 1922 and 1977. He was born in Neunkirchen, Germany and died in Rosenheim, Germany. He was the father of the director Wolf Rilla, who directed him in Cairo.


Walter Rilla


Waffen für Amerika
Based on the play by Lion Feuchtwanger.
Auf neutralem Boden
The Devil Came from Akasava
Lord Kingsley
A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!
Молодой моряк Янн прибывает в родной город и отправляется на поиски своей сестры Нэнси. Но в одном из баров он ввязывается в драку и падает без сознания. Он приходит в себя и видит рядом Нэнси. Они находятся в Малпертуисе, старинном особняке, принадлежащем их предку Квентину Кассаву. Янн напоминает сестре, что отец запрещал посещать этот дом, упоминая злую сущность Кассава. Янн пытается уговорить сестру покинуть поместье, но та говорит, что влюблена в одного из его обитателей…
Millionen nach Mass
Sir Charles
Das Vermächtnis
Pepe, der Paukerschreck
Ministerialdirektor Reichert
Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft secretly places his nephew as a spy with the difficult class of Pepe Nietnagel. During the celebration for the 100th anniversary, a simulated fire forces the school to shut down for a week. The director's attempt to get a tough teacher assigned by the department of education results in the exact opposite because of Nietnagel's intervention.
Andy and Sebastian want to make a lot of money in a quick and easy way. Inspired by the movies, they become private investigators. Their first case happens to be about a beautiful girl called Annabella. But being a private investigator is a more demanding job then Andy and Sebastian had initially thought. Their female acquaintances Annabella, Christa, and Micky also have their share in Andy′s and Sebastian′s problems. The two wannabe detectives become more and more entangled in things that prove to be too much for them.
Девушка из Рио
Ennio Rossini
Джефф Саттон похищает кругленькую сумму и бежит в Рио-де-Жанейро. Здесь на него «наезжает» местная мафия, прознавшая о содержимом дипломата Джеффа. А где-то за городом находится странная организация воинственных женщин «Фемина», которые хотят править миром. А для этого нужны деньги. По приказу своей предводительницы они похищают богатых мужчин, подвергают их всевозможным пыткам, заставляют отдать деньги, а затем убивают. И эта организация тоже прознала про содержимое дипломата Джеффа и теперь ему нужно спасаться не только от мафиози, но и от воинствующих красоток…
Madame Legros
Baron de Clairvaux
Die Reisegesellschaft
Graf de Bréville
Дни ярости
Murph Allan Short
Простодушный уборщик из маленького городка, знакомится с харизматическим бандитом, становится его учеником и помощником, великолепным стрелком. Но бандит вскорости свою нехорошую сущность делает явной, и его протеже вынужден вспомнить, что он добрый и положительный, а потому вступить с наставником в борьбу.
Der Tod des Sokrates
Der Heldenmantel
Alles zum Guten
Salvo Manfroni
Der Befehl
Jan de Goede
Soldier Martin
Général von Haffelrats
A troupe of French actors on tour in Normandy become involved in the events of WWII.
Once a Greek
State Preisent
An extravagant comedy with Heinz Rühmann.
Jerry Cotton: Tip Not Included
John M. Clark
Fourth Jerry Cotton movie. Here's another good entry into Nader's "G-man Jerry Cotton" series. A delivery truck from the U.S. Mint is hijacked.
Die venezianische Tür
Die venezianische Tür
4 Schlüssel
Eduard Rose
Лицо Фу Манчу
Prof. Hans Muller-Mertens
Страшные убийства, происходящие в Лондоне, привлекают внимание полицейского Найленда Смита. Судя по почерку преступлений, это дело рук загадочного Фу Манчу, которого казнили несколько лет назад. Все улики приводят полицейского к Темзе...
Abends Kammermusik
Bernhard Aldinghausen
Platons Gastmahl
Der Fall Klaus Fuchs
Professor Paiser
24 Stunden im Leben einer Frau
Dr. Emerich
Ein Abschiedsgeschenk
Columbus - Bericht und Bildnis
Frozen Alive
Sir Keith
A scientist experimenting with suspended animation decides to use himself as a test subject. Before he is frozen, his wife is killed, and he is suspected of her murder. a murder suspect.
The Racetrack Murders
Lord John Mant
The son of a British racehorse owner conspires with a bookie to ruin the odds of his father's thoroughbred winning an important event.
The Death Ray of Dr. Mabuse
Prof. Pohland
The evil Dr. Mabuse develops a death ray with which he threatens the world.
Code 7, Victim 5
The first victim is the butler of South African millionaire Wexler, who hires hard-hitting private eye Steve Martin for protection. Once at Wexler’s palatial Cape Town estate, Martin meets the patriarch’s family, close associates – and possible suspects. When it’s discovered that the key to the killing may lie in an old war photograph, Martin sets out on a mission to unravel the identities of the men in the picture before they become target two through VICTIM 5.
The River Line
Pierre, Maries Vater
France 1944: American pilot Philip Sturgess is shot down but found by a resistance group. In the neighborhood Sturgess meets another American and shortly thereafter the British Major Barton, called “Reiher”. He claims to have fled a German prison camp. Shortly before leaving for Spain to escape the Nazis, Sturgess discovers that Barton has written a letter to Germany. This confirms the suspicion that he could be a German spy…
Комната 13
Sir Marney
Шайка отъявленных головорезов собирается в комнате под номером 13 в одном захудалом отеле Сохо для подготовки разбойного нападения на поезд. В назначенный час они должны встретиться у особняка одного из членов Парламента, которого в последнее время стали шантажировать за его связь с преступными группировками. В это же время таинственный маньяк убивает женщину острой бритвой. Детективу Джону Грею поручено расследовать ужасные преступления.
Der Mann nebenan
Death Drums Along the River
Dr. Schneider
A British colonial policeman in Africa investigates a murder in a hospital up river.
The Twelve Jurors
Neunter Geschworener
German television adaptation of 12 Angry Men
Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard
Dr. Pohland / 'Dr. Mabuse'
The spirit of the evil Dr. Mabuse takes over the body of a famous professor. The professor/Dr. Mabuse then begins a new crime wave that terrorizes the city.
An assortment of international criminals plans to steal priceless Egyptian artifacts from a Cairo museum. MGM remake of Asphalt Jungle set in Egypt.
Das lange Weihnachtsmahl
The Terror of Doctor Mabuse
Professor Pohland
Dr. Mabuse has been locked away for years in an insane asylum. Suddenly crimes start occurring and no one knows the culprit. A detective goes to visit the Doctor to find some sort of clues to the robberies.
Чудесный мир братьев Гримм
Братья Вильгельм и Якоб Гримм выдумывают родословную для герцога на основе трех своих сказок.
Kümmert euch nicht um Sokrates
Unser Haus in Kamerun
Konsul Steensand
A young man living in Africa is send to Hamburg by his parents to learn about business. There, he falls in love with the mistress of a friend.
The Forger of London
John Leith
A ring of counterfeiters is flooding the country with phony money, and suspicion falls upon a wealthy playboy who may--or may not--have amnesia.
Siegfrieds Tod
Das Rendezvous von Senlis
The Secret Ways
Vienna, 1956. After Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, soldier-of-fortune Michael Reynolds is hired to help a threatened Hungarian scientist escape from Budapest.
Нескончаемая песня
Музыка Ференца Листа - яркая, запоминающаяся. Такова была и его жизнь: легкомысленная, авантюристическая, эпатажная, благоухающая славой выдающегося пианиста. Не зря одна из его женщин, графиня Мари Д'Агу сказала своей сопернице :"Лист не женится на Вас. Он женат на своей публике, и - навсегда!".
Der liebe Augustin
Baron von Gravenreuth
Professor Antol Marton
She Walks by Night
Alexander Woltikoff, Geschäftsmann
Based on an actual post-war murder in Frankfurt, this standard docudrama by Rudolf Jugert is a serious treatment of the story as compared to the earlier, satirical film The Girl Rosemarie. The history of the case of Rosemarie, a hooker, and how she came to be strangled in her apartment is not completely clear. One of the suspects in the case was first charged, later acquitted, but never really free of an aura of culpability. British actress Belinda Lee plays the title role with her voice dubbed over in German.
Серенада большой любви
Dr. Bessart
Тони Коста, известный оперный певец, срывает выступление в Венском театре, потому что… на улице, под дождем, поет для своих неимущих поклонников. Потом он совершает еще более экстравагантный поступок: со своей приятельницей графиней Глорией де Вандуц, презрев все контрактные обязательства, уезжает на Капри. Там он случайно встречает глухую девушку Кристу Брюкнер, влюбляется в нее, а затем находит врача, который берется излечить недуг возлюбленной…
...und nichts als die Wahrheit
Michael Fabian
Героиню фильма зовут Скамполо, что в переводе с итальянского означает «остаток». Такое странное имя, как объясняют зрителям авторы, было дано героине потому, что она является остатком некогда многочисленной семьи. Так вот, эта бедная девушка-сирота влюбляется в архитектора Роберто Косту, который готовит на конкурс гениальный проект. Видя, как остро Роберто нуждается в деньгах, Скамполо разбивает свою копилку, набитую медяками, и передает будущей знаменитости все свои сбережения. Но не только. Ей удается пробиться к самому министру и вырвать для любимого первую премию. Взволнованный Коста просит девушку выйти за него замуж.
Examen des Lebens
Arthur Lamb
Confessions of Felix Krull
Lord Kilmarnock
Thomas Mann's witty and intimate story of a irresistible scoundrel.
The Gamma People
An American reporter smells a story when he is stranded in an Iron Curtain country where the local dictator is using gamma rays to transform children into mutated henchmen.
Track the Man Down
Austin Melford
A newspaper reporter finds himself drawn into the aftermath of a racetrack robbery.
The Green Buddha
Frank Olsen
Yankee charter pilot Morris inadvertently finds himself in the midst of thieves who have purloined a costly antique jade figure from an exhibit. He tracks the thieves to Battersea, where he rescues the fair Germaine from their unsavory clutches, and the Buddha boosters gain only jaded justice.
Star of India
Von Horst
Squire Pierre St. Laurent returns from wars in India to 17th-century provincial France to find his estate confiscated by governor Narbonne, for back taxes, and resold to Katrina, a Dutch Countess. Katrina offers to return Pierre's property if he will help her get possession of the 'Star of India,' a fabulous sapphire, held at the moment by Narbonne.
Venetian Bird
Count Boria
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Behold the Man!
Behold the Man is the film of the Westminster Passion play produced each Easter by Catholic youth organizations with an amateur and anonymous cast. For the first time in Great Britain the censor has permitted the portrayal of Jesus on the screen, to be seen but not heard, the entire film being mimed to narrative.
За всё с тобой рассчитаюсь!
Американский игрок Ник Кейн приехал в средиземноморский город Сан-Паола и подружился с сиротским мальчиком из итальянского ботинка по имени Тони. Он озадачен приемом и приветствием, который он получает от управления казино до тех пор, пока он не обнаружит, что его подставили на обвинение в убийстве агента казначейства США. Он сбежал с Кей чудо, и бежал в пустынную деревню, где он оставляет Кея, чтобы спрятаться. Ник получает помощь от таинственного персонажа по имени Массине, которого он подозревает в попытке собрать награду, предложенную на его поимке. Ник обнаруживает, что люди, ответственные за смерть агента, являются членами международного кольца для подделки, используя казино для передачи фальшивых денег.
Национальная тайна
General Niva
Посетив Англию, американский хирург доктор Джон Марлоу приглашается в среднеевропейскую страну Воснию. Он соглашается. Во время операции он осознаёт, что его пациент — сам генерал Нива, диктатор страны, который должен быть переизбран на свой пост через несколько дней. Известие о его болезни скрывали от народа. Когда последний умирает, его заменяет двойник, но затем Марлоу становится объектом жестокого преследования со стороны тайной полиции Воснии, поскольку жизненно важно, чтобы о смерти диктатора не стало известно. Спасаясь бегством, он ищет помощи у актрисы Лизы Робинсон, и их обоих преследуют в сельской местности.
Shadow of the Eagle
Prince Radziwill
During the eighteenth century the Empress of Russia sends her lover to kidnap her rival for the throne.
Моя дочурка
A financier plots to become the richest man in the world by marrying off his daughter to the son of an Arab sheik.
Golden Salamander
An archaeologist stumbles into the territory of an evil crime syndicate and struggles to set things right.
Lisbon Story
Karl von Schriner
A musical cabaret singer meets a British agent and goes with him to Nazi occupied France to save an atomic scientist.
Mr. Emmanuel
An elderly Jewish man from Manchester, travels to Nazi Germany to seek the mother of a young German refugee that has attempted suicide. In Germany, Mr. Emmanuel’s efforts to seek out Hertha Rosenhein are greeted by a wall of silence from the scared Jewish community and anti-Semitic hatred from many Germans.
Candlelight in Algeria
Dr. Muller
Candlelight in Algeria is a 1944 British war film directed by George King and starring James Mason, Carla Lehmann and Raymond Lovell. This drama follows the exploits of Eisenhower's top aide, Mark Clark, and other important Allies as they journey to an important meeting held on Algeria's coast. The precise location of this vital secret gathering is upon a piece of film which must not fall into enemy hands
The Adventures of Tartu
Inspector Otto Vogel
British Captain Terence Stevenson (Robert Donat) accepts an assignment even more dangerous than his everyday job of defusing unexploded bombs. Fluent in Romanian and German and having studied chemical engineering, he is parachuted into Romania to assume the identity of Captain Jan Tartu, a member of the fascist Iron Guard. He makes his way to Czechoslovakia to steal the formula of a new Nazi poison gas and sabotage the factory where it is being manufactured.
At the Villa Rose
Mr. Ricardo
A gang of clever thieves kill a wealthy woman in hopes of stealing her gems. But the thieves aren't clever enough to ascertain the location of those gems, so they consult a phony spiritualist. Then they decide to dispose of the mystic by framing her for the murder.
Hell's Cargo
Cmndt. Lestailleur
Adventure film directed by Harold Huth.
Black Eyes
Ivan Petrov has one weakness in his life, and one love: his little black-eyed daughter, Tania. In fact, his entire career is devoted to her future happiness, though Tania remains ignorant as to his vocation. Done with cool deliberation, Petrov's all-consuming fear is that one day his lovely daughter will discover his true profession, and despise him for it...
The Gang's All Here
Prince Homouska
John Forrest is anticipating a quiet retirement spent penning detective fiction when he learns that a priceless collection of jewels belonging to a foreign potentate, Prince Homouska, has just vanished from the safekeeping of the Stamford Assurance Company. Aided by his butler, his Cockney assistant and his (initially) unwilling wife, Forrest sets out on the trail of the thieves.
Sixty Glorious Years
Prinz Ernst
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
Victoria the Great
Prince Ernest
The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.
Ein Lied klagt an
Detlef Ollmer - Bildhauer
Robert Lund - Violinvirtuose
Веер леди Уиндермир
Lord Windermere
Abdul the Damned
In 1908, Sultan Abdul Hamid rules the Turkish Empire, but he is faced with the threat of revolt by the Young Turk party. He allows Hilmi Pasha, the leader of the Young Turks, to return from exile and form the country's first constitutional government. With tensions still growing, chief of police Kadar Pasha assassinates Hassan Bey, the leader of the Old Turk party, and makes it look as if a Young Turk committed the crime, in order to give Abdul an excuse for arresting the Young Turk leaders. Meanwhile, Abdul becomes infatuated with a visiting Austrian singer. When she rejects his advances, she endangers both herself and her fiancé, a Turkish officer who also knows who really shot Hassan Bey.
Алый первоцвет
Armand St. Just
Разгар революционного террора во Франции. Аристократы, осуждённые к казни на гильотине, томятся в тюрьме Ла-Форс. Правительство Робеспьера обеспокоено тем, что различными хитроумными способами их похищает из темницы и вывозит из Франции неуловимый Алый Первоцвет. Ходят слухи, что за его бесчисленными масками скрывается некий английский лорд. Гражданин Шовелен, представляющий интересы революционной Франции в Лондоне, получает от Робеспьера задание любой ценой выследить загадочного врага республики. Прибегнув к шантажу, он пытается выведать его истинное имя у светской львицы, леди Блейкни, чей муж — недалёкий придворный франт и хлыщ из окружения принца-регента.
Der Springer von Pontresina
Peter Tonani, Geigenvirtuose
Der Jäger aus Kurpfalz
Baron Hans, sein Bruder, Buchhändler
Adventure on the Lido
The already successful tenor Mattei is discovered after he already retired into private life. Der Wiener Staatsoper place a significant part in this musical comedy drama.
A Certain Mr. Gran
Pietro Broccardo
Un certain monsieur Grant
Mario Landi
Hände aus dem Dunkel
Direktor Leermann
Film by Waschneck.
The men around Lucie
24 hours of a woman's life
Sascha Lonay
After the tragic death from malaria of her beloved husband his rich widow Helga Vanroh travels restlessly around various Mediterranean countries. In the luxurious surroundings of a hotel in Monte Carlo Mrs. Vanroh keeps apart from society, until one evening she decides to visit the casino. There a young man attracts her curiosity and compassion.
Frivolous youth
Lydia is a spoiled young woman who thinks she can get anything for money. One day she causes an accident in which a motorcyclist is killed. At the trial she meets prosecutor Dan O'Bannon. She is sentenced to prison for manslaughter.
Georg Holl
Shadows of the Arena
Morini. Kunstschütze
Artonis is an acrobat employed in the circus owned by Elvira Starke. Apparently he confines his acrobatics to the bedroom, because he's carrying on two separate affairs on the trot: one with his boss Elvira, and one with the circus's beautiful equestrienne Kitty Rallay. Someone shoots Artonis dead.
Two standards
Marriage in Name Only
Baron Hans v. Velten
a movie by Heinz Paul
The Great Longing
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
Ehe in Not
The Sins of Love
The troubled situation of a provincial actor and his actress wife who come to the city. The actor is suspected of attacking another actor who admires the actress.
§ 173 St.G.B. Blutschande
Martin Hollmann, a young gardener meets his significantly older wife Hedwig's daughter from her first marriage, Liesbeth Kröger, on the deathbed. She is his generation and they both get along well straight away. Martin brings Liesbeth into his house as a housekeeper, and they both fall in love. The couple lives together and soon decides to get married when Liesbeth becomes pregnant by Martin. But now the tragedy begins, because when registering at the registry office, Martin and Liesbeth, in the form of a strict bailiff, are officially declared that they have committed incest in accordance with Section 173 of the Criminal Code.
Die fidele Herrenpartie
Heinz Rüdiger
Inherited Passions
Henry Bourtyne
Der Monte Christo von Prag
Fred Born
Der Mann mit dem Laubfrosch
Henri Vallencours
Der Raub der Sabinerinnen
Emil Groß
The Last Night
A film by A. W. Sandberg.
Art of Love
Eva in Seide
Dr. Erich Stiereß, Schriftsteller
Die Sache mit Schorrsiegel
Bernhard Benda
Die geheime Macht
"The Secret Power" - Hardly anyone who strays into the emigrant's restaurant "Strange Bird" would suspect that the porter once was a general, the waiter a prince and the cook an admiral, and that the lady at the bar is actually the princess Sinaide forced was leaving their home.
Lady Juan
A Spanish nobleman raises his only daughter as a boy, similarly to Greta Garbo in Queen Christina (1933). In adulthood, Juana's upbringing causes complications in her love life. Possibly an early example of genderqueer representation.
Allan Wilton
The Dangerous Age
The gorgeous 40-year-old Elsie Lindtner lives in a beautiful house, and is married to a respectable university professor. And yet, there’s something that nags her. She’s about to reach “the dangerous age”, when beauty begins to fade and boredom kicks in. She falls in love with a younger man and divorces her husband, but ends up hiding away in a country house where she can age in secret.
Die weiße Spinne
Lord Barrymore
Arme kleine Colombine
Ernst Honsel
Children's Souls Accuse You
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
Die Sporck'schen Jäger
Leutnant von Naugard
Die Königin des Weltbades
Lord Arthur Blythe
Die Welt will belogen sein
Wie einst im Mai
Fred W. Kietz
Should We Be Silent?
Dr. Georg Mauthner
Impetuous Youth
Girl dressed up as a boy falls in love with a painter.
Фиакр №13
Lucien Rebout
В Париже умирает молодая женщина. Её квартирная хозяйка подбрасывает новорождённую дочь покойной в фиакр извозчика Каротэна, и тот удочеряет её. Спустя 18 лет юная Лилиан является единственной отрадой одинокой жизни старого кучера. Но он не подозревает, что её свидетельство о рождении вместе с прощальным письмом матери попали в руки авантюриста Франсуа Тапэна, который обнаружил, что никому не известная девушка из парижского предместья является единственной дочерью миллионера Ландона. Решив заработать на воссоединении отца и дочери, Тапэн снимает квартиру по соседству с Каротэнами и принимается очаровывать наивную девушку.
Hoheit tanzt Walzer
Die da unten
Harald von Bodenstein
The Blackguard
Michael Caviol
A French violinist saves his beloved princess from the Russian revolution..
Die Puppe vom Lunapark
Прыжок в жизнь
A young intellectual falls in love with a circus performer and decides to cultivate her into a lady and marry her. Eventually however she decides to return to her tightrope walker lover.
The Finances of the Grand Duke
der Ehrgeizige
The likeable and carefree Grand Duke of Abacco is in dire straits. There is no money left to service the State's debt; the main creditor is looking forward to expropriating the entire Duchy. The marriage with Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, would solve everything, but a crucial letter of hers about the engagement has been stolen. Besides, a bunch of revolutionaries and a dubious businessman have other plans regarding the Grand Duke. With the intrusion of adventurer Philipp Collins into the Grand Duke's affairs, a series of frantic chases, plots and counter-plots begins.
Im Namen des Königs
Alles für Geld
Henry von Lauffen
Rupp (Jannings) is a former butcher, made rich in the meat packing industry as a result of the reversal of fortunes brought on by WWI. He is crude, uncouth and uneducated. His son, Fred, is the apple of his father's eye and is an auto enthusiast. The widowed Rupp falls in love with a former aristocrat, Helen, now down on her luck and pawning her last heirloom. He proposes marriage and she accepts in order to save her ailing mother who needs a monetary influx to avoid death. Her former boyfriend, Platen, warns Helen against Rupp's intentions - he and Rupp are enemies, Rupp having caused his being fired for protecting a chorus girl against Rupp's unwanted advances. Meanwhile, Graf, a shyster, arranges purchase of a near bankrupt auto manufacturing firm, Phoenix, to Rupp's great advantage with practically no monetary recognition to Graf, who swears revenge. Rupp comes upon his son begging Helen not to marry his father but to return to Platen.
Das schöne Mädel
Franz, Sohn der Götts
Hannele's Ascension
A young woman is abused or abandoned by the men in her life.