Richard Greene

Richard Greene

Рождение : 1918-08-25, Plymouth, Devon, England, UK

Смерть : 1985-06-01


Richard Marius Joseph Greene (25 August 1918 – 1 June 1985) was a noted English film and television actor. A matinee idol who appeared in more than 40 films, he was perhaps best known for the lead role in the long-running British TV series The Adventures of Robin Hood, which ran for 143 episodes from 1955 to 1960. Description above from the Wikipedia article Richard Greene, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Richard Greene


Байки из склепа
Ralph Jason
Пятеро туристов на экскурсии по катакомбам случайно сбиваются с пути и забредают в странную комнату, где встречают странного человека, который рассказывает им истории об их смерти.
Замок Фу Манчу
Nayland Smith
5-й из серии британо-немецких фильмов 60-х годов о зловещем докторе Фу Манчу. Злой китайский гений Фу Манчу разрабатывает очередной план порабощения мира. На этот раз он связан с новым изобретением, позволяющим заморозить всю воду мирового океана.
Кровь Фу Манчу
Nayland Smith
4-й из серии британо-немецких фильмов 60-х годов о зловещем докторе Фу Манчу. Фу Манчу открывает секрет древнего яда с помощью которого собирается избавиться от своих злейших врагов. Получивший «поцелуй смерти» сначала слепнет, а потом в течение нескольких дней умирает. После того, как Нейланд Смит также оказывается отравленным, его друзья отправляются в находящуюся где-то в джунглях Южной Америки крепость Фу Манчу, чтобы найти противоядие…
The Movie Orgy
Robin Hood (archival footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Island of the Lost
Josh MacRae
An anthropologist is shipwrecked with his family while on an expedition in search of an uncharted South Pacific island.
Меч Шервудского леса
Robin Hood
История про благородного разбойника Робина Гуда, который не позволил коварному шерифу Ноттингема отобрать поместье у наследников лорда Бортри, погибшего в Крестовом походе.
Beyond the Curtain
Captain Jim Kyle
A British flight officer plans to rescue an airline stewardess who is trapped in East Germany.
Robin Hood: The Movie
Robin Hood
A classic Robin Hood tale, starring Richard Greene as Robin Hood and Bernadette O'Farrell as Maid Marian. Released in 1991 by ITC, it was edited together (quite seamlessly) from episodes of the ITC 1955 TV series "The Adventures of Robin Hood".
Contraband Spain
Treasury Agent Lee Scott
An FBI agent goes to the French-Spanish border to round up some smugglers and counterfeiters after his brother is murdered.
Captain Scarlett
Capt. Carlos Scarlett
Captain Scarlett rescues Princess Maria from being abducted while travelling. She's not exactly grateful. He finds out that she is to be married to a man she doesn't like, so Captain Scarlet attempts to help her but winds up in prison for his efforts. He escapes and finally helps the reluctant bride who winds up joining Captain Scarlett and his sidekick and they become something along the lines of the three musketeers.
The Bandits of Corsica
Mario / Carlos
Siamese twins separated at birth retain a psychic link; each feels the other's pain and happiness.
Rogue's March
Capt. Thomas Garron
After being unjustly accused of spying, a British officer tries to redeem himself in India.
The Black Castle
Sir Ronald Burton / Richard Beckett
A Man investigates the disappearance of two of his friends who were the guests of a sinister Austrian count.
Lorna Doone
John Ridd
An English farmer leads a village uprising against their corrupt landlords.
Shadow of the Eagle
Count Alexei Orloff
During the eighteenth century the Empress of Russia sends her lover to kidnap her rival for the throne.
Моя дочурка
A financier plots to become the richest man in the world by marrying off his daughter to the son of an Arab sheik.
The Desert Hawk
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
Now Barabbas
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
That Dangerous Age
Michael Barcleigh
The lonely wife of a workaholic husband on the magical Isle of Capri meets a charming and attractive young man. An exciting affair must end when word gets back to the husband and he becomes ill. In hopes of avoiding a scene, she passes her beau along to her stepdaughter, Monica.
Lord Arthur Windermere
Lord Windermere appears to all - including his young wife Margaret - to be the perfect husband. The couple's happy marriage is placed at risk when he starts paying visits to a mysterious beautiful newcomer, Mrs. Erylnne, who is determined to make her entry into London's high society. Worse, the secret gets back to Margaret that Windermere has been giving Mrs. Erylnne large sums of money.
Сражающийся О`Флинн
Lord Philip Sedgemonth
Отважный ирландец противостоит французам во время Наполеоновских войнов.
Амбер навсегда
Lord Harry Almsbury
Фильм по роману Кэтлин Уинзор рассказывает романтическую историю красавицы-авантюристки Амбер, до дна выпивающей чашу страданий. Судьба бросала ее то вверх, то вниз. Искательница любовных приключений, она сумела подняться из мрачной тюрьмы и стать фавориткой короля. Но печальная участь отвергнутой любовницы не минует ее, и она будет благодарна конюшему, после того как Карл II удалит ее от себя. В картине, разумеется, много безрассудства, распущенности и плутовства в духе XVII столетия, налицо обязательные составляющие атмосферы королевского двора.
Gaiety George
George Howard
The life of Irishman George Howard who buys an English theatre and strives to improve the standard of musical entertainment. Set in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and loosely based on fact.
Don't Take It to Heart
Peter Hayward
A stray World War Two bomb releases the ghost of the 3rd Earl of Chaunduyt after 400 years. A visiting professor, while wooing the beautiful Lady Mary, daughter of the present Earl, finds him an ally in his fight on behalf of the villagers to protect their ancient rights against a meddling newcomer.
Yellow Canary
Lieutenant Commander Jim Garrick
A socialite poses as a Nazi spy to mask her activities as a British agent.
Flying Fortress
James 'Jim' Spence Jr.
Drama written in flames and told with the staccato of canon-fire!
Unpublished Story
Bob Randall
Morale-boosting story released in the middle of World War II. A journalist uncovers a peace organisation at the centre of disreputable dealings.
I Was an Adventuress
Paul Vernay
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
Little Old New York
Robert Fulton
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
Here I Am a Stranger
David Paulding
The story of a young man's discovery of his father.
Stanley and Livingstone
Gareth Tyce
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Шерлок Холмс: Собака Баскервилей
Sir Henry Baskerville
По одноименной повести Артура Конан Дойля. Непроницаемым покровом тайны окутана смерть сэра Чарльза Баскервиля на дартмурских болотах. Племянник покойного приезжает в родовое имение, но и ему угрожает жестокая смерть. Легенда гласит, что загадочная гигантская собака преследует ненавистных Баскервилей из поколения в поколение. Знаменитый детектив Шерлок Холмс и его верный друг доктор Уотсон раскроют тайну, разгадка которой окажется куда более приземленной. После смерти своего дяди, сэр Генри Баскервиль возвращается из-за границы и открывает наследственный дом на пустынных торфяниках Девоншира. Холмс раскрывает заговор убийства сэра Генри ужасной обученной собакой.
Маленькая принцесса
Geoffrey Hamilton
Лондон. Конец XIX века. Капитан Кру, отправляясь на войну, привозит свою любимую дочь Сару, которую он называет «маленькой принцессой», в один из лучших и самых дорогих пансионов, чтобы она получила хорошее образование. Добрая, отзывчивая Сара быстро находит новых подруг. Ее самостоятельность и уважительное отношение к людям покоряют всех. Однажды приходит страшная весть — отец Сары погибает, не оставив дочери средств к существованию. Юной героине предстоит пройти через ненависть и унижение, голод и нищету. Но ее доброта, ум и находчивость помогают преодолеть все невзгоды.
Jack Dillon
Young lovers Jack and Sally are from families that compete to send horses to the 1938 Kentucky Derby, but during the Civil War, her family sided with the South while his sided with the North--and her Uncle Peter will have nothing to do with Jack's family.
Submarine Patrol
Perry Townsend III
A naval officer is demoted for negligence and put in command of a run-down submarine chaser with a motley crew.
My Lucky Star
Larry Taylor
George Cabot Jr., the son of a department store owner, enrolls Kristina Nielsen, the store's sports clerk, at a university to use her as an advertisement for their fashion department. She falls for Larry Taylor, a teacher, and gets expelled.
Four Men and a Prayer
Geoffrey Leigh
The sons of a disgraced British officer try to clear his name.