David Torrence

David Torrence

Рождение : 1864-01-17,

Смерть : 1951-12-26


David Torrence


The Voice That Thrilled the World
Himself (segment 'Disraeli') (archive footage)
This short traces the history of sound in the movies, beginning with French scientist Leon Scott's experiments in 1857. Featured are snippets from early sound pictures.
Rulers of the Sea
Donald Fenton
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Stanley and Livingstone
Mr. Cranston
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Bulldog Drummond's Bride
Bank Official
Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.
Ebb Tide
Tapena Tom
In 1890, two British expatriates, Robert Herrick and Huish, and German Captain Jakob Thorbecke, are commissioned to sail a Yankee schooner called The Golden State , whose captain and crew have died of smallpox. From Tehua in the South Seas to Australia, they are to deliver a cargo of champagne. Thorbecke decides to head for Peru, however, so he can sell the merchandise and pocket the money. While sailing, Faith Wishart, daughter of the deceased captain, comes out of her hiding place on board and, by briefly holding Thorbecke at gunpoint, demands he make the delivery.
Beloved Enemy
In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.
Annie Laurie
Sir Robert Laurie
In late 18th century Scotland, Annie Laurie and William Douglas love each other, but their clans are on opposite sides of the country's civil war. Their love is made immortal through the title song of this film.
Mary of Scotland
The recently widowed Mary Stuart returns to Scotland to reclaim her throne but is opposed by her half-brother and her own Scottish lords.
The Country Doctor
Governor General
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
Одиссея капитана Блада
Andrew Baynes
Англия конца XVII века, междоусобные войны в самом разгаре. Доктора Питера Блада ошибочно причисляют к мятежникам и отправляют в рабство на плантации Ямайки. Там он быстро приобретает смертельного врага в лице губернатора Ямайки полковника Бишопа, но завоёвывает сердце его прекрасной племянницы Арабеллы. Питеру с друзьями удаётся бежать с острова, захватив испанский корабль, и вскоре он становится самым знаменитым и удачливым пиратом Карибского бассейна. Но ни морские сражения, ни охота за сокровищами — ничто не даёт забыть благородному пирату образ его возлюбленной…
Мятеж на Баунти
Lord Hood
Английский флот XVIII века отличался жесткой (даже жестокой) дисциплиной. Малейшие провинности наказывались плетьми, более тяжелые проступки карались смертной казнью. Доведенные до отчаяния матросы поднимали бунты и пытались освободиться от гнета. 1789 год. Экипаж британского корабля «Баунти» под руководством жестокого капитана Блая наполнив трюмы, отчаливает от берегов Таити. До этого дня в течение шести месяцев команда корабля подвергалась физическим и моральным издевательствам со стороны капитана и его приспешников. Изнурительная работа и отсутствие пищи вынуждают моряков поднять бунт. Зачинщиком мятежа становится матрос, аристократ Кристиан Флетчер. Ссадив с корабля капитана и преданных ему людей, «Баунти» взял курс обратно на Таити, именно там Флетчер и другие мятежники решили провести всю оставшуюся жизнь…
Harmony Lane
Mr. Pentland
The life and loves of composer Stephen Foster, from his early success through his decline, degradation, and death from alcoholism.
Bonnie Scotland
Mr. Miggs the Lawyer
Stan and Ollie stow away to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. When things don't quite turn out that way, they unwittingly enlist in the Scottish army and are posted to India.
Black Sheep
Captain Savage
On an ocean liner crossing a professional gambler comes to the aid of a naive young man victimized by a jewel thief. The young man turns out to be his son he's not seen since infancy.
What Every Woman Knows
Alick Wylie
Aspiring young Scottish politician John Shand enters into an unusual agreement with the wealthy Wylie family -- if they fund his education, he must marry their daughter, Maggie. Staying true to his word, John weds Maggie and begins a successful career, thanks largely to his savvy wife. The couple's relationship is placed in jeopardy when John faces temptation in the form of the lovely aristocrat Lady Sybil Tenterden.
Jane Eyre
Mr. Brocklehurst
Jane Eyre is an orphan who was raised by her aunt until she came to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. But Jane is attracted by the intelligent and energetic Sir Rochester, a man of almost twice her age. But just when Sir Rochester seems to pay attention to her, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram to stay at his house.
Madame Spy
Maria is married to Captain Franck of German Intelligence. He does not know she is a Russian assigned to spy on him. When he is told to uncover a leak, he vows revenge on his wife.
Capt. McAndrews
Abandoned by her lover, a woman becomes the main "hostess" in a decadent nightclub, but tries to put her past behind her on a steamer to Mandalay.
Королева Кристина
Королева Швеции Кристина — популярная правительница, верная своей стране. Однако, когда она влюбляется в испанского дипломата, Кристина должна выбрать между троном и мужчиной, которого любит.
Berkeley Square
Lord Stanley
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
The Masquerader
A drug-addicted member of Parliament needs to take time off and secretly pull his life together, so he gets his lookalike cousin to agree to temporarily assume his identity.
Dr. Tronchin
Writer and philosopher Voltaire, loyal to his king, Louis XV of France, nonetheless writes scathingly of the king's disdain for the rights and needs of his people. Louis admires Voltaire, but is increasingly influenced against him by his minister, the Count de Sarnac.
Horse Play
Uncle Percy
Ranchowner Slim Perkins is in love with his neighbor's niece, Angelica Wayne, but her aunt and uncle throw him off their property because he is a poor bumbler. One day a stranger buys Slim's ranch for one million dollars because the land contains valuable minerals. Slim and his partner, Andy Jones, are overwhelmed by their new found wealth, but it does not help to soothe Slim's hurt feelings when he finds out that Angelica has gone to England to stay with her other aunt. He decides to bring her his horse, "Cynthia Ann," as a gift, and with Andy and the horse, he sets sail.
Маска Фу Манчу
Британский археолог сэр Лайонел Бартон намерен отправиться в Монголию, чтобы найти гробницу Чингизхана. Разведчик Нейланд Смит предупреждает его, что он должен добраться до сокровищ гробницы раньше, чем злодей Фу Манчу, которому меч и посмертная маска Чингизхана нужны для того, чтобы поднять восточные народы на борьбу с западной цивилизацией и уничтожить её.
Нежная улыбка
Экранизация пьесы Джейн Коул и Джейн Мерфин. Джон живет один в течение 30 лет после смерти своей невесты Мунин. Однако его близкий друг Оуэн убеждает Джона позаботиться о своей племяннице Катлин, чьи родители пропали в море. Катлин на тот момент всего пять лет, однако время идет, она становится молодой девушкой, которая удивительно похожа на Мунин...
A Successful Calamity
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
Пять последних звезд
О бесчеловечности и безнравственности желтой прессы, погубившей в погоне за сенсацией нормальную, счастливую семью.
How I Play Golf, by Bobby Jones No. 9: 'The Driver'
Bobby Jones uses some unorthodox (some might say magical) methods to help a man with his drive.
East Lynne
Sir Richard Hare
The refined Lady Isabel Carlisle, after leaving her family and enduring nearly a decade of hardships, learns that her son has fallen ill. Despite being nearly blinded as the result of an explosion, she returns home to see her son again.
The Bachelor Father
Frank "Mac" MacDonald
Lonely in his English country estate, Sir Basil decides to gather his grown (albeit illegitimate) children around him in his declining years. He uses a ledger which keeps track of the payments he has been making to ex-lovers to locate 2 of them, and a third is found by a lawyer in New York, her mother was too proud to accept any money. Sir Basil is a curmudgeon, and his three adult children have a hard time with him at first. Toni, the American, is a free spirit who had a budding career in show business. Jeffery is English and a semi-gentleman, and Maria is Italian, with a Latin temperament. They begin to bond, especially Sir Basil and Toni, whose outgoing personality finally wins over the old man. But past lives begin to creep back into the picture and threaten the old man's plans for a life filled with his children.
The Devil to Pay!
Mr. Hope
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
River's End
Sgt. Conniston and his alcoholic guide O'Toole are on the trail of an escaped murderer named Keith. When they catch up with him in the farthest reaches of Northern Canada, Keith turns out to be a dead ringer for Conniston. On the way back, the sled overturns, Keith grabs the gun and leaves them to die in the snow. After second thoughts he comes back and brings them to safety at an RCMP emergency cabin. Conniston dies of a frozen lung.
Scotland Yard
Captain Graves
A soldier is wounded in action. His face is restored by a plastic surgeon to resemble someone else.
Inspector McKenzie
A distinguished English gentleman has a secret life--he is the notorious jewel thief the press has dubbed "The Amateur Cracksman". When he meets a woman and falls in love he decides to "retire" from that life, but an old friend comes to him with a predicament that entails him committing one last job.
Городская девчонка
Lem's Father
Парень с Миннесотских полей приезжает в Чикаго продать пшеницу, которую выращивает его семья на своей ферме. В городе Лем знакомится с официанткой Кейт, они влюбляются и женятся. Но по возвращению к родным на ферму молодую супружескую пару очень холодно встречает отец…
Lord Michael Probert
Prime Minister of Great Britain Benjamin Disraeli outwits the subterfuge of the Russians and chicanery at home in order to secure the purchase of the Suez Canal.
Hearts in Exile
In this romance set in Russia, a fisherman's daughter is jilted by her true love and instead marries a baron. Time passes and the two men meet each other in Siberia where they have both been exiled. When the poorer man has the opportunity to come home, he changes places with the baron so that he can return to his wife. Unbeknownst to him, she has gone to the frozen wasteland to search for him.
The Black Watch
Field Marshal
Captain Donald King of the British Army goes to India just as World War I breaks out, convincing his comrades that he is a coward. In reality, he is on a secret mission to rescue British soldiers held prisoner there.
Strong Boy
Railroad President
"Strong Boy" is offered a promotion for saving a child from being crushed by a trunk, but to the frustration of his girlfriend Mary, he is not ambitious enough to take a white-collar position. But when he thwarts an attempted train robbery and saves the Queen of Lisonia's jewels, he is viewed as a hero and Mary finally agrees to marry him.
Silks and Saddles
Judge Clifford
Jockey Johnny Spencer loses his job with Mrs. Calhoun for throwing a race. An adventuress named Sybil, who made Johnny hold back Mrs. Calhoun's horse, Lady, leaves him, and he becomes a racetrack bum. Johnny returns to Mrs. Calhoun's stable when the new jockey proves unable to manage Lady. Johnny wins the next race, thereby regaining Mrs. Calhoun's confidence and winning the love of her attractive daughter, Lucy.
The Cavalier
The Big Noise
Managing Editor
John Stoval, a guard in a New York subway, thinks that Philip Hurd, who owns a concession at Coney Island, would make a good husband for his daughter Sophie. Sophie, however, has her sights set on Bill Hedges, the son of a wealthy farmer in upstate New York. Her father arranges for her to marry Hurd in exchange for a 25% interest in the concession, but matters come to a halt when John slips and falls off a subway platform and is injured.
Rolled Stockings
Mr. Treday
Though billed second, the stunningly beautiful Louise Brooks is the focal point of the campus comedy Rolled Stockings. It's the old one about two collegiate brothers, Jim and Ralph Treadway (James Hall, Richard Arlen), in love with the same girl, Carol Fleming (Brooks).
Annie Laurie
Sir Robert Laurie
The story of the famous battle between the Scots clans of Macdonald and Campbell, and the young woman who comes between them, Annie Laurie.
The Mysterious Rider
Mark King
Jack Holt stars as Ben Wade, a rancher framed on a robbery charge by crooked lawyer Harkness (Charles Sellon).
The Third Degree
Howard Jeffries Sr.
Alicia, a circus artist, deserts her husband and child to elope with Underwood, her handsome lover. Fifteen years later, Annie Martin, Alicia's deserted daughter, is a trapeze performer in a sideshow at Coney Island, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Chubb, and has married Howard Jeffries in spite of opposition by his wealthy parents. Jeffries, Sr., hires a man (Underwood) to separate the young couple. Underwood convinces the newlyweds that each is being unfaithful to the other, and consequently, he is threatened by Howard. Driven to fury by Underwood's uncontrollable demands, Alicia shoots him in a quarrel and makes her escape just as Howard enters; despite his innocence, Howard confesses to the crime when subjected to the third degree. Annie, realizing her mother's guilt, claims to be guilty, but Alicia then confesses. Annie is saved from suicide by Howard, and they are united by love.
The Unknown Cavalier
Peter Gaunt
Tom Drury, a cowboy whose quick thinking stops a notorious outlaw, "The Hawk," from further misdeeds. The villain, as it turns out, is none other than Henry Suggs (James Mason), heretofore considered a pillar of the community.....
Forever After
Mr. Clayton, Jennie's Father
A wounded captain recalls his youth, his time at college, and the woman he fell in love with.
Paul Stanton
Handsome Laddie Stanton courts neighbor Pamela Pryor but meets opposition from her stern military father who has recently immigrated from England.
Brown of Harvard
Mr. Brown
Tom Brown shows up at Harvard, confident and a bit arrogant. He becomes a rival of Bob McAndrew, not only in football and rowing crew, but also for the affections of Mary Abbott, a professor's daughter.
The Isle of Retribution
Godfrey Cornet
Five people are stranded on an island off the coast of Alaska. The poor girl, Bess Gilbert, competes with the rich girl, Lenor Harderworth, for the attentions of the heroic Ned Cornet. A snow-slide resolves a few issues.
Angus McNeil
Sandy McNeil adopts strictly unconventional jazz ethics and against the wishes of her parents runs with a fast young set. An auto breakdown after a party places her in a compromising situation, and she grudgingly marries a wealthy suitor of her father's choice. When her husband's cruelty results in the death of her child, she leaves him and meets Ramon, an architect with whom she becomes infatuated. The return of his former mistress causes her to seek refuge with her cousin Judith, where she falls in love with Douglas, Judith's sweetheart. As Sandy refuses to return to Ramon, he shoots her and then kills himself. Douglas, taking the blame for her sake, is tried for murder, but Sandy rises from her sickbed and confesses in court; she succumbs after restoring Judith to Douglas.
The King of the Turf
Martyn Selsby
Genteel southern horse-breeder Col. Richard Fairfax is framed on the charge of embezzlement by Martyn Selsby, his business partner, and sentenced to jail.
Башня лжи
After his beloved daughter leaves for the city to pay off his debt, an old farmer goes mad when her letters become less frequent and it is suspected she may be using her body to get the money.
The Mystic
James Bradshaw
A good Tod browning movie but without Lon Chaney. Anyway, the story sounds here quite strange and dark. Mystery and drama fans will be delighted by this story of a young eastern european woman hired to the new world. This one is quite rare on TV, so if you can don't miss it !
What Fools Men
Joseph Greer is a wealthy businessman in New York City with all the trappings including a prim-and-proper secretary, Jenny McFarlan, who takes dictation during working hours and, at night, minus her eyeglasses, serves as his nightclub companion and mistress. Then his daughter,Beatrice, whom he has never seen, shows up and moves in with him. Beatrice is a grown-up flapper who loves jazz, pool parties, flaunting prohibition and carrying-on in general. Most of her carrying-on is with the family chauffeur and her father does not approve, says so, and fires the chauffeur. His parental-guidance technique backfires as Beatrice ups and elopes with the chauffeur. Later, the father has some problems with his business associates and loses his business and most of his fixtures and disappears. But Beatrice locates him and there is a happy reunion between father and daughter, especially since daughter has brought along Jenny to cheer him up.
The Other Woman's Story
Robert Marshall’s dying utterance seems to point to Colman Colby (Robert Frazer) as his killer. Colby is arrested and at trial all testimony points to his guilt. But as the jury deliberates, the unfairly named “other woman” (Helen Lee Worthing) sets out to prove his innocence.
The Sawdust Trail
Jonathan Butts
Clarence, an eastern college youth masquerading as a mild, inoffensive dandy, joins a Wild West show where he clashes with the leading lady, "Calamity" Jane, a man-hater.
Tiger Love
Don Miguel Castelar
Tiger Love silent film
The Drums of Jeopardy
The story centers around two small statuettes containing valuable emeralds, which are said to project a sinister influence on the possessor. The czar of Russia gives the statuettes to a grand duke, who, in turn, gives them to his secretary, John Hawksley. Hawksley sends them to America in a friend's possession and follows after.
The Light That Failed
About Dick Heldar, an aspiring artist. Although he is devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Maisie Wells, his ambition drives him to faraway places. He meets Torpenhow, a war correspondent, at Port Said, and accompanies him into battle.
The Man Next Door
Colonel Wright
The story to this comedy-drama is based on the book by Emerson Hough, who was experiencing a surge of popularity because his book The Covered Wagon had recently been made into a hit film. Ranchman Colonel Wright sends his daughter Bonnie to an Eastern college to receive an education. She decides to stay in the city and sends for her father, who arrives with his foreman Curly. Even though they live in the midst of society, they are snubbed by the Easterners as uncouth.
Abysmal Brute
Mortimer Sangster
A young man is raised in the mountains by his prizefighter father. Although he possesses great strength and athletic skill, he is completely out of his league when it comes to women. He becomes a successful boxer in San Francisco and is given the name "The Abysmal Brute". When he rescues a drowning man, he meets a beautiful socialite named Maude Sangster and falls in love. His lack of social skills proves a hindrance when a rival suitor competes with him for Maude's affections.
Forsaking All Others
Mr. Morton
Jealous of her son Oliver's interest in Penelope Mason, Mrs. Newell takes him to a resort where he is easy prey for designing Enid Morton. After some near-disastrous situations with Enid's suspicious husband, Penelope comes to Oliver's rescue at Mrs. Newell's request.
Tess of the Storm Country
Elias Graves
Wealthy Elias Graves builds his home on the top of a hill, where a group of squatters have taken up residence at the bottom. Many of the men in the squatters' village have their eyes on young Tess, and one of them, Ben Letts, frames Tess's father for murder. While maintaining her father's innocence, Tess must keep her love for Graves' son a secret, while caring for Elias' daughter's illegitamate child.
Шерлок Холмс
Count Von Stalburg
Гений зла — профессор Мориарти — опутал своей преступной сетью всю Англию. А Шерлок Холмс, еще не сыщик, живет в деревне и изучает жизнь. Но пройдет время, и они встретятся в решающей схватке. Нет, не близ Рейхенбахского водопада. Да и схватка будет не физическая, а борьба Великих Умов.
The Inside of the Cup
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Alec D'Urberville
A peasant girl sent to make a claim on her family's ancestral home in England's Wessex is seduced and left with child by its current owner.
The Prisoner of Zenda
Michael, Duke of Strelsau
King Rudolf of Ruritania is saved from a coup attempt by the help of his lookalike cousin, who falls in love with the king's fiancee.