Giovanni Simonelli

Рождение : 1926-12-01, Roma, Italy

Смерть : 2007-11-17


A Cat in the Brain
The master of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, stars as... Lucio Fulci, a filmmaker with a reputation for gruesome horror films. His body of work has started to plague his mental state, and he is haunted by the grotesque set-pieces his mind has conjured up during his career. His psychiatrist, Egon Schwarz, uses a hypnotised Fulci as an avatar to carry out his own disturbed fantasies, in hopes of ruining the master’s reputation once and for all.
A Cat in the Brain
The master of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, stars as... Lucio Fulci, a filmmaker with a reputation for gruesome horror films. His body of work has started to plague his mental state, and he is haunted by the grotesque set-pieces his mind has conjured up during his career. His psychiatrist, Egon Schwarz, uses a hypnotised Fulci as an avatar to carry out his own disturbed fantasies, in hopes of ruining the master’s reputation once and for all.
Hansel and Gretel
A farming community make their money through kidnapping children and selling their vital organs on the black market.
Hansel and Gretel
A farming community make their money through kidnapping children and selling their vital organs on the black market.
Bloody Psycho
This is one of the five films legendary director Lucio Fulci supervised in 1989 to re-use some of the gory bits for his 1990 gorefest "A Cat in the Brain". "Bloody Psycho" features a haunted castle plus wimpy doctor Vogler,who is performing some sort of a psychic therapy on lesbian owner of the place.
Blood Moon
Anne is convinced she has found her husband's corpse, but Dr. Mark can only find out that the man has gone home. When he comes back, his wife does not trust Mark, who believes she suffers from schizophrenia.
Jungle Raiders
An expedition enters an unexplored jungle to search for a legendary ruby.
Jungle Raiders
An expedition enters an unexplored jungle to search for a legendary ruby.
The Ark of the Sun God
A safecracker takes a job where he must go to Istanbul and steal a scepter that once belonged to the god Gilgamesh but is now in the temple of a secret cult.
C'è un fantasma nel mio letto
A couple (Carati and Cricotti) have to rent a hotel room which is really a haunted house. Well haunted is overstating it. Just old Renzo as a horny ghost who wants to get it on with Carati. Sexual frolics abound, Carati takes baths and has sex and hubby fulfills his role as cuckold.
Sexual Doublecross
Hans and Gretel are two young people who work as employees in the branch of an important Bank. Both plan to make a robbery in the bank's headquarters to get enough money to allow them to perform a surgical operation that changes their respective sexes, since he feels "she" and she feels "he".
La parte più appetitosa del maschio
John Travolto: The Face with Two Left Feet
Also known as THE LONELY DESTINY OF JOHN TRAVOLTO, it's the first and only Travoltasploitation movie. It's about a hotel cook named Gianni who can't dance but is frustratingly in love with the sexy blonde DJ (Cicciolina) at the nightclub "John's Fever". When one of the cook's coworkers draws a mustache and beard on a poster of John Travolta everyone somehow finally notices that Gianni looks exactly like Travolta and the game is on.
The Squeeze
A retired safe cracker is recruited by a young conman to return to the "business" for a million dollar heist.
The Squeeze
A retired safe cracker is recruited by a young conman to return to the "business" for a million dollar heist.
Громила в Африке
Инспектор Риццо по прозвищу «Громила» получает письмо с просьбой о встрече от своего коллеги из Южной Африки. Однако южноафриканского полисмена убивают практически на глазах у Риццо. Он едет в Йоханнесбург, чтобы разыскать сына убитого…
A Sicilian (Turi Ferro) feels his masculinity threatened when his son returns with an androgynous girlfriend whom everyone else assumes to be male.
Whisky and Ghosts
A snake-oil salesman is chased across the desert by a gang of Mexican bandits. He finds out, however, that he is being protected by the spirits of Davey Crockett, Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed.
Manone il ladrone
White Fang to the Rescue
Set at the end of the 19th century in Canada's gold rush Klondike area, wolf-dog White Fang teams up with a prospector when his master is killed. Together they try to avenge his death.
Mr. Hercules Against Karate
A skinny troublemaker and his good-natured, bemuscled sidekick find trouble in Hong Kong.
Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eye
In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.
Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eye
In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.
The Uncertain Death
A man living in a remote area of India has an affair with a local woman who he leaves in order to marry another. His lover commits suicide after cursing him and his family. Upon returning from London with his new wife he begins to experience strange hallucinations.
Now They Call Him Sacramento
After stealing money transported in a train, Sacramento, Big Jim and Tequila arribe to "La Paz" town. They rent a room there in order to hide the money but Sacramento and Big Jim, while Tequila is sleeping, run away with the money. Tequila follow them...
A Noose Is Waiting for You Trinity
This sequel to the popular spaghetti western "Clint the Stranger" was released four years after the success of the first film and essentially uses the same plot. George Martin returns as Clint (renamed Trinity in some countries), an ex-gunslinger desperately wanting to be forgiven and accepted by his family that he abandoned years earlier. One major differences in the plot when compared to the first film is the addition of Klaus Kinski as a ruthless bounty hunter. The bounty hunter tracks Clint down and forces him to return to his violent ways to protect himself and his family.
Father Jackleg
A con man inherits a gold mine. Knowing that his family are even bigger con artists than he is, he assumes the mine is worthless, and teams up with a partner in a scheme to unload it on some unsuspecting chumps. However, the other members of his family discover that the gold mine is actually worth a lot of money, and they set out to take it from him before he realizes what he has.
Father Jackleg
A con man inherits a gold mine. Knowing that his family are even bigger con artists than he is, he assumes the mine is worthless, and teams up with a partner in a scheme to unload it on some unsuspecting chumps. However, the other members of his family discover that the gold mine is actually worth a lot of money, and they set out to take it from him before he realizes what he has.
The Crimes of the Black Cat
A blind pianist tries to figure out who is responsible for a string of murders using a black cat with its claws dipped in curare.
Night of the Scorpion
This Spanish-Italian co-production tells the story of a man who feels deep guilt for the death of his wife: he, an alcoholic, is convinced that he accidentally caused her fatal fall in their house while he was drunk. He finds a new wife, but he is unable to cope with his first wife's death. Furthermore, it appears the maid and his sister do not accept the new woman in the household. After a while, suddenly begins bodies turn up ... and the grave of the man's first wife is empty!
The Great Swindle
A seductive woman gets involved in relationships with several people. All of the characters play games of deceit with one and other and things get more and more dangerous.
Добрых похорон, друг мой!... Сартана идёт
Сартана, как всегда, оказывается в гуще бурных событий где-то на Диком Западе. Многие, очень многие хотят его убить. Но “хотеть” и “мочь”, как известно, - это две очень разные вещи...
Добрых похорон, друг мой!... Сартана идёт
Сартана, как всегда, оказывается в гуще бурных событий где-то на Диком Западе. Многие, очень многие хотят его убить. Но “хотеть” и “мочь”, как известно, - это две очень разные вещи...
Playgirl 70
Italian comedy.
Raped On The Beach
A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him.
День за послезавтра
Стэн, таинственный незнакомец в очках, прибывает в городок, где недавно произошло ограбление банка. Президент банка Джефферсон, сам провернувший ограбление, нанимает Стэна, чтобы он покончил с бандой мексиканцев, которые якобы и совершили налет. Но у нашего стрелка есть свои планы и он отправляется к главарю мексиканцев Эспартеро, чтобы договориться о расправе с Джефферсоном и его людьми...
Банда Слима бесчинствует на просторах Дикого Запада. Они убивают, грабят и насилуют. Главный герой Сартана живет размеренной жизнью, в которой появляются минуты счастья — он встретил женщину своей мечты. Но в его дом приходит беда: банда Слима насилует и убивает эту девушку. Сартана поклялся отомстить и отправился по следу этих нелюдей. Тем временем они захватили целый город и стреляют в его жителей из развлечения, а Слим нашел себе нового компаньона — охотника за головами Кирхнера. Справится ли Сартана со всей этой бандой и сможет ли отомстить за смерть своей возлюбленной?
I'll Sell My Skin Dearly
Shane’s a man come home to settle something he’d tried to forget, but has kept eating at him. His mother, father, and little sister, had been murdered for their land. Specifically an old mine the father had been working at for years with little result, but had finally struck a vein.
I Do Not Forgive... I Kill!
Don Ramon, a wealthy patron, receives his son back after he has sent him away to medical school, only to have him fall in love with his new young wife.
Kill, Panther, Kill!
In the opening moments of Kill, Panther, Kill! we see the daring escape, during a prison transfer, of master criminal Arthur Tracy. Tracy has been in stir for four years after thieving a fortune in jewels worth three million dollars. Now his loyal henchmen, Anthony and Smokey, lie in wait beside a desolate hillside road that’s apparently intended to be overlooking Malibu — but is actually some anonymous European location — as the LAPD van baring Arthur approaches. After dispensing with Arthur’s guards in a hail of machinegun fire, the three pile into a getaway car, at which point Anthony says he knows of an ideal place for them to hold up. “They’re holding a rodeo this week in Calgary”, he says. “Nobody will look for us there.” And truer words were never spoken. The only thing that I’d be looking for at a rodeo in Calgary would be a thorough ass-kicking.
The Young, the Evil and the Savage
A woman is strangled in the bath by a black-gloved killer who disposes of her body in a large trunk. The trunk is delivered to St. Hilda College, an exclusive finishing school. Betty-Anne, one of the female students, is strangled in the school cellar. The police, led by Inspector Durand, are called in to investigate. Suspects include La Floret, the voyeuristic gardener; Di Brazzi, the new swimming instructor; Mrs. Clay, the summer school French mistress; an old professor who collects birds; and a philandering young teacher called Richard. The murders continue but Jill, a keen amateur detective, helps the police identify the unlikely killer...
Destino: Estambul 68
A flood of counterfeit dollars flooded the global market and is creating alarm in governments around the world. Jeff, a dynamic young journalist is commissioned by the director of his newspaper, to investigate a very strange case: find out the whereabouts of his friend, Professor Norton, who’s mysteriously disappeared.
Иди... убей и вернись
Группа бандитов совершает ограбление поезда с золотом. Скрываясь, бандиты разделяются. Грабителя, который знает где спрятано золото, убивают. Сможет ли тройка оставшихся, банкир, бандит и наёмный убийца, работать сообща, или они перестреляют друг друга?
Kill Me Gently
One of Tony and Brad's best with the boys on the hunt for a treasure of missing LSD that has been stolen by a criminal organization. Their quest eventually leads the boys to far-off desert oil ruins where much of the film's best action occurs.
Every Man Is My Enemy
The Big Hit of Surcouf
The continuation of the adventures of Captain Robert Surcouf and his crew.
Джанго стреляет первым
Отец Джанго, который ведет дела вместе со своим напарником Кластером, застрелен наемным убийцей. Джанго наследуя часть отцовского бизнеса, намерен свести счеты с Кластером...
Countdown to Doomsday
NY private eye Jeff Milton is investigating a case of kidnapping in Caracas.
Special Mission Lady Chaplin
Original Music Composer
Lady Chaplin is a beautiful woman, she is a fashion stylist and she owns an atelier in Paris. Zoltan is a rich American specialized in submarine researches. Dick Malloy is an American secret agent. What have the three in common? Perhaps a sunk American atomic submarine with sixteen missiles still on board? And why every other scene one, two, ten or more men are trying to kill Malloy in every conceivable way?
Special Mission Lady Chaplin
Lady Chaplin is a beautiful woman, she is a fashion stylist and she owns an atelier in Paris. Zoltan is a rich American specialized in submarine researches. Dick Malloy is an American secret agent. What have the three in common? Perhaps a sunk American atomic submarine with sixteen missiles still on board? And why every other scene one, two, ten or more men are trying to kill Malloy in every conceivable way?
Johnny Yuma
Infidelity, murder, and betrayal lies at the center of this violent Spaghetti western. A scheming wife does away with her husband, causing the man's heir to seek revenge. A number of double-crosses and bloody gun battles follow, eventually driving the woman to flee into the desert.
Кровь за кровь
Кровожадный генерал армии Харальда становится претендентом на трон после того, как сам король Харальд ушел в море и не вернулся. Жена Харольда со своим сыном Моки пытается скрыться, после того как ее вызывают для брака с Хагеном. Опасаясь незнакомцев, она прогоняет от своего дома нищего. Но тот, узнав о ее беде не уходит и остается ее охранять. Он спасает ее от двух вооруженных бандитов. В результате Рюрику позволяют остаться. Он берет мальчика к себе в ученики и преподает ему искусство выживания. Но вотРюрик узнает, что Карина — это королева, которую он изнасиловал годы назад в ее свадебную ночь в качестве мести Хагену за убийство своей жены и сына. Понимая, что Моки может быть его собственным сыном Рюрик старается забыть о своей мести королевскому семейству и начинает воспринимать их как свою собственную семью. И вот в наконец Рюрик и солдаты Хагена сходятся в смертельном поединке.
Agent 3S3, Massacre in the Sun
The island paradise of San Felipe has undergone a revolution! The charismatic General Siqueiros has assumed control! Those assisting him though have an agenda far beyond a simple dictatorship of a inconsequential banana republic! They’re scheming to put the entire world at their mercy through the mad scientist Karlesten’s efforts to develop a deadly missile-carried gas! And only one man can stop him! Walter Ross, Agent 3S3! And he not only has a license to kill, but also a license to spank!
Семь великолепных с револьверами
Молодой адвокат Тимоти наследует золотую жилу. Бандит Родригес надеется ее заполучить, убив Тимоти, но вскоре обнаруживает, что тот не одинок. Пять опытных бойцов учат молодого человека отлично ездить верхом, стрелять и пить. А когда к ним присоединяется молчаливый незнакомец, они становятся «семью великолепными пистолетами», готовыми дать отпор любым бандитам...
Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill
Tony and Brad investigate the murders of politicians and scientists. They soon face off against a team of super hit women with their usual flair.
Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill
Tony and Brad investigate the murders of politicians and scientists. They soon face off against a team of super hit women with their usual flair.
Balearic Caper
A scepter is stolen, and it's hunted for by various groups of international robbers and spies, for various reasons - in a parody of 007 movies.
The Sea Pirate
A young naval officer becomes a corsair to make enough money to marry a pretty girl, and fights injustice and snobbery to reach home safely.
$100,000 for Ringo
A stranger rides into Rainbow Valley where he's mistaken for a former resident who was believed killed in the Civil War and soon finds himself in opposition to local boss Tom Cherry, who seeks to find $100,000 stashed away by a Mexican general.
That Man in Istanbul
An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.
Assassination in Rome
In this crime-thriller, Rome proves to be an unhappy destination for an American couple when the husband is kidnapped and his wife begins a desperate search for him.
Assassination in Rome
In this crime-thriller, Rome proves to be an unhappy destination for an American couple when the husband is kidnapped and his wife begins a desperate search for him.
Agent 3S3: Passport to Hell
A 1965 Italian adventure-Eurospy film directed by Sergio Sollima (credited as Simon Sterling). This is the first chapter in the Sollima's spy film trilogy with Agent 3S3. Here the intelligence agent from the U.S. is tasked with uncovering the leader of the Black Scorpion.
The Ten Gladiators
Roccia and a band of fellow gladiators join forces with a patrician named Glaucus Valerius to replace Nero, (and his evil henchman, Tigelinus), with a new emperor: Servius Galba. During the course of this bloody struggle, the gladiators lose their mentor and trainer - Resius - and then must rescue Lidia, Resius' beautiful niece, from death on the cross.
The Old Testament
First Assistant Director
The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.
The Old Testament
The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.
Revenge of the Black Knight
La Cieca Di Sorrento (also known as Revenge of the Black Knight is a 1963 cloak and dagger film directed by Nick Nostro and based on the novel of the same name by Francesco Mastriani. Masked knights fight the cruel Tyrant Amedeo, tutor of the beautiful, rich and blind orphan Isabella. The knights are led by a young doctor who in the end will defeat Isabella's evil oppressor, give her her sight and marry her.
79 A.D.
Intrigue at the Roman Emperor's court prior to its destruction by Vesuvius.
First Assistant Director
While traveling through the kingdom of Sulom, Samson is arrested and finds that the queen no longer reigns and that a power-mad warlord and his army of mercenaries now controls the kingdom. Samson teams up with some of his one-time adversaries to battle the usurper and restore the rightful queen to power.
While traveling through the kingdom of Sulom, Samson is arrested and finds that the queen no longer reigns and that a power-mad warlord and his army of mercenaries now controls the kingdom. Samson teams up with some of his one-time adversaries to battle the usurper and restore the rightful queen to power.
While traveling through the kingdom of Sulom, Samson is arrested and finds that the queen no longer reigns and that a power-mad warlord and his army of mercenaries now controls the kingdom. Samson teams up with some of his one-time adversaries to battle the usurper and restore the rightful queen to power.
Легенда о Голиафе
После долгих странствий царь Голиаф возвращается с победой на родину в Бейрут. Ему и его товарищам пришлось пережить множество приключений. Галера Голиафа подверглась нападению гигантского ящера и утонула, и только несколько человек во главе с Голиафом были выброшены волной на берег в страну Амазонок. Голиаф с товарищами попадает в плен, откуда выбраться ему помогает девушка амазонка Дэйна. Чтобы вернуться на Родину друзьям предстоит пройти пустыню и горы, сразиться с дикими племенами, одержать победу в гладиаторских боях и в схватке со львами. Но не ласково встречает их Родина. Во время его отсутствия страну захватил коварный узурпатор Бокан, который, желая оставить власть в своих руках, убивает всех, кто сочувствует Голиафу. И чтобы покончить с тираном, и вернуть власть в своем царстве, Голиафу предстоит последняя битва с врагами. Он победит, ведь народ на его стороне…
Conqueror of Maracaibo
Assistant Director
Alan Braves, captain of a pirate ship, is, by the treachery of a comrade, accused of a crime of which he is innocent. He decides to go to America, but during his trip, he finds a Spanish galleon that saved from attack by pirates, and escorting the galleon to Maracaibo. Braves is first received with full honors for saving a Spanish ship but after that is reported to the Governor, Braseeur, the pirate traitor. It is, therefore, arrested and sentenced to death from the visualization of torture ...
Conqueror of Maracaibo
Alan Braves, captain of a pirate ship, is, by the treachery of a comrade, accused of a crime of which he is innocent. He decides to go to America, but during his trip, he finds a Spanish galleon that saved from attack by pirates, and escorting the galleon to Maracaibo. Braves is first received with full honors for saving a Spanish ship but after that is reported to the Governor, Braseeur, the pirate traitor. It is, therefore, arrested and sentenced to death from the visualization of torture ...
Quanto sei bella Roma
Claudio and Maurizio, two young and reckless taxi drivers in a Roman gas station meet two American tourists, daughters of a Spanish man that has oil wells in America. Maurizio and Claudio walk the tourists to the Eternal City and forget their girlfriends Patricia and Lorella. The brides, aware of their wanderings,begin to pay them with the same currency.
Quanto sei bella Roma
Claudio and Maurizio, two young and reckless taxi drivers in a Roman gas station meet two American tourists, daughters of a Spanish man that has oil wells in America. Maurizio and Claudio walk the tourists to the Eternal City and forget their girlfriends Patricia and Lorella. The brides, aware of their wanderings,begin to pay them with the same currency.
Восстание гладиаторов
В огромной Римской империи, в стране, где правит жестокая принцесса Амира, вспыхивает восстание гладиаторов. На сторону мятежников переходит римский консул Марк. В решающем сражении, когда наемные войска Амиры, казалось бы, одержали победу, на помощь Марку приходит римский легион, и ему удается восстановить закон и порядок в стране.