THE LAUNDROMAT OFF MALIBU is a live-action, psychological thriller short film. Set in a small, run-down laundromat located off Malibu’s Pacific Coast Highway, it tells the story of the mysterious Sarah, a staff worker, and her interactions with Jason Cormack, a customer who hides a dark secret. As we find out more about Jason’s past and his reasons for being there, we realize that the laundromat is not what it appears to be.
Hospital Visitor
Отсидев 12 лет за вооруженное ограбление, Джимми выходит на свободу. Он клянётся умирающей от рака бывшей возлюбленной сделать последний год её жизни лучшим. Но, как быстро выясняется, выполнить это обещание не так просто.
ICE Officer
An undocumented immigrant, Roberto, seeks a way to become lawful, but all efforts are put on hold when he becomes a new father at the onset of the US government's 'Zero Tolerance' child separation policy at the US / Mexico border.