Laure Arto


Facing Darkness
Tax Me If You Can
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Welcome to the enchanted world of capital evasion. The keys to fortune: knowing how to hide, find accomplices and take advantage of all the flaws. The rest of us mere mortals are left with austerity policies and the joy of living in an increasingly unequal world... How far will predators go in this widespread plundering of our economies? How is the political staff complicit? How are we braking? Between Paris and Geneva, Washington and Luxembourg, from Société Générale to HSBC, via Mac Donald, Ikea and Google ... we will track down the circuits of tax evasion and decipher the mechanisms of tax fraud.
Seule autour du monde
Sound Mixer
47 years old Samantha Davies, a famous sailor, take part of a race around the world. She has a brush with death and question her adventurous lifestyle. Supported by her team and family, will she have the strength to set off again, in spite of it all ?
La Légère Déviation des atomes
Sound Mixer
Prudence Ledoux
Sound Mixer
Prudence Ledoux is 35 and unhappy with her life when she gets hit by a motorcycle. At the hospital, she meets Theo who provoked the accident.
Mariner of the Mountains
Using his personal background, Brazilian Karim Aïnous invites the audience to follow/discover an incredible journey through space and time, with an original and usually unknown prism/aspect : The strong bound between Algeria and Brazil, two countries with political and revolutionary strikes that mould their evolution.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Мать, чей сын находится в тюрьме. Девушка, посвятившая жизнь танцам. Активистка-художница и хитрый спекулянт. Четыре истории сплелись в одну, когда по всей Турции произошел сбой электроснабжения.
Монополия на насилие
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
По мере нарастания народного гнева и недовольства социальной несправедливостью многие манифестации граждан подвергаются все более жесткому подавлению полицией. Фильм «Монополия на насилие» дает зрителям тему для размышлений и дискуссий. Каким должен быть общественный порядок, насколько правомерно применение государством насилия?
Come il Bianco
Sound Mixer
Преимущества путешествий поездами
Sound Mixer
Импозантный мужчина в поезде знакомится с молодой женщиной по имени Хельга Пато. Он представляется психиатром Анхелем Санагустином и рассказывает о самом кошмарном случае из своей практики – истории параноика. Она скорее напоминает причудливые сказки «Тысячи и одной ночи», но оказывается лишь началом череды поразительных происшествий, погружающих Хельгу в водоворот безумия, перверсий и маний.
Жерем переезжает к своей бабушке, чтобы писать рэп. Там он встречает загадочную Со, которая убеждает попробовать интеллектуальный холодильник Yves, который должен упростить его жизнь. Постепенно холодильник станет другом Жерема и сделает его рэп-звездой.
Trauma Industries
Sound Mixer
It’s a big day for Joseph, his family is taking him on a trip to the Smile-Rite® toy factory, it’s his tenth birthday. And everybody knows that when you turn ten, that’s when you become a man…
Summer Lights
Sound Mixer
Akihiro, a native japanese filmmaker living in Paris, came to Japan to interview survivors for a documentary celebrating the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Deeply moved by the interviews, he decided to take a break and wanders through the city during which he meets Michiko, a merry and enigmatic young woman. Michiko takes him for a joyful and improvised journey from the city towards the sea where the horrors of the past are mingled to the simplicity of the present.
Sound Mixer
Solange, in her sixties, her 3 daughters, and Zouzou, her 14 year-old granddaughter, spend a few days in the country. An opportunity for Solange to announce the news: she has a new man in her life. And the sexual side of the relationship, should they discuss it or ignore it?
La femme qui flottait
Sound Mixer
Lionel is a middle-aged man. A little naive, maybe. One day, he finds a woman's body floating in his pool...
Mix Technician
The story is simply set around a couple fighting at the breakfast table. All is well, nothing out of the ordinary. Steph announces to his life partner Flippy, the mascot bear for Flipp’s cereals, that he wishes to go to Japan to fulfill his childhood’s dream: study at a Ninja school.
The Shady Sailor
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Laetitia and Sophie go to Quimper, town where Laetitia used to live, to pass the weekend. Sophie is having problems with her husband, while Laetitia tells her about one of her youth's boyfriends, the "masked sailor" she used to love while she lived in Quimper.
Sound Mixer
Les hommes sans gravité
Alban lives in a castle he has just inherited. The inside has been in decay for a long time. He meets Jerôme, a young gypsy from the neighbouring town. A strange relationship begins between them in this place.
200000 Phantoms
Sound Mixer
In 1914, the Czech architect Jan Letzel designed in the Japanese city of Hiroshima Center for the World Expo, which has turned into ruins after the atomic bombing in August 1945. “Atomic Dome” – all that remains of the destroyed palace of the exhibition – has become part of the Hiroshima memorial. In 2007, French sculptor, painter and film director Jean-Gabriel Périot assembled this cinematic collage from hundreds of multi-format, color and black and white photographs of different years’ of “Genbaku Dome”.
Candy Boy
Sound Mixer
Children are mysteriously falling ill at an orphanage. Candy Boy, the most valiant of the orphans, investigates, but the arrival of a new boarder complicates his inquiries.
Интимные сцены
Sound Mixer
Режиссер Жанна, известная своим смелым взглядом на секс, снимает фильм о любви. Но вскоре съемки откровенных интимных сцен превращаются в пытку: погода портится, огромный искусственный член отваливается, Актер холоден и скован, а Актриса и вовсе не знает, что нужно делать. Через некоторое время в свете софитов и в тени уютных декораций разгораются невероятные скандалы и безумные страсти, способные свести с ума даже бывалого киномана. Но целеустремленная Жанна не унывает, она добьется желанного результата любыми, даже самыми экстремальными средствами!