Mai Nakano

Mai Nakano


Mai Nakano


Once Upon a Time in Tokyo
Over the course of 24 hours, five characters will face dilemmas suffocating through another day in their dead end worlds. Their lives will intersect as the story builds to a tragic climax for some and liberation for others.
Откровение любви
Zero Church Follower
О чём мечтает подросток в самом расцвете сил? Конечно же о любви! О чём думает подросток у которого папа после смерти мамы стал священником, и теперь бедному парню нужно признаваться в своих грехах, которых он не совершал?
The Apartment by the Sea
Nori Kuroiwa
Nori visited her aunt's apartment by the sea for the first time. She found a postcard letter from her aunt's notebook by accident. It was from Mitsuko Miyoshi. She decided to visit the unknown woman's address.