Thomas Marini


Dirty, Difficult, Dangerous
Mehdia, an Ethiopian migrant domestic worker in Beirut, loves Ahmed, a Syrian refugee who struggles to survive dealing in second-hand metal scraps, while affected by a mysterious physical condition related to shrapnel wounds exposure during the war. Their love story seems to have no future, but since they have nothing, they can lose nothing. When the opportunity presents itself, they leave Beirut in a hopeful and desperate get-away while Ahmed’s physical condition gets worse and worse.
Following the burial of his father, in his village right in the middle of the Corsican countryside , Dumè discovered the existence of a brother, Lucien, with whom he will have to share the inheritance left by the patriarch... On the condition of being able to live together for a month in the family home. Under the backdrop of cultural legitimacy and of real estate inheritance a balance of power will be established between Lucien, the blood son, and Dumè, the adopted son.
Мой легионер
Ami de Thomas
Двадцатилетняя Ника следует за своим женихом, украинским солдатом Владом. Действия разворачиваются на тренировочной базе на Корсике, перед отправкой легионеров в Африку. Встреча с Селин, женой лейтенанта второго класса Максима, меняет представления Ники о своем будущем.