Hugues Demeude


The Origins of Pompeii
Today, new archaeological excavations are revealing the last mysteries of Pompeii, and the use of new powerful technologies allows us to better understand the eight centuries of urban evolution of the city. Why did this city settle in such a strategically dangerous place? How was the city built? Experts tell the epic story of the legendary city of Pompeii and its history before the cataclysm.
The Time Fabric
Who invented time, who invented the clock? Why 1 hour, why 60 minutes, why 60 seconds? Since prehistoric times, man has sought to measure time, to organize social and religious life, to plan food supply... Today we can surf the Internet, geolocate, pay by credit card… All our daily lives depend on time and the synchronization of clocks. The history of the invention of time and of the ways and instruments to measure it is a long story…