Bhashaili tells the story of Pakistani Bengali’s living in Karachi, many of whom face issues around citizenship and Statelessness despite being in their fourth generation. We follow the everyday stories of young and old Pakistani Bengalis as they chase their dreams, find love, stand up for injustices, and face despair around their lack of recognition in Pakistan.
Bhashaili tells the story of Pakistani Bengali’s living in Karachi, many of whom face issues around citizenship and Statelessness despite being in their fourth generation. We follow the everyday stories of young and old Pakistani Bengalis as they chase their dreams, find love, stand up for injustices, and face despair around their lack of recognition in Pakistan.
Ex-army chief created a secret Force to save the nation from Terror attacks. GREEN FORCE is an unofficial team of Patriots which fight against every terrorist activities.
News Anchor
A feisty girl from Ghaziabad makes her profile on an online dating app and her left and right swipes on the app lead to hilarious consequences.
Bengal Minister
Father-song duo Shilendra and Satyendra Yadav mastermind a train robbery; among other crimes that they commit together to attain political power and maintain their reign as terrorizers in a small town in Jharkhand, get nabbed by the Kolkata Police on international soil.
Shamsher Singh
The story mainly builds on confusion and how that creates a huge humorous ruckus that will leave its audience in splits.
Mehta ji
In The Movie Romeo and Radhika, Romeo Represents naughtiness in Love and Radhika Represents The Sincerity of Love but both of them represent the Art Of Love in modern era which has the feeling to go extreme to become one. People fall in love with their best friends in real life all the time. Have You Ever Proposed Your Best Friend ??? Sometimes the sweetest love stories are ones that start with a friendship and ends in eternal love. R&R is a journey about how Rahul wins Radhika's heart with great help of his best buddies though this journey has lot of turns and twist in it creates a great story to watch. Radhika represents today's modern girl with great value system of the gujarati family exhibit the perfect mix of a true friend and a very responsible personality in it. All the characters are unique and will surely connect to some or the other way to our all audience.
Rose Dey is the new teacher at the university. She is very attractive and is a nymphomaniac. At the university, Rose meets Tanvesh and an affair begins.
О них не было слышно вестей с 2007 года. И вот наконец, самые крупные мафиози, державшие когда-то в кулаке весь Мумбаи, снова вернулись. За 8 лет они из бандитов превратились в порядочных людей, и спокойно живут себе в Дубаи, управляя там одним из самых роскошных отелей. Тогда причиной их кардинального изменения была Санджана, названная сестра Удая Шетти, которую наплодил его блудливый отец. Удачно выдав её замуж за воплощение ангела на земле, бывшие короли преступного мира теперь строят планы обзавестись своими семьями, но они терпят фиаско, потому что любвеобильный отец Удая успел снова «согрешить» и породить ещё одну дочурку Ранджану, которую тяжелым хомутом вешает на шею своему сыну и его другу Маджну...
ATS officer Salunkhe
A 3D Movie in which a young man discovers a genie (Tiku Talsania) who helps him face his fears and find his confidence. Along the way, they face off against a goofy terrorist and visit Santa at the North Pole. A laugh-riot with a subtle message of love and compassion.
Gurjar Aandolan is a 2014 Indian action film written and directed by Aarun Nagar and produced by Kirti Motion Pictures under his banner. It stars Aarun Nagar, Surendra Pal, Mushtaq Khan, Ehsan Khan, Leena Kapoor, Ali Khan, Rajendra Singh, Gurjar Bali and Ravi Verma. It was theatrically released on 17 October 2014.
A detective with training in criminal psychology aids the local police's hunt for a female serial killer who seduces unfaithful husbands before murdering them.
Сын владельца брачного бюро Мансукх проваливал все дела с тех пор, как он вырос и стал помогать своему отцу в семейном бизнесе. Все союзы, которые он пытался скрепить, разваливались ещё до вступления в брак. Чтобы доказать отцу свою ценность незаменимого работника, он принимает на себя необычную задачу - сосватать Инду, сестру главы мафии ТТТ, и Бахаттара из Пенджаба, все члены семьи которого страстно верят в нумерологию и даже носят порядковые номера. В округе они пользуются дурной славой, поэтому Бахаттар не может себе найти жену. Другие члены семьи импортировали себе жён из за рубежа: из Южной Африки, Канады и Китая. Но брачный агент Мансукх верит в успех, а на самом деле только добавляет проблем...
Baapji's Brother-in-Law
Шива, мелкий воришка из Мумбаи, влюбляется в красотку Паро, приехавшую в Мумбаи на свадьбу. Она отвечает ему взаимностью, и он решает ради любви к ней завязать с воровством. Только перед этим он хочет сорвать последний огромный куш. Именно таким образом он знакомится с Чинки, маленькой девочкой, которая сообщает Шиве, что тот её отец. Эта новость переворачивает мир вокруг него. С одной стороны, у Шивы просыпаются отцовские чувства и он хочет заботиться о невинном ребёнке, с другой стороны, он не знает, как отреагирует Паро на эту новость, и пытается скрывать ребёнка от неё. В конце концов, всё тайное становится явным: Паро узнаёт о Чинки и в сердцах бросает Шиву..
Bharat is the Indian common man and a part-time actor, and portrays the role of Hanuman, the monkey God, at the local Ramleela skit. His family consists of his wife, Nisha, ambitious for her husband, and would like him to be promoted from cashier to manager at the bank. Bharat, however, wants to be Ram, the protagonist in Ramleela. And then one day, Bharat’s table-fan gets stolen. Bharat then gets sucked into a system that worships corruption and dishonesty, and is forced to bribe his way through criminals and law keepers alike, just to get this table-fan back. What the system does not seem to realise, however, is that even somebody as common as Bharat can snap, and when he does, he can make life hell for a lot of people
Sunny's uncle
A horror suspense love story about a newly-married couple. Jay and Muskan loved each other very much, but they cannot get married. Then, one day Muskan married a rich young man, Sunny Malhotra. Jay did not handle this situation very well, and he decided to end his own life. Muskan has now forgotten everything from her past life and is very happy in her marriage with Sunny Malhotra. Together they go on honeymoon to a hill station. However, while on their honeymoon, Muskan sees a dead body everywhere around her.
Inspector Khuj Lee
In a bid to escape their domineering wives, two womanizing slackers get saddled with a corpse amongst other challenges in a foreign country.
Two rival con-men attempt to outdo each other to woo a wealthy woman.
Apoorva college is few miles away from Mumbai city and the students are wayward. The college and the students face a survival crisis when the owner of the college plans to sell it off. The students and the principal decide to fight to save it. Will they succeed?
Ashok Chakra movie is based on the 26/11 Attacks in Mumbai and almost every scene is being enacted herein. The country gives Ashok Chakra to all the soldiers of country. Film Ashok Chakra is a war against terrorism where film gets the news through Assab that who are putting these men to become human bombs. These human bombs are made in quantity and sent to different countries to spread terror. Assab is one of them who come to Mumbai through water and creates terror in the city and how he kills people in Mumbai. Assab is hanged till death in the film.
Pappu Halva
Directed by Jagbir Dahiya. With Abhay Bhargav, Suresh Chatwal, Dinesh Hingoo, Ahmed Khan.
Four men attempt to sleep with their friend's new wife, whilst she herself tries to seduce her disinterested husband.
Tarun's General Manager
Mumbai-based Saba Sharma lives a charmed life with a 'good luck' syndrome. Everything she does - whether it's work or play - is charmed and goes smoothly. After securing a meaty contract with Tarun Chopra, she is promoted by her boss, Kanchan Soni, and they celebrate with a masked party. It is here she meets with a male, Vicky Varma, dances with him and kisses him - thereby losing her luck. Shortly thereafter she not only gets arrested; gets lodged in a cell and slapped by a larger woman; but also gets fired. She moves in with a co-worker, Ritu, and both plan to locate the masked male, have Saba kiss him, and restore her good luck. But the question remains: how she is going to locate him?
Minister Mohanlal Agarwal
Профессор Раджан Матхур — учитель урду, живет с женой Ромой в Дели, на Чандни-Чоук. Как-то он знакомится с Нумайром Кази, который представляется ему, как жертва общественных бунтов в Гуджарате. Испытывая чувство сострадания к молодому человеку, Раджан дает ему пристанище в своем доме, и постепенно они становятся близкими друзьями. Но, через какое-то время Раджан случайно узнает, что Нумайр не тот, за кого себя выдает. Фактически Нумайр – смертник, который должен взорвать Красный форт в Дели 15 августа во время празднования Дня Независимости Индии.
Danny´s Taxi Driver
23 января 2002 года жизнь журналистки Марианы Перл резко изменилась. Ее муж Дэниел Перл, руководитель южно-азиатского бюро нью-йоркского издания Wall Street Journal, занимавшийся в Пакистане поиском материала для статьи о террористе Ричарде Риде, бесследно исчез.Находившаяся на шестом месяце беременности, Мариана отчаянно пыталась его разыскать. Однако вскоре выяснилось, что он был захвачен боевиками, объявлен израильским шпионом и обезглавлен. Видеозапись казни бандиты передали в СМИ…
A story about friends and their ambitions.
Aryan and Nandini, two fellow collegians, fall in love and elope when their parents disapprove of their relationship. However, they land in trouble when they are abducted by Donga, a terrorist.
Ashu (8 year old son)and the parents of the boy are too involved in their daily lives and hence cannot give much time to the boy who always feels lonely. He would only get to be with the maid. On one rainy day the boy saves a drowning mouse and saves his life. He brings the small mouse home and tells the maid about it. She is very happy and tells the boy that he has saved Lord Ganesha's pet ride.
Crime - Vikram Chopra is a respectable man. He has two sons, Vishant and Gaurav. Vishant is married to Priyanka, whom he neglects and instead spends all of his time with his friends. Taking advantage of the situation, Gaurav tries to get closer to Priyanka. *Subtitles not available for this feature* -
In a story of an Indian emigrant to Dubai, Rahul Khanna attempts to better himself through many and various forms of employment.
Шер живет вместе с матерью и больной сестрой в небольшом городке. Но однажды он решает изменить свою жизнь и уезжает в поисках своего счастья. На новом месте Шер встречает Нишу, которую очень любит. Но однажды мать просит его вернутся. Приехав домой Шер узнает, что сын местного помещика решил жениться на его больной сестре, а вот дочь помещика мечтает выйти замуж за самого Шера. Ради счастья сестры Шер женится на дочери помещика Свити. Но самое интересное, что Свити знает его как Шера. А вот его любимая Ниша знает его под другим именем – Шекхар…
A struggling singer tries to attract the interests of a young wealthy girl in order to help him succeed.
The chief protagonists are Shivani and Aditya, a married couple with 2 children, Tanwi Gouri Mehta and Anand Mehta. They are wealthy and live in a mansion. Their idyllic life is shattered with the arrival of Sonia, who has an affair with Adiyta. Eventually, Aditya leaves his family for Sonia, leaving the wife and two kids alone. When it is found out that Sonia is barren, Aditya demands custody of his children from Shivani and approaches the courts for a custody battle. Eventually, the courts rule against Shivani and award custody to Aditya and Sonia. The movie changes it's ambiance from the family dispute to one of suspense and horror shortly after.
Moving to Dubai with his wife, Sameer is seduced by his new female boss.
Abandoned in an orphanage, subsequently adopted by wealthy Mr. Mohanto and Gayetri, Gopal Mohanto lives a wealthy lifestyle in Guwahati. His foster mother is often cruel to him, and he runs away to Bombay, where he meets some youth in his age group and starts earning money delivering newspapers under the supervision of Badru. One day he finds some money belonging to Bollywood actress, Shalini, and returns it to her.
Ранвир Сингх Рана — крутой начальник специальной тюрьмы для особо опасных преступников внезапно лишается своего теплого местечка. Виной всему — побег из тюрьмы опасного бандита Багира. Вырвавшись на волю преступник начинает вселять ужас на близлежащие деревни. Власти объявляют особо ценный приз тому, кто сможет поймать бандита и засадить его обратно в тюрьму. Привлеченные большими деньгами на поиски Багира отправляются сотни авантюристов, не подозревающих во что они ввязались…
Chutki Baba
Самая большая проблема Самира - его гнев. Он умудряется испортить отношения почти со всеми людьми в родном городе и уезжает работать в Гоа спасателем на водах. В день приезда Самир знакомится с красавицей Рани, в которую тут же влюбляется, и в этот же день по ошибке умудряется дать пощечину ее отцу. Теперь Самир должен вымолить у Рани прощение, но удача окончательно поворачивается к нему спиной, когда по соседству с ним поселяется Санни, который по пророчеству должен увести у него любимую девушку. Самир должен вынести еще многие удары судьбы, но в итоге он добьется своего.
Madhu lives a wealthy lifestyle in Mussorie, India and operates Hotel Savoy. She meets with and falls in love with Vijay Sanyal and shortly thereafter both of them get married. After the marriage, her friend, Julie, and her mom notice a change in Vijay but do not tell Madhu about this, leaving Vijay free to get Madhu to sign a Power of Attorney in his favor. He runs the Hotel, but eventually finds that it is not doing too well, and decides to sell it to Darshan Damania and his partners, Mirza Baig, Chhadha, Nikhil Chopra, and Kanwar Singh much to Madhu's displeasure. The partners, with two of Darshan's girlfriends, Kamya, and Rama in tow, arrive in Mussorie to sign the documents. The only one missing is Mirza, who had stated that he will be arriving later. Instead, however, ACP Sumed Singh arrives to inform them that Mirza has been killed in a car explosion.
Pankaj Bhai (Sapna's secretary)
Тони осиротел в раннем детстве и оказался один на улицах Бомбея. Храбрость и остроумие помогли ему выжить. По воле судьбы он встретил и полюбил восходящую звезду эстрады Сапну. Тони понимает, что он не пара Сапне, так как нужны немалые средства, чтобы красавица принадлежала ему. Чтобы достать деньги он ввязывается в сомнительную авантюру, не подозревая, что теперь судьба сведет его уже с отцом своей возлюбленной…
Bantu and Chantu are unemployed, and are not able to get any jobs due to lack of experience. They come across an advertisement for a hotel management program in Goa, and make their way there. Once there, they hoodwink the trainer by posing as the nephew of the owner of the hotel, and thus enroll themselves in the training course. In the course of the program, they expose several employees and guests as cheats, earning their wrath but also the admiration of the two daughters of the hotel owners. Things turn sore for the two when the guests and former employees get together to avenge their humiliation.
Major Ram is one of the few soldiers from the Indian Army who have been held captive in Pakistan, following the war with India. The Indian army and politicians are unable to make any decision so as not to jeopardize the lives of the captives. Major Ram's brother, Arjun, alias Sunny decides to take it upon himself to enter Pakistan and get his brother free. He now calls himself Salman. On the way he meets with beautiful Ruksar and both fall in love with each other. Unfortunately for them, they cannot be married, so they elope, leading to an unrest within their community, and a hunt is on for them. Salman and Ruksar chance upon the prison camp that is housing Ram, and do get him free, only to find themselves trapped by Pakistani Jihaadis and soldiers.
College Director
Film Director
Raj Matthews has been selected the best actor in the Bollywood Cine Awards. He dedicates this award to his pretty co-star, Preeti Sardesai. Raj has everything going for him. He is rich, famous, handsome, and popular. Preeti thinks a lot about him, and is even considering having an affair with him. Behind all the glitter and the glory lies an embittered Mrs. Matthews - namely Madhurika - who is insecure and jealous of Preeti, and suspects her husband of having an affair with her. She will not tolerate any woman to come between her and Raj - even if it means killing her or both of them.
Gul Khan
Не имея возможность уехать в Пакистан в 1947 во время разделения стран, Сакина остается в Индии. Здесь она находит защиту у сингха Тары, выходит за него замуж и в счастливом браке рожает ему сына. Но, узнав, что живы родители, эмигрировавшие в Пакистан, она едет туда, чтобы встретиться с ними. Однако, как только она оказывается на родине, ее отец, крупный политический деятель, ненавидящий Индию и имеющий свои планы на будущее дочери, делает все возможное, чтобы она не могла вернуться в Индию и соединиться с семьей…
Легкомысленный повеса Дев решил наконец остепениться и связать себя узами брака с дочерью крупного промышленника. Будущий тесть поручил ему ответственное дело - заключить важный контракт в Сингапуре. Возвращаясь в Бомбей, он знакомится с Прией, победительницей фестиваля азиатской музыки и танца. Молодые люди вскоре поняли, что не могут жить друг без друга. Но Дев помолвлен и Прия тоже не свободна. Влюбленных раздирают сомнения: или исполнить свой долг, или отдаться во власть любви...
Sunder Das
Чтобы заработать деньги для лечения больного отца, Аша вынуждена торговать душой и телом в ночном клубе. Переспав с тремя мужчинами, она узнает, что беременна, но кто из новоявленных папаш является отцом родившейся девочки, остается непостижимой загадкой...
A 1999 Indian thriller film.
Balram, a rogue, who works for crime lord Bajrang decides to kill inspector Rakesh for sending him to prison. However, he changes his mind when he learns a secret about Rakesh.
Sanjana loves Rahul, but Rahul treats Sanjana as a friend. He is attracted to Nisha, and announces that he will be marrying her soon. Sanjana does not take kindly to this, and in her heart hopes to make Rahul change his mind. She hires Shekhar to be her lover/boyfriend, and go out with her, so as to make Rahul jealous. This does not work, Rahul is drawn even closer to Nisha, and Shekhar finds himself falling in love with Sanjana. Sanjana finds herself getting attracted to Shekhar, only to find out that the police, especially Inspector Khan, would like to arrest Shekhar for criminal activities
Hanuman Prasad
Major Jasbir Singh Rana (Amitabh Bachchan) trains cadets to become officers in the national defence academy. A spoilt brat Virendra Pratap Singh (Ajay Devgan) joins the academy. Little does he know the major is a strict disciplinarian who takes a row to straighten him and make him a soldier. Thus starts a war between the two. In the meantime Virendra falls in love with a beautiful girl NISHA (Sonali Bendre) whose marriage was fixed by his father to a wealthy contractor's son. But the girl loves Virendra against her father's will and so starts the fight between Virendra and the girl's father supported by the contractor and his son with gang. Majorsaab helps Virendra to get his love and to change Virendra from spoilt brat to a good and brave soldier.
Vishwanath and Jaikishan are two thieves and good friends. When they try to lead an honest life for the sake of their women, Pukhraj turns them against each other and the two become sworn enemies.
Vicky studies in a college in Bombay, and is quite popular with his fellow-students. His fight is against other students, like Bobby and Shakti, who distribute drugs and molest young women at will, without being disciplined by the college authorities. This places Vicky in the bad books of the college, and leads to a students' strike and the involvement of the police. The next day, the college principal, Rajni Bhargav, is found dead, and the police arrest Vicky as they have evidence against him. Vicky's is in more trouble than he thought he would be in as the principal's son is a Police Inspector, Karan, who has sworn to beat the life out of Vicky, as well as sent him to the gallows. Vicky claims he is innocent to no avail. And the only way he can prove his innocence is by escaping from his cell - but that will only enrage Karan as well as make him look even more guilty in the eyes of the law. Vicky has to now to chose between the two and attempt to redeem himself.
Police Inspector Danapani
Dr Ram Prasad Ghayal (Amitabh) is a surgeon whose scalpel proves to be a magic wand. He has a wife called Janaki (Dimple) and a brother called Bharat. Bharat is in love with a dancing doll Renu (Karishma) whom the baddie's brother (Deepak Tijouri) also loves. Bharat, an architect refuses to sign a power project involving heavy kickbacks and heavier displacement (with so many scams in the air, what can one expect the plot to be). He is implicated in a plot and sent to jail. Unable to bear this humiliation, he commits suicide and Renu marries Deepak instead of repenting her beloved's loss. Now is the time for our 'Mrityudaata' to avenge the loss of his wife and his brother. He trades his scalpel for a machine gun and apron for a commando coat and cap.
Dr. M. M. Surmawala
Аджай Прасад давно женат, они вместе с супругой воспитывают сына. Однажды их семью пригласили на свадьбу, но только Аджай отправляется в Бомбей. Там его встречают, как дорогого гостья, поселяют в шикарные апартаменты. Неожиданная свобода вскружила Аджайю голову. Он очарован молоденькой соседкой , он готов закрутить с ней роман...
ASP Raj Sinha is assign with the task of bringing to justice the people who are responsible for printing and circulating fake currency notes. Raj is shocked when he learn that the leader behind this crime is none other than his childhood friend, Raghavan. When Raj confronts Raghavan this angers him and along with the help of his gang he mercilessly murder Raj's mother and his wife, Suman injuring Raj in the process. When Raj recovers from this carnage he plots to destroy Raghavan.
Руп - фольклорный певец из штата пустынь Раджастхан, привозит своего отца Шамбху Ратхода в Бомбей на лечение, где и влюбляется в медсестру Пуджу, которая, по счастливому совпадению, без труда завоевывает сердце отца Рупа. Приехав в чужой город, Руп отправляется в ресторан, где прислуживает его земляк, и тут, на беду попадается на глаза сестре хозяина отеля Аджая Наранга - Решме. Не подозревая по простоте душевной о зародившейся страсти в душе Решмы, Руп с радостью соглашается работать певцом в ресторане при отеле ее брата.
Vikram Mayur is looking after his late brother's eight-year-old son and is torn between choosing to take Nandu back to England to learn his family's business, or risk throwing it all way.
Avinash gets into a fight with a gangster, Yeda Topi, and is accused of his murder. Thereafter, he pretends to be Dr Verma and romances his girlfriend who has a cognitive disability, Neha Khurana.
Commissioner D.A. Chauhan
Film starring Saif Ali Khan, Atul Agnihotri and Kajol
Mr. Bhatija (Rohit's Lawyer)
Не желая поступиться собственной карьерой, киноактриса Киран уходит от мужа, оставив ему на воспитание трехлетнего сына. Однако, проходит время, вершина славы достигнута и, почувствовав одиночество, Киран вспоминает, что у нее есть семья...
Havaldar Shantaram
Raja is a small-time smuggler. His sweetheart, Priya does not approve of this, and convinces him to give up his smuggling activities, and turn the information over to the police. He does so, only to find that he has been framed for a murder he did not commit. When he decides to entrust himself to the justice of the courts, he is convicted of murder and sentenced to jail. In jail he encounters more problems, and needs all his wits to stay alive. Back to Priya; Raja's former smuggling colleagues, including corrupt police officers are openly harassing her, and no one seems to be able to look after her. Raja must get out of jail to find out who has framed him, and who is the king-pin behind the smuggling ring.
Mr. Lobo
Kundecha is a wealthy industrialist as well as the owner of around 40 branches of Kundecha Coop. Bank Ltd. He has booked all the lockers in all his bank branches and does not let any member of the public rent them. If anyone opposes his policy he reduces them to ashes through one of his gizmo's. One day he comes to a branch run by Mr. Chiklia to empty some of his lockers.
Мадху и Раджа были вместе с самого детства и каждую минуту старались быть рядом друг с другом. Но однажды их родные серьезно повздорили, из-за чего Мадху и Раджу разлучили… С тех пор проходит много лет, Мадху и Раджа становятся совсем взрослыми, но все это время они помнили друг о друге. И вот однажды они вновь встречаются. На этот раз они обещают друг другу не расставаться никогда.
The Don is the story of a common man, later becoming a Don, who always stands for justice and poor against all odds and evil minds. His sister is yet to forgive him as he had murdered her fiancee
When terrorists attempt to assassinate a politician who's under his protection, a dutiful police officer vows to capture them within a week.
Inspector Mishra
Кишан всегда был смелым парнем. Он давно мечтает работать в полиции, ведь его привлекает возможность ловить преступников и бороться с беззаконием. Но попасть на учебу в полицейскую академию не так уж и просто. Чтобы его взяли, главный герой придумывает отличный план. Кишан очень похож на констебля по имени Гопи. Главный герой собирается подменить Гопи, и таким образом проникнуть в полицию. Постепенно он осваивается на службе и сталкивается с крупным мафиози, которому объявляет войну.
Wealthy author Ajay Pandit befriends angry and poor Deva, who lives in the nearby slums with his widower father. After the two men grow up, Ajay falls in love with Sonali, while Deva continues to live a life of destitution.
Babbanrao Deshmukh
Lack-lustred and alcoholic Pratap Narayan Tilak is given a rude awakening when he meets with journalist Megha Dixit, and decides to instill some sense of justice and fair play within his community, and get them to assertively defend their rights and freedom. He is met with strong resistance, both from within his very own community, the police, and some very powerful and influential politicians. Unable to bear the injustice, and frustrated at his community to act proactively, Pratap decides to take the law into his own hands, resulting in chaos, violence, and uncertainty for everyone, and a path to his own grave.
Much to his disapproval, a wealthy man finds history repeating itself when his daughter falls in love with a poor boy, who also happens to be the son of a past enemy.
Сагар и Вишал Капур живут под одной крышей, хотя они и не братья. Вишал опекает Сагара больше, чем родного брата. Сагар, беспечный юнец, всегда окруженный красивыми девушками, сходящими по нему с ума. Там, где Сагар, все наполняется любовью и красотой, а Вишал — его противоположность.Жажда к деньгам и террору охватывают Вишала. Через двух своих подручных — Нагешвара и Далала — Вишал сеет ужас и борется против закона и правосудия. Для Вишала любовь можно купить за деньги.Аша любит Вишала, но Вишал со своими взглядами на жизнь разбивает ей сердце, и Аша уходит от Вишала. Продолжая свою опасную жизнь, Вишал однажды оказывается на пороге смерти, но танцовщица Баркха, самоотверженно спасает его и дает Вишалу шанс на новую жизнь…
Police Inspector
Roshni Chadha makes her living, singing in various places and this makes her the breadwinner of her home. She soon gets to meet the handsome and wealthy Rahul Malhotra, who finds out that she can actually sing professionally and he helps her to attain this goal, which soon became a success and Roshni falls in love with Rahul and finds out that he has the same feelings for her. On a foreign trip, Roshni is arrested by the police for having in her possession cocaine, Rahul disappears leaving Roshni in hot-soup and now she must prepare to undergo her prison terms as there is no one to help her.
Sir is a 1993 Bollywood film directed by Mahesh Bhatt starring Naseeruddin Shah, Pooja Bhatt, Atul Agnihotri and Paresh Rawal.
Bhagwati Prasad Mishra
Сестра Рахула неожиданно умирает. Теперь ее брату холостяку придется самому вести семейный бизнес, а, так же, взять опеку над тремя детьми. Рахул взявшись за дела, понимает, что семейное дело находится на грани банкротства, да и дети не особо хотят слушать своего дядю. Няни надолго не задерживаются в этом доме, практически каждый день одна сменяет другую. И вот однажды дети сами находят выход из сложной ситуации. А случается этот как раз в тот день, когда они встречают на улице девушку по имени Вайджанти.
Adivasi Bheema
Nita lives a middle-class lifestyle with her mom and dad in Bombay, India, and works as a Surgeon in a hospital. She is of marriageable age, & is in love with a struggling Musician/Singer named Ravi, much to the chagrin of her mom, who wants her to marry someone who is wealthy. One day a badly wounded male is admitted into the hospital, is pronounced dead, but recovers, and with Nita's help recuperates and is discharged. He visits Nita's home, introduces himself as wealthy Vikram Chauhan and asks her parents for the hand of Nita, who immediately accept. But Nita wants to marry Ravi and plans to elope with him. On that fateful day, Ravi fails to keep his appointment and a heartbroken Nita decides to get married to Vikram. The marriage takes place with great pomp and ceremony. When Ravi attempts to re-enter Nita's life, she forbids him. Little does she know that Ravi's plans had been sabotaged by none other than Vikram - who is in reality a human during daytime...
Питамбер Кхоли, находясь на верхушке среднего класса, живёт со своими женой, братьями Яшвантом и Пратапом и сестрой Кусум. Братья попадают в немилость к Дону преступного мира по имени Свами, который вскоре начинает против них вендетту.
Сундер Шривастав на маленьком клочке земли открыл сельскую школу, выполняя последнюю волю своего отца. Но ни других учителей, ни классной комнаты в школе не было. Однажды к нему приехал старый друг детства из Бомбея, предложивший Сундеру поехать в Дубай и заработать там денег на новую школу. Сундер следует его совету, продает свой участок земли, дом, набирает нужную сумму денег, которую и вручает другу для приобретения билета и другие расходы. Но, приехав в город, Сундер обнаруживает, что старый друг обманул его и сам уехал на его деньги. К тому же у Сундера вытащили из кармана остатки денег и украли все вещи. Не имея никого знакомого в городе, Сундер не мог остановиться в Бомбее, но и в деревню вернуться не может...
A taxi driver with a tragic past sees an opportunity for redemption when he encounters a woman sold into prostitution. Wanting to help her escape, he has to deal with the wrath of the brothel madam.
Двое беспризорников Бирджу и Шанкар дружат с самого детства и кажется что такую верную дружбу не в силах поколебать никакие испытания. Это история о дружбе, которая под влиянием алчности превращается во вражду. Но неужели уже ничего нельзя поправить или начать сначала?
Rafoo Master
Rahul and Anu Verghese meet on the same day, while both are held by the police on charges of creating a disturbance, and running away respectively. They meet again, and love happens. Rahul helps Anu to be independent, and seek a job. Then Anu is discovered by a talent agent to be a model, which she accepts. Rahul wants to marry Anu, but first must establish himself.
The story revolves around a banker played by Shah Rukh Khan and his struggle to deal with people and his organization.
Banke Nawab
A young woman leads impoverished embroidery workers in a strike against the greedy wholesalers who exploit them.
'Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Ata Hai' revolves around the Pintos and the people connected to them. There's Albert who's pretty much angry at everybody. His brother Dominic who thinks it's better to be jobless than to work an underpaid job, his patient sister Joan who works at a sari shop, his independent girlfriend Stella who feels under-appreciated by her boyfriend, his father and his colleagues, client and Stella's family. The film is very much a social commentary about Middle-class life in Bombay during the late ’70s and the conflicts arising in the labour force because workers were getting severely underpaid.
Anveshan film