Bruno Cremer
Рождение : 1929-10-06, Saint-Mandé, Val-de-Marne, France
Смерть : 2010-08-07
Bruno Jean Marie Cremer (6 October 1929 – 7 August 2010) was a French actor best known for portraying Jules Maigret on French television, from 1991 to 2005.
Bruno Cremer was born in Saint-Mandé, Val-de-Marne, in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. His mother, Jeanne Rullaert, a musician, was of Belgian Flemish origin and his father, Georges, was a businessman from Lille who, though born French, had taken out Belgian nationality after the French armed forces refused to accept him for service in the First World War. Bruno himself opted for French nationality when he reached the age of 18. His childhood was largely spent in Paris.
Bruno attended the Cours Hattemer, a private school. Having completed his secondary studies, he followed an interest in acting which had interested him since the age of 12 and trained in acting from 1952 at France's highly selective Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique (English: French National Academy of Dramatic Arts).
His career began with ten years spent acting in live theatre, playing roles drawn from works of Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and Jean Anouilh. Aged already 30, he created the role of Thomas Becket in the 1959 world premiere of Anouilh's Becket, and held Anouilh in veneration all his life. Later Cremer played Max in a French production of Bent by Martin Sherman in 1981. He regarded his basic profession as that of a stage actor, though he gravitated firmly to films.
It was in 1957 that Cremer had his first credited part in a film, Quand la femme s'en mêle (When a woman meddles), which starred Alain Delon. However, it was in 1965 that Cremer's career really began to prosper, with the film La 317e section, (The 317th Platoon), directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer and set in Indochina during the French colonial wars. From then onwards, Cremer became a popular actor and appeared in over 110 productions for cinema and television.
While Cremer tried to avoid labels and typecasting, he tended to be offered tough-guy roles, often military men. Examples from various points in his career include Section spéciale (1975), La légion saute sur Kolwezi (1980) and Là-haut, un roi au-dessus des nuages (2004).
Special Section (French original title: Section spéciale), released in 1975, is about a kangaroo court set up in collaborationist Vichy France to ensure judicial convictions of innocent people so as to mollify the Nazis. A French language film directed by the Greek-French film director Costa-Gavras, it features Cremer as Lucien Sampaix, a Communist-leaning journalist.
The 1980 film La légion saute sur Kolwezi (English Operation Leopard), directed by Raoul Coutard, is a documentary-style portrayal of a real-life operation headed by the French Foreign Legion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1978 to rescue foreign hostages. Cremer plays a military commander. Pierre Schoendoerffer’s 2004 film Là-haut, un roi au-dessus des nuages (Above the Clouds), based on his own novel, Là-haut. Cremer played the Colonel. ...
Source: Article "Bruno Cremer" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Self (archive footage)
Screen icon Charlotte Rampling has fascinated the world of cinema, fashion and photography with her mysterious and almost inaccessible beauty. A major figure in genre and auteur films, she is unclassifiable: between presence and absence, shyness and audacity, she's always hypnotic, magnetic and fascinating. From her film debut in the mid-1960s in England, to her unconventional career path, through the tragic loss suicide of her older sister that will irremediably mark her acting, this film is a dive into the existential quest of a complex actress, whose every facet is discovered through her roles. Through a conversation with the actress herself, along with personal archives and extracts from her films, this documentary raws a dazzling portrait of her life and career.
Le colonel
Париж, 1977 год. Журналистка газеты "Фигаро" пытается выяснить детали исчезновения кинематографиста Анри Ланверна, снимавшего фильм в Таиланде и позже арестованного в Лаосе по обвинению в шпионаже. Раскрывая деталии биографии Ланверна, девушка постепенно узнаёт истинные причины его пребывания в Юго-Восточной Азии.
Novelist and filmmaker Jose Giovanni turned to the remarkable true story of how his father helped him escape a date with the guillotine for this drama, which is based closely on events from his own life. During World War II, Manu (Vincent Lecoeur, as a character Giovanni modeled after himself) fought with the French Resistance, but near the end of the war he fell into a life of crime, and in 1947, 22-year-old Manu was arrested for his part in a bungled robbery that left a man dead. While Manu did not pull the fatal trigger, he refuses to say who did, since it would mean implicating his uncle, one of the few members of his family who has stood by him; Manu's brother is dead, and he turned his back on his father Joe (Bruno Cremer) years ago. Manu is sentenced to death, and while he protests his innocence, his attempts to escape from prison do little to convince anyone that he's telling the truth.
Jean Drillon
Многие годы супруги Мари и Жан проводят свой отпуск в приморской области Ланды, на западе Франции. В один из дней муж Мари неожиданно исчез. Что это: странная глупая и нелепая смерть или спланированный сумаcшедший поступок? А может, это страшный рок?…
Silver, le taxi
It is only a few years into the future, but the face of France has changed drastically, due to its takeover by a moralistic, hypocritical and totalitarian regime. Women with children who want to divorce their husbands are not allowed to do so, all political parties have been outlawed, smoking is illegal and everyone must work. After a spat with her boyfriend, Carole (Laure Marsac) hails a taxi, not realizing that she has done so without any of the money or identification papers she needs. Her driver (Bruno Cremer) attempts to help her, but a variety of mishaps bring her to the attention of the police, who proceed to arrest her on made-up charges and a phoney HIV-positive result on tests given at the time of arrest.
Is Nosfer Arbi a vampire? Or is he just a very emaciated, very strange and possibly quite lonely young man from an Arabic country with an obsession with death? On the other hand, why is the previously cheery Parisian teenager Nathalie Belfond throwing fits and speaking in Arabic? Her strange behavior began with the appearance of a caped and cadaverous man outside her window. Mr. & Mrs. Belfond have their hands full trying to sort this mess out, in this extremely unusual and award-winning comedy which puts a new wrinkle on the vampire mythos.
Marc Lavater
Молодой наследник миллионного состояния начинает поиски убийц своего отца. В путешествии по всему миру он пытается раскрутить тугой клубок интриг и преступлений. Но кроме денег есть на свете еще и любовь…
Yves Toledano
In this painful melodrama, an aging mother (Claudia Cardinale) attempts to cope with the progressive deterioration of her grown son due to his drug addiction. At first only manipulative, in addition to stealing from her he eventually becomes abusive and violent, and she must take strong measures if she is to save her own life, much less his.
The Father
A death in the family. Patrick dies and his three sisters gather at their parents' home in Normandy. Anne, the oldest, is steady, married with two children, showing little emotion. Isabelle, who's cut herself off from her family for eight years, returns from Paris. Claude, Patrick's twin and still a student, grieves for her other half. Along with their parents, each must face family grievances first before they can grieve together for Patrick. Then comes the revelation of how he died, and new feelings come to the fore. Can a death help a family to heal, coax an aging mother back to sanity, bring a couple into each other's arms, and enable two sisters to grow?
François Hainaut
Матильда — трудный подросток с неустойчивой психикой, которая делает шатким и весь мир вокруг. Задача Франсуа — ее умудренного опытом и летами педагога по философии — проста и очевидна: вернуть девушку в цивилизованное общество, к устоявшимся нормам, ввести ее в круг хрестоматийных ценностей.
Он думал, что ступает по податливому песку, в то время как сделал шаг прямо на гребень волны. Вспыхнувшая между ними страсть таила огромную разрушительную силу. И когда Франсуа решил отступить, спрятаться за семьей и обычной жизнью, Матильда преградила ему дорогу…
Simon, a Jewish police inspector, arrests Karim, a Muslim, in the bust of a drug smuggling cargo ship, only to realize that Karim is an undercover agent from the military intelligence, whose mission he was not aware of. The two men pursue the narc investigation, which will lead them to confront middle eastern terrorists together.
Четырнадцать лет – сложный возраст для любого ребенка. Особенно сложным он становится, если в семье не все в порядке, если в школе на тебя никто не обращает внимания и считает далеко не самым интеллектуально одаренным. Четырнадцатилетний герой фильма находит себе друзей на улице, которые не требуют от него блистать интеллектом. Эти ребята и сами не Эйнштейны, зато они знают, как можно по легкому срубить денег. Так и начинается извилистая дорожка, которая может привести не только в тюрьму, но и в могилу.
Michel Dupré
A wife struggles with her husband's infidelity with another man and eventually gives herself to both of them.
In an apparently empty airport, a Jewish family has gathered to greet one of its members who has come there to be with them. However, the airport is actually the ante-room of Death, and the family member is a recently deceased American survivor of the Holocaust. Although the party begins by greeting the man with warmth and affection, the gathering soon degenerates into a squabble about why most of those assembled failed to heed the warnings about the Holocaust and flee Germany.
l'amateur d'art
Малоимущие супруги Моника и Антуан сидели в кафе и громко выясняли отношения. В семейные разборки встрял Боб,
Like every year, five old friends come together in a chalet in the middle of a Canadian snow desert. Henri, his wife Apolline, brother-in-law Maxence, Jean and Paul are waiting for cozy evenings with board games and good food - a typical ski holiday. But on the first day Henri announces that he knows about the affair between Apolline and Jean. An oppressive mood spreads in the secluded hut until the spiral of jealousy and sadism kills one from its midst.
Bernard Corain
The Father
Anne-Marie Miéville, frequent collaborator of Jean-Luc Godard, made this partner piece to Godard's own 'Je vous salue, Marie'. Marie, eleven years old, is experiencing difficult times. Her parents will separate. The perception of her universe is profoundly disturbed. This exacting portrait of a child immersed in her books, music and dancing casts a dispassionate yet touching eye on the girl's reaction to the new upheaval in her life.
Antoine leaves his new bride behind to go on a skiing excursion with his uncle up the mountain behind their village of Derborence. Nine weeks after an avalanche apparently buries them alive, Antoine returns home. Certain that his uncle has also survived, he resolves to go back up and look for him—leaving his now-pregnant wife behind once more.
Le Commandant Roger
Max, who dreams of adventures, abandons his studies at 18 to become involved in the navy. He becomes the sailor 512.
Andrés Gallego
История странных отношений любви-ненависти преступницы-рецидивистки и полицейского. Фанни потеряла мужа. Его убил Андрес Гальего, которому Фанни и поклялась отомстить. Садисту Гальего тоже есть что терять. И тут начинается охота, исходом которой может стать только смерть.
The film follows a famous scientist who rules over his errant disabled daughter with an iron fist. He's meticulous and tyrannical, while she is impetuous but equally cruel in her own immature way.
During a robbery that goes wrong, Valentin Tralande kills his accomplices and bank customers.
Antoine Chirex
В недалёком будущем мир развлекается жестокой телевизионной забавой, где пятеро охотников гонятся за безоружной жертвой; если беглец сумеет избежать смерти, он получит солидное денежное вознаграждение. Новая жертва ТВ, безработный Франсуа Жакемар, соглашается стать дичью, но чем дальше ему удаётся убежать, тем сильнее он убеждается — его бег по пересечённой местности давно и чётко прорисован продюсерами шоу, и финал кровавой игры зависит, увы, не от него…
Régis Duchemin
An acting couple is forced to assess their life together when the wife falls for a wealthy horse-breeder while shooting a film.
Alain Richard
Жил-был шпион, который вовсе не шпионил, а тихо занимался своей буржуазной работой в офисе и давно уже позабыл, что он «засланный» и когда-нибудь придет время и о нем вспомнят. Таковым был Себастьян Гренье. Но прошлое вторглось в его обывательское существование и перевернуло все с ног на голову. Вокруг стали погибать знакомые люди, погибла и подруга.
Carl Freyer
Cannes Film Festival 1981
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
Alain Rivière
The "black robe" in the title of this suspense film belongs to a female lawyer, Florence Nat who has just lost a case in which she defended Simon Risler, a man wrongly accused of murder. Risler escapes before he can be put in prison, and seeks help from attorney Nat in finding the real killer, partly by going after the police inspector who framed him in the first place. A retired surgeon, in the process of setting up a drug rehab clinic gets involved in solving Risler's case, and soon the solution seems to be pointing to high-ranking figures with every desire and ample means to keep the truth well-hidden.
Le docteur Henri Deberle
In Passy, Paris, 1895. The young widow Hélène calls the doctor Henri Deberle during the night, when her daughter Jeanne suddenly gets breathless. Together they spend the night at the bedside, and it develops from a trusting encounter a love relationship. When the doctor Hélène one day confesses his love, the daughter comes from jealousy in another, life-threatening crisis. A film adaptation of the eponymous novel by Émile Zola, which addresses the social milieu of the bourgeois family in the "Second Empire".
The prefect of studies
In a Jesuit secondary school , the headmaster imposes an iron discipline on the unfortunate students. Enter Father Godard who believes in Christian love.
Pierre Delbart
In May 1978, the mining town of Kolwezi in Katanga, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo, the former Belgian Congo) is under attack from a group of communist guerillas coming from nearby Angola. The Europeans who work for the Belgian mining company and the Blacks who live in the town are taken as hostages by the invaders, who start a blood bath, shooting Europeans as well as Africans. Many of the Europeans being French, the French decide to organize a counter-attack, and to send a Regiment of Paratroopers from the Foreign Legion. The movie follows the stories of Delbart, a former non-commissioned officer, who was about to go back to France with his African wife and his child, Damrémont, who was Delbart's replacement, Bia, a Zairian doctor, and Annie, an American married to a Belgian engineer as well as Non com Legion officer Federico and the French Ambassador and the Military Attaché.
Claude Raisman
Расставшись с мужем, тридцативосьмилетняя Мари решает, как ей жить дальше, оставить ли ребенка от своего любовника Сержа, продолжать ли отношения с самим Сержем… Только поддержка самых близких людей помогает Мари справиться со своими проблемами.
Lucas Richter
A woman on a train becomes the center of attention when she is mistaken for a spy by opposing factions who are traveling on the same line.
"Le Crabe Tambour" ("Drummer Crab") is the nickname for the mysterious central character, Willsdorff (Jacques Perrin), an Alsatian, whose doomed, out-of-date career is recalled through the tales of three naval officers currently serving aboard a French supply ship in the North Atlantic.
Victor Manzon / 'Serrano'
Нефтяная компания ищет водителей, готовых перевезти на грузовике груз со взрывчаткой. А четверо мужчин не могут вернуться в родные страны и по разным причинам вынуждены скрываться в Латинской Америке. Им нечего терять, но в случае успешного завершения операции каждый получит по 10 тысяч долларов и гражданство. Их ждут 200 миль дороги, где за каждым поворотом подстерегает опасность
Gilbert, aka "l'Epervier"
Частному детективу Роже Пиляру предстоит найти и разоблачить серийного убийцу по кличке «Ястреб», который использует молодых людей для ограбления банков и ювелирных магазинов, не оставляет никаких следов и убирает сообщников. Но один из них чудом остался жив…
Жак и Симон — два обаятельных автомобильных вора. Когда начинается вторая мировая война и немцы захватывают Францию, парочка решает переквалифицироваться в налетчиков. С помощью проститутки Лолы приятели организуют банду, которая станет помогать состоятельным гражданам расставаться с лишними деньгами. Но на след шайки выходит бдительный инспектор полиции, который не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы поймать преступников.
Lucien Sampaix
In occupied France during the WWII, a German officer is murdered. The collaborationist Vichy government decides to pin the murder on six petty criminals. Loyal judges are called in to convict them as quickly as possible.
Louis Delage
Прожигатель жизни и авантюрист Луи встречает на дороге странную девушку, чудом выжившую в страшной аварии и подсаживает ее в свою машину. Цирковые метатели ножей преследуют юношу за какие-то таинственные грехи прошлого. Случайный свидетель убийства становится объектом преследования не только бандитов, но и родственников жертвы совсем другого преступления.
Commissaire Bonetti
Кэндис Страсберг, американская туристка, путешествующая автостопом, была убита во Франции. Полиция подозревает сразу несколько человек, от инженера-изобретателя до простого итальянского рабочего. И лишь случайная находка помогает комиссару Бонетти вычислить настоящего убийцу.
Commissaire Baudrier
Recently released from prison, Samuel Malakian, a wealthy architect, investigates the disappearance of his daughter, Nathalie, kidnapped by thugs linked to the underworld. When he discovers that she is a prostitute, he will descend into the slums of the city and rub shoulders with these dangerous environments. For him, from now on, all means will be good in order to find the fruit of his entrails.
L'ex-sergent Donetti
A discredited police inspector is given a second chance, in the form of a dangerous assignment. Chosen because of his uncanny resemblance to a Lt. Revere, the inspector impersonates him in order to penetrate a group of mercenaries with orders to assassinate its leader.
Michel Vigneau
"Похищение в Париже" - политический детектив со всеми свойственными жанру неожиданностями сюжетного развития. Это попытка средствами игрового кино рассказать о реальном факте - похищении и убийстве видного арабского лидера Бен Барка (в фильме - Садиэль). Домысливая обстоятельства этого темного дела, Буассе построил сложный захватывающий сюжет, оборвав его там, где фактически и остановилось официальное расследование. В фильме были выразительно показаны обстановка и движущие пружины политической борьбы, резко очерчены характеры действующих лиц. Мужественному и непреклонному Садиэлю (Джан-Мария Волонте) противопоставлен журналист Дарьей (Жан-Луи Трентиньян), который по бесхарактерности и беспринципности становится орудием в руках агентов тайной полиции и фактически соглашается играть роль «подсадной утки». Поняв, что путь уступок и компромиссов привел его к предательству, Дарьен пытается спасти Садиэля…
Le capitaine
Infantryman Jean Froissard is sentenced to two years in Biribi Military Prison in North Africa. He seems to get along, but as incompetence, corruption and sadism of his superiors (which include sexual abuse of the prison inmates) force him and others into rebellion. Court martial ensues ...
Max Topfer
The movie starts with a mysterious girl riding her horse into a tree. Then she's rescued by millionaire Max Topfer, who is startled to discover in her possession a video showing him being shot by a man he doesn’t know. Both the girl, who has total amnesia, and the tape appear to have come from the future. With the aid of bodyguard Helmut, Max Topfer tries to find out why a total stranger is apparently going to kill him on camera.
A deserter who has lost all hope meets with a little girl in a ruined city.
Duca Lamberti / Lucas Lamberti
Le père
The harsh life of a troubled young man provides the basis of this grim French tragedy that begins when the fellow stops into a shop to buy a pack of the title cigarettes. There he meets a pretty shop girl with whom he falls in love and eventually marries. It was a foolish choice, for the two cannot get along and constantly fight. Things get worse when the husband resumes his criminal activities and gets caught. The two are about to divorce when the woman gets pregnant. The time comes for their baby to be born and while sitting in the waiting room, the husband reflects upon his past activities, which are revealed via flashback.
Hugo Michelli
A chance meeting with an alluring stranger leads a sports journalist down a twisted path of deception.
Jules Bonnot
The story of a notorious French criminal gang of the 1910s.
Oscar Snell
Shrewd and evasive ex-Nazi and top assassin Oscar Snell is determined to rub out the King of Kafiristan. Snell's sole weakness is his sweet tooth; he leaves candy wrappers at the scene of his every crime. It's up to no-nonsense CIA agent Mark Stone to find Snell and stop him before it's too late.
A mysterious violent man breaks into a rich couples apartment and holding his wife hostage. The threatening and dangerous situation devolve into an erotic game.
Артур Мерсо — француз, постоянно проживающий в Алжире, убивает на пляже араба. Его арестовывают и он предстаёт перед судом…
A medical doctor gets into trouble when one of his patients turns out to be hunted by the mafia.
1943 год. Группа французского Сопротивления получает из Лондона приказ освободить двенадцать человек, приговоренных немецкими оккупантами к расстрелу. Партизанский отряд проводит исключительную по дерзости операцию и освобождает пленников. Мчится по улицам города крытый грузовик, в кузове которого 13 бывших смертников. Откуда же взялся тринадцатый, и кто он, этот лишний человек?
Colonel Rol Tanguy
Гитлер издаёт чудовищный приказ о минировании Парижа и поручает генералу фон Хольтицу стереть город с лица земли. Генерал Леклерк, возглавляющий бронетанковую дивизию, а также французское сопротивление во главе с будущим премьер-министром Франции — Шабан-Дельмасом — должны сделать всё, чтобы спасти родной город от уничтожения.
Capitaine Jean Reichau
Reichau, a former army captain, is back in France after serving three years in prison for belonging to the OAS (Secret Armed Organization), a dissident paramilitary group during the Algerian War. Marked by his past, he does not believe in the values of his country any more. At a loss to know what to do with his life, he agrees one day to take part in a heist set up by Pierre, a pilot, the very man who gave him away in Oran. The operation, in which Yo, a gorgeous woman, participates, consists in stealing a bag containing 55 million francs during a Paris-Bordeaux flight...
Guillaume de Tripoli, a Knight Templar
Юный Марко едет в Китай, чтобы участвовать в освободительной борьбе Хана Кублая против мятежников, возглавляемых его собственным сыном. Участники сражений впервые применяют новое изобретение — порох.
L'adjudant Willsdorf
Действие фильма разворачивается в Вьетнаме, в мае 1954 года во время Первой индокитайской войны за два месяца до подписания в Женеве соглашения о перемирии. Фильм участвовал в основной конкурсной программе 18-го Каннского международного кинофестиваля, где получил приз за лучший сценарий.
An unlucky trumpeter and a young singer try to rebuild their lives in Brazilian nightclubs. They will try everything for everything while making a risky heist.
Quand la Femme S'en Mele (When the Woman Butts In) stars French film favorite Edwige Feuillere as a high-class gangster's moll named Maine. When Maine's first husband and daughter pay a visit, it's an awkward time for our heroine and her current amour, gang boss Godot (Jean Servais). In addition to fielding a lot of embarrassing questions, Godot also has to deal with a pesky turf war with a rival mobster. Not that the ex-husband is a paragon of virtue: he's busy trying to get even with a crooked business associate.
L'homme qui sort de la boîte (uncredited)
Молодой журналист Луи Командор переезжает из Лиона в Париж в надежде сделать карьеру в одной из столичных газет. Главный редактор газеты «Пари Франс» Вальтер сразу чувствует симпатию к нему и берёт его на работу. Но болезненное честолюбие Командора гасит в нём чувство благодарности. Отныне его целью становится занять место своего благодетеля. Для этого он использует все средства и плетёт интриги, в которые оказывается вовлечён известный политик…
l'homme sortant de la boîte
Молодой журналист Луи Командор переезжает из Лиона в Париж в надежде сделать карьеру в одной из столичных газет. Главный редактор газеты «Пари Франс» Вальтер сразу чувствует симпатию к нему и берёт его на работу. Но болезненное честолюбие Командора гасит в нём чувство благодарности. Отныне его целью становится занять место своего благодетеля. Для этого он использует все средства и плетёт интриги, в которые оказывается вовлечён известный политик…