David Rott
Рождение : 1977-09-01, Leverkusen, Germany
Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.
Wolfgang Gansmeir
In “The Naked Empress”, the Sissi myth serves as the starting point for a Vienna thriller that combines a mysterious criminal case with a disastrous curse. While inspector Alexander Haller relies on his investigative instincts, his partner Nikolai Falk has to overcome irrational fears. Screenwriter Nils-Morten Osburg uses the admiration for the Habsburg monarch, who, out of vanity, did not allow herself to be photographed for decades, as the background for a sophisticated story about a photograph that should never have been taken.
Frank Wolf
Mark Lanius
Andreas finds it difficult to come to terms with the fact that Stella, his husband Christian's niece, is becoming more and more independent at the age of seven. Stella has lived with the two men since her mother's early death. Andreas looked after her lovingly every day, which is why he has never worked, despite having completed an engineering degree. And now, as a full-time father, should he no longer be in demand and find an employer that his vita doesn't put off? Difficult. His father Herbert has never made a secret of the fact that he doesn't believe in his son's life model. The fact that the grumpy pensioner was kicked out of the door by his wife Liselotte after more than 30 years of marriage and is now moving in with Andreas and Christian of all places, harbors potential for conflict.
Mark Lanius
Martin Schürmann
Herr Strasser
A troubled carpenter takes a job restoring an old water mill in the woods, but it hides secrets that will resonate with her mysterious past.
Mark Lanius
Mark Lanius
Ivan Bago
For the first time in her life, Marie has no control over her body. Multiple sclerosis makes everyday life a challenge and puts the relationship with her family to the test.
Максимилиан популярный психотерапевт, он справляется со своими заботами и проблемами, а также помогает пациентам.
Franz Wintersperger
The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.
Fabian Lauber
Mirko Kiefer
The IEK team investigates the corpse of 1970s-disappeared flower girl Monika Rothmann, both burned and suffocated as drowned. She was believed to have abandoned husband Herbert and daughter Anja without a trace, but it turns out she started a new life as a political and environmental activist, yielding potential motives and suspects, but also an adulterous affair.
Mirko Kiefer
Kapellmeister Max
Gerhard P.
After the death of her mother, Bea Kanter leaves her home in Hesse in order to start her studies in Frankfurt. She leaves her father Norbert and her younger sister Conny behind. Thanks to her fellow student Andrea, the shy student quickly finds a connection. She moves into a WG and is confronted with the left scene, the rebels of the 1970s. This fits in with her inner life, because she has to distract herself mentally from her father - a conservative entrepreneur, for Bea the epitome of the capitalist. So she becomes a radical rebel.
Erik Steiner
Eric leads a carefree life in Berlin. He loves his girlfriend Verena, but family, attachment and responsibility are foreign words for him. When he learns of the death of his brother, who lived as a dairy farmer in Saxony-Anhalt, Eric wants to wind up the insolvent farm as quickly as possible and deport Christoph's children to foster parents. When he realizes that the price dumping of the milk cartels drove his brother to his death he tells the big dairies to fight.
Isak Nerhus
Ulf Brauscher
Рико — не совсем обычный ребенок, многие элементарные вещи даются ему с большим трудом. «Необычно одаренный» — называет его любящая мама. «Придурок» — попросту говорит злобный сосед сверху. С таким, как Рико, мало кто хочет дружить, но однажды ему повезло — он познакомился с Оскаром (тоже не совсем обычным мальчиком — вундеркиндом, который на всякий случай никогда не снимает с головы синий мотоциклетный шлем). И ради своего нового друга Рико берется распутывать дело, которое уже полгода ставит в тупик всю полицию Берлина.
David Carter
Conrad Ahlers
Under the slogan of the arms race of the superpowers, which escalates in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and brings the world to the brink of nuclear war, two exemplary post-war male figures challenge an almost archaic feud: Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss and journalist Rudolf Augstein.
Roelof Jacobs
Thomas Seifert
О крупнейшем немецком фармацевтическом скандале 80-х годов, когда более тысячи больных гемофилией были заражены ВИЧ.
The true story of a young woman whose lust for life means she is determined to be so very much more than just another cancer patient.
Markus Hansen
For decades, "Soups Hansen" was on everyone's lips, but now threatens the old-established operation of the end. The reasons for the decline are homemade: in modern times the tastes have changed, the soup of the idiosyncratic manufacturer unfortunately not. The bank wants to save the traditional house, but the new loan is subject to one condition: company boss Theo Hansen must hand over the business to his son, who now cooks his own soup ... Edzard Onneken staged this comedy with Günther Maria Halmer in the role of aging patriarch who can not let go.
Sonia’s nightmare is never ending. Her super-rich husband Frederic is now locked in a psychiatric unit after he attempted to kill her. But her mother-in-law continues to make her life hell by controlling her every move. Getting a job at a wellness spa in the mountains comes at just the rights time. However, on arriving, Sonia quickly realises that the villagers are not particularly sympathetic to newcomers and mysterious things begin to happen, all of them strangely connected to the legend of the devil of Milan. But is it just her mind playing tricks on her? DER TEUFEL VON MAILAND is a thriller based on the novel by Swiss author Martin Suter.
David Müller
Udo Jürgens (young)
Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.
Robert Weiss
Feldwebel Marco Bogner
Nicki Ziegler, Oberleutnant der Feldjäger, wird zu einem Auslandseinsatz in den Ostkongo geschickt. Gemeinsam mit ihrem forschen Kollegen Werner Malinckrodt soll sie den Selbstmord des Soldaten Wenz klären. Tatsächlich deutet zunächst alles auf Selbstmord hin: Wenz kam mit den verstörenden Verhältnissen in dem afrikanischen Krisengebiet nicht klar und zudem wollte ihn offenbar seine Frau verlassen. Als Nicki auf dem Handy des Toten ein sonderbares Video findet, tendiert zu allerdings zu Mord...
Oskar Landrock 1974 / 1980
It is the love story of Resa and Oskar who meet in the 1970s in the midst if the leftist studen movements. For Resa it is love on first sight when she encounters the handsome and self-confident activist Oskar and is willing to do anything to get his attention. The relationship she dreams of finally comes true, but quickly problems arise. One day Oskar disappears without a trace from her life completely. Years later both meet again - now more mature and with surprising careers...
Kaiser Franz Joseph I.
Отправляясь во дворец вместе с сестрой Хеленой, которую все прочили в супруги императору Австрии Францу Иосифу, юная принцесса Елизавета и представить не могла, что именно она покорит сердце правителя. Став императрицей, Сисcи (так ласково называли родственники Елизавету) было нелегко смириться с многочисленными ограничениями, сопровождавшими ее новый статус. Однако детская непосредственность и добросердечие очень быстро помогли Сисси завоевать любовь всего народа, но мало кто мог вообразить, сколь великая миссия уготована ей судьбой…
Pit Winter
Чудесная, легкая комедия о приключениях трех подружек. Им уже 15, и в их жизнь входит первая любовь. Но она приносит и первые проблемы, которые в этом возрасте кажутся размером с Солнце! Одна влюбляется в своего учителя, который оказывается маминым бойфрендом, вторая собирается стать поп звездой на конкурсе СУПЕРСТАР, а ее парень категорически против этого, у третьей роман на расстоянии приводит к разочарованию в любви. Но тот самый возраст, который несет столько проблем, прекрасен и тем, что все эти проблемы решаются, и о них не остается шрамов на сердце, а остается лишь мимолетное воспоминание!
Anno Wilhelm
Georg Beck
In the course of a failed bank robbery , Charlotte is taken hostage in her husband's bank , as is Sophie , her husband 's lover . The two hostage- takers Max and Felix hope that the bank director will pay ransom for at least one of the two women , but they are wrongtremendously, because Charlotte 's husband wants to keep the loot for himself and get rid of the two women ...
Jan jung
Den Traum vom Lebensabend im sonnigen Spanien haben sich inzwischen immer mehr Deutsche erfüllt. Die iberische Halbinsel wird bei Aussteigern immer beliebter. Eher zufällig kommt in Peter Lichtefelds „Playa Del Futuro“, seinem erst zweiten Projekt in Spielfilmlänge, der Protagonist mit diesem Lebensziel in Berührung, denn eigentlich ist er nur auf der Suche nach einem besseren Job und seiner großen Liebe.
В маленьком поселке, где живет Эки, футбол — это спорт для настоящих мужчин. И хотя он много лет защищал ворота местного клуба и был настоящим любимцем публики, один неверный поцелуй поставил его вне любимой игры. «Голубой» вратарь? Только не в нашем поселке! Бесцеремонно выставленный из клуба, Эки клянется отомстить бывшим товарищам. Но как это сделать? А очень просто. Нужно собрать команду, целиком состоящую из «голубых», и победить этих противных жлобов на футбольном поле…
Development aid worker Carina Nowak walks into a trap set by the Taliban, together with a squadron of German army soldiers. Only she and young soldier Luca survive and they both have to fight to reach their own goals.