Ronnie Bhardwaj


Через полтора года после краха цивилизации из-за вспышки вируса бывший агент ФБР вынужден защищать девушку с иммунитетом к болезни от опасного главаря банды, охотящегося за ней.
The Blacklight
Assistant Camera
Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naïve rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper. A botched robbery leaves them in possession of a mysterious supernatural artifact with immense potential.
The Blacklight
Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naïve rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper. A botched robbery leaves them in possession of a mysterious supernatural artifact with immense potential.
The Blacklight
Co-Executive Producer
Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naïve rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper. A botched robbery leaves them in possession of a mysterious supernatural artifact with immense potential.
The Blacklight
Lighting Director
Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naïve rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper. A botched robbery leaves them in possession of a mysterious supernatural artifact with immense potential.