The story of a high school girl named Mimpi who wants to become a cheerleader. She and her friends then struggled to show their existence in the midst of a school situation that likes to fight.
Conflict between husband and wife, Danan Dimitri and Olivia Sastranegara, who have not been blessed with children after six years of marriage. Feeling that their marriage was bland and full of boredom, especially after being continuously subjected to family pressure from both parties, Olivia asked for a divorce. Danan finally gave in and asked for one last chance which turned out to be a disaster, until finally a third person, Jordy Anwar, arrived. After being trapped in a tense affair, their household is in danger of falling apart.
Ренди вместе со своей супругой Лорой и двумя детьми возвращается в отчий дом. Здесь совсем недавно его отец Дхарма наложил на себя руки, и теперь любящий сын беспокоится о своей матери, а она ведет себя после произошедшего с ее мужем неадекватно. В женщину словно вселился злой дух, она стала одержима черной магией. Она ведет себя, как сумасшедшая, и явно не хочет видеть в своем доме своего сына с невесткой и внуками. Все это приводит Ренди в ужас и смятение.
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The story about the sensational diva Syahrini and her clumsy bodyguards.
Journey of three losers security becomes hero in order to safe their boss daugther.
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Journey of three losers security becomes hero in order to safe their boss daugther.
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Eight secret agents assigned to go undercover as stand up comedians in search of a comedian who becomes a liaison to the master criminal named The King, the most spectacular gambling casino owner in Asia.
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Eight secret agents assigned to go undercover as stand up comedians in search of a comedian who becomes a liaison to the master criminal named The King, the most spectacular gambling casino owner in Asia.
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Bastian resignation caused Iqbaal, Aldi, and Kiki feel lost. Patrick invites them to Australia and meet with Emmanuel Kelly, an X-Factor Australia contestant. They face the real test while performing a concert
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A spiritual journey of a backpacker, Mada, who gets disappointed with God, wandering nine countries to find himself.
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Eight young people from various reasons and motives coincidentally rob a bank at the same time. They had to work together to find answers to the puzzles, and find the best solution for all.
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Luna must uncover the mystery behind the strange and horrifying visions at her office building before it's too late.
Music Director
Adolescence is the most wonderful time but it turns out that adolescence have many issues, ranging from love, family, and the consequences for the actions.