Julien Hirsch

Julien Hirsch

Рождение : 1964-10-01, Paris, France


Julien Hirsch


A Zone to Defend
Director of Photography
Greg is a police lieutenant; he must collect informations on eco-activists, infiltrating them for months. Myriam, a young free woman, is fighting to save a forest from the building of a dam. They meet and fall in love on the Zone. A beautiful life, a joy that Greg discovers, despite the risks of being unmasked. For each of them, time is short: soon everything will disappear.
Grand Expectations
Director of Photography
Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.
The Family
Anna happily lives with her husband, their two boys, and Simon, 6 years-old, who was placed with her by the Social Care services when he was only 18 months. When Simon’s father decides that he is ready to take his son back with him, the family’s balance is at stake. Anna is torn apart: how could she possibly let go a of child who has always called her ‘Mom’?
Director of Photography
Французский полицейский Лоран живет в небольшом городке. Он любит свою работу, планирует жениться на Мари, с которой у них уже есть дочь Пулетт. Но однажды, его жизнь переворачивается с ног на голову, когда он случайно убивает фермера, угрожавшего покончить с собой. Этот случай разрушает его хрупкое благополучие и заставляет искать искупление в море.
Крестная мама
Director of Photography
Французско-арабская переводчица из Парижа работает в отделе по борьбе с наркотиками. Работа низкооплачиваемая и тяжелая, но неожиданно открывает невероятные возможности… Скромная переводчица узнает о местонахождении целого грузовика гашиша и решает перейти на другую сторону. Не увольняясь из полиции, она создает собственную наркоимперию, обводя вокруг пальца всех своих преследователей.
For the "story of the month," Coline, a contributor to a women's magazine, is sent deep into the Pyrenees to interview Simon, a rather wild artist who claims his mother appeared to him at the precise moment she died. Coline is particularly intrigued since her beautiful neighbor Azar insists the same thing happened with her father! On the night they meet, Simon attempts to seduce Coline, who resists but falls in love...
Farewell to the Night
Director of Photography
Muriel is overjoyed, as her beloved grandson Alex is staying at her place for a few days before moving to Canada to work. But when the changes in his behavior arouse her curiosity, she is led to the discovery of a dark secret.
Один король — одна Франция
Фильм повествует о событиях Великой французской революции. В центре сюжета Базиль и Франсуаза — возлюбленные, ставшие заложниками отчаянного времени.
Director of Photography
Многообещающий писатель Бертран во время сильной метели оказывается под одной крышей с обольстительной и загадочной Евой. Одержимый этой роковой женщиной, он не подозревает, кто она на самом деле, и в какую опасную игру он вовлечен. Но в погоне за славой, он готов пойти на все, чтобы получить незабываемый и шокирующий финал для, возможно, главного своего романа, героиней которого является Ева.
All That Divides Us
Director of Photography
A middle-class house in the middle of nowhere. A council estate in Sète. A mother and daughter. Two childhood friends. A vanishing. Blackmail. A clash between two worlds.
Golden Years
Director of Photography
Paul and Louise get married as World War I breaks out. After two years on the frontline, Paul maims himself and deserts his post. To hide when he is condemned to death in war-torn Paris, Louise dresses him up as a woman. He becomes Suzanne, drags his wife around the debauched Paris of the Golden Twenties and earns quite a reputation for himself.
Entre deux mères
Director of Photography
Four-year-old Alice Leroy disappeared on a beach, assumed to have drowned. Eleven years later, Alice reappears.
Never Ever
Director of Photography
Laura is living on a lonely coast, in a rambling rented house, where she encounters a strange, ageless man, a man with uncanny knowledge of her own life. Together they begin a journey into the wilderness of time, love and human perception.
Right Here Right Now
Director of Photography
Nora is a bright young professional whose new job at a financial firm turns out to be a trial by fire when she learns that her bosses share a tumultuous history with her prickly mathematician father. Meanwhile, an interoffice romance with a competitive colleague leads to even more complications, leaving Nora to navigate a minefield of delicate relationships as she climbs the corporate ladder.
Когда тебе семнадцать
Director of Photography
В Пиренейских горах два совершенно разных юноши проходят путь от взаимной неприязни и вражды до положения лучших друзей. Отличная успеваемость в школе, внимательная мать, отец-лётчик, геройствующий где-то в горячей точки — это всё о Дамьене; приёмные родители, которые не могли родить своего ребёнка, поэтому усыновили чужого, чернокожего мальчика с дикарскими повадками Маугли, а теперь мать неожиданно забеременела и ситуация в семье перешла от плохого к худшему — это всё о Томе. Два совершенно разных подростка под давлением обстоятельств вынуждены будут сблизиться и пройти длинный путь становления дружбы.
В равновесии
Director of Photography
В результате несчастного случая на съёмках исторического фильма успешный конный каскадёр Марк Гьермон оказывается парализованным ниже пояса. Чтобы заставить его согласиться на минимальную выплату, страховая компания отправляет своего самого привлекательного переговорщика — Флоренс Кернель, однако между охотником и жертвой возникает неожиданная симпатия.
3 сердца
Director of Photography
Опоздав на обратный поезд в Париж, ночью в провинциальном городе Марк встречает Сильви. Они бродят по улицам до утра, разговаривают обо всем кроме них самих. Редкая гармония. Марк садится на первый поезд и договаривается с Сильви о встрече в Париже через несколько дней. Они ничего не знают друг о друге, но это не просто игра. Сильви приходит на встречу, а Марк, к сожалению, нет. Он ищет её и встречает другую женщину, Софи, не зная о том, что это сестра Сильви.
Люди и птицы
Director of Photography
В транзитной зоне Парижского аэропорта два человека в корне трансформируют свою судьбу. Американский инженер, измотанный работой и эмоциональными перегрузками, решает радикально изменить жизнь, а молодая горничная из отеля сталкивается со сверхъестественным явлением, которое не проходит для неё бесследно.
Мужчина, которого слишком сильно любили
Director of Photography
После неудачного брака Аньес Ле Ру возвращается из Африки к матери Рене, владелице Казино Ле Пале. Молодая девушка влюбляется в поверенного в делах Рене, Мориса Агнеле, красавца-юриста старше ее на 10 лет. Будучи одним из акционеров Казино, Аньес хочет продать свою наследную долю, чтобы стать независимой, но ее мать упрямо отказывается. В самый разгар конфликта между мафией и владельцами казино Морис переходит на сторону противника и предлагает Аньес три миллиона франков за то, чтобы она проголосовала против своей матери…
The Minister
Director of Photography
Transport Minister Bertrand Saint-Jean is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident. Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile.
Война пуговиц
Director of Photography
Ни одного камня в рогатке. Никаких перестрелок в неурочное время. Таковы правила ведения войны между мальчишками двух соседствующих ирландских деревень. Дети есть дети, но иногда они, на свой забавный манер, ведут себя как взрослые.
Неоконченный роман
Director of Photography
В поисках тишины и покоя успешный писатель триллеров Франсис приезжает в Венецию для того, чтобы закончить свой роман. Там он знакомится с агентом по недвижимости Юдит, которая предлагает ему дом на острове Сент-Эразмо. Эта встреча оказывается любовью с первого взгляда, и он принимает предложение, при условии, что она поселится с ним. Проходят месяцы, а творческое вдохновение так и не приходит. На следующее лето к нему приезжает взрослая дочь Алиса, которая затем неожиданно исчезает. С этого момента доверие рушится, а беспокойство и проблемы начинают нарастать.
His Mother's Eyes
Director of Photography
A writer suffering from a lack of inspiration sneaks his way into the lives of a star television journalist and his lead ballerina daughter to write, unbeknownst to them, a non-authorized biography. Meanwhile, in Brittany, twenty-year-old Bruno, who lives with his parents, doesn't yet know the consequences that this story will have on his existence...
Deep in the Woods
Director of Photography
A wanderer named Timothee arrives in a French village in 1865 pretending to be deaf and mute. He uses tricks to hypnotize a beautiful young woman named Josephine and takes advantage of her until he is arrested and tried for his crimes.
Catherine Deneuve, belle et bien là
Director of Photography
Catherine Deneuve couldn’t care less about being a celebrity, but fame made her an icon long ago and she occupies a special place in our imagination. The star is not one to let others get too close, but when she gives you her confidence, she keeps her word. If Deneuve’s career covers a half-century of cinema, it also bears witness to the force of a generation that experienced the deepest transformation of mores. This portrait reflects her entirely. The story of a mystery and an adventure.
Director of Photography
A Gypsy family travels the French roads during the Second World War, followed by Little Claude, a young boy seeking a new family after his parents "left and never returned". Upon reaching a town where they traditionally stop for a few months and work in vineyards, they learn that a new law forbids them from being nomadic. Theodore, the town's mayor, and Miss Lundi, the schoolteacher, protect and help the Gypsies. Despite this, They are arrested and placed in an internment camp. Theodore manages to rescue them and gives them a piece of property where they must settle. But the Gypsies' deeply ingrained thirst for freedom makes this sedentary lifestyle difficult to bear. After Theodore and Miss Lundi are arrested for resistance, the Gypsies decide they must get back on the move in order to remain free.
Be Good
Director of Photography
A girl on the verge of maturity tells her family and friends in the French countryside so many lies about her hidden relationships that they can hardly be called 'white lies' anymore. It gradually becomes clear what secret she's bearing with her.
Дочь линии метро
Director of Photography
Мать и её дочь живут в пригороде. Жанна ищет работу, а мать надеется пристроить её к когда-то знакомому адвокату. Ну а тот, в свою очередь, должен будет встретиться с Жанной, чтобы распутать клубок лжи, который запутала она сама, утверждая, что подверглась нападению антисемитов в электричке...
Dying or Feeling Better
Director of Photography
After his father leaves home for another woman, 16-year-old Martial has to move with his mother, Sabine, to a more modest apartment. Martial finds it difficult to fit in his new life. His mother offers to help him, but she only makes the situation worse. Martial then forms a bond with two twin sisters his own age, with whom he has a series of exciting and disturbing experiences.
Director of Photography
A young mother Nina and her son Enzo find themselves sleeping on the streets of Paris. Eventually there lifestyle leads them to Versailles.
Я хочу видеть
Director of Photography
Действие фильма происходит в Ливане в 2006 году. Послевоенное время. Главные герои посещают места, затронутые конфликтом.
Young Yakuza
Director of Photography
Meet the Japanese Mafia's latest son: a 20 year old named Naoki, part of a surging, decade-long wave of juvenile delinquency in Japan. As Naoki rejects school, jobs and family, his desperate mother decides to take one last chance to save him--by handing him over to the Mafia for one year and letting him choose his own path.
The Witnesses
Director of Photography
Manu arrives in Paris, in the early days of AIDS, at the beginning of the 1980s. He strikes up a friendship with Adrien, a wealthy doctor in his early fifties, who introduces him to Sarah and Mehdi, a young couple.
Леди Чаттерлей
Director of Photography
Кони Чаттерлей — жена парализованного в результате ранения на англо-германской войне аристократа. Преданная мужу, она была готова ухаживать за инвалидом, забыв о сексе. Но понимая, что воздержание не сделает ее счастливой, сэр Клиффорд позволил ей завести любовника.
Director of Photography
Ordo Tupikos, a french sailor with greek origins, discover that his first wife, Estelle, with whom he had remained married a few months only 16 years earlier, is now a famous movie star called Louise Sandoli. But, more than her name, everything about Louise seems to have changed. Ordo decides to meet Estelle again, after all these years, to know what it's all about...
Director of Photography
Under threat in Algeria, Ismahel emigrates to France where he wants to live and work, with the hope that the people he's fleeing from will forget him the time he is away. In the letters that he writes to the daughter that he left behind in his homeland, he tells his own story in the guise of the biblical tale of Jonas and the Whale. Somewhere in France, an elderly farmer has just lost his young son. His three other children help him as much as they can to get through the trial of the funeral, but the ceremony is halted when the old man falls ill. The two stories unfold parallel to each other and are alternated.
Наша музыка
Director of Photography
Еврейская девушка, журналистка-израильтянка, приезжает на дискуссионный симпозиум, во время которого будет обсуждаться палестино-израильская война. Но не только этой темы коснется дискуссия и сюжетная линия фильма — речь пойдет о более глобальных вещах. О культурных различиях, о искусстве и политике, о том, что разделяет людей и в итоге приводит к трагедиям мирового масштаба…
Повернуть время вспять
Director of Photography
Немолодой инженер Антуан Лаво приезжает в Танжер работать в большой строительной компании. Но помимо работы, в этом знаменитом марокканском городе у него есть и тайная цель: Антуан надеется отыскать красавицу Сесиль — ту единственную, которая стала любовью всей его жизни и которую он так и не смог забыть. И там, среди песков и миражей, происходит чудо: встретившиеся после тридцатилетней разлуки влюбленные очертя голову погружаются в повторный бурный роман…
Director of Photography
A child, secret war refugee, deceived by his father, is taken in by a man living in the solitude of a garden between sea and mountain. Left to his own devices, he must find his own way as he is shunted around between untrustworthy adults. A modern tale.
Zéro défaut
Director of Photography
A car factory, assembly lines, robots. And men and women whose... Michèle moves to the night shift, with the secret hope of changing her hours to change her life. Farouk is retiring after 35 years on the line. Suddenly, the stop, the silence. Jeremie, Michèle's husband, is a team leader in the sheet metal and finishing workshop, a job that costs him too much. 13 hours to make a car. How many days for a love to be born or broken?
Director of Photography
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
Director of Photography
Collection of short films the summaries of which include; a foreign man moving to Italy, getting married and having a child; a four split scene short involving plot-less images of old people with television sets for heads, a beautiful woman having sex, and overall confusion; and an old man reminiscing over his youth.
In the Darkness of Time
Director of Photography
Conceived as a reflection on the theme of time at the turn of the millennium, "Dans le noir du temps" functions as a Pandora’s box which hides all the horrors of the world: the last moments of youth, fame, thoughts, memory, love, silence, history, fear, eternity and, of course, cinema.
Director of Photography
After an injury, Graham suffers from short-term memory loss, which causes him to fall back into the abyss of amnesia every 10 minutes. Those around him both profit and suffer from his condition -- his sex-crazed boss, Sabine, tricks him into regular trysts, while his family tries to come to terms with the situation. But when temp Irene starts working at Graham's company, they fall into an affair that begins to make a mark on his memory.
Amour d'enfance
Director of Photography
This feature length entry from shorts director Caumon deals with a turbulent mother and son relationship in a rural setting.
In Praise of Love
Director of Photography
Someone we hear talking - but whom we do not see - speaks of a project which describes the four key moments of love: meeting, physical passion, arguments/separation and making up. This project is to be told through three couples: young, adult and old. We do not know if the project is for a play, a film, a novel or an opera. The author of the project is always accompanied by a kind of servant. Meanwhile, two years earlier, an American civil servant meets with an elderly French couple who had fought in the Resistance during World War II, brokering a deal with a Hollywood director to buy the rights to tell their story. The members of the old couple's family discuss heatedly questions of nation, memory and history.
Origins of the 21st Century
Director of Photography
Commissioned by the heads of the 2000 Cannes Film Festival to make an opening-night short commemorating cinema as it enters its second full century, Godard instead offers up a 17-minute barrage of re-edited footage of wars and Nazi atrocities, interspersed with clips of Maurice Chevalier in "Gigi" and Godard's own "À bout de souffle."
Is Dead - Portrait incomplet de Gertrude Stein
Director of Photography
The life and work of Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), an American writer who lived in France for more than half of her life ("... not the half that made me, but the half when I did what I did..."), presented in a montage of her autobiographical texts, with pictures from today mixed with archives from the past.
Director of Photography
Laurent hasn't seen his father since the age of two. His father has just had an accident. He almost died. Laurent refuses to go see this father who always acted as if he didn't exist. Julie, his girlfriend, tries to convince him.
Drancy Future
Director of Photography
Director Arnaud de Pallières presents an experimental three-part film designed to stimulate the intellect and inspire reflection on the past. The first part tells the story of the last living Holocaust survivor, who is nearing the end of life and regrets not leaving behind an official record of the horrors he witnessed during the dark years of World War II. Later, a young historian researching a concentration camp in Drancy is shocked to discover that the site now houses an unwelcoming housing project called La Muette (the Silent). The trilogy winds to a close with the story of a ship's captain who recalls the time he ventured up an uncharted river towards an undiscovered civilization.
Dry Cleaning
Camera Operator
A bored couple takes in a young man who turns their lives inside out.
Camera Operator
After losing her mother in a car accident that leaves her with a broken arm, 4-year-old Ponette struggles with anguish and fear. Left by her father with a caring aunt and her children, Ponette grieves, secretly hoping her mother will somehow come back. Confused by the religious explanations provided by adults, and challenged by the cruel taunts of a few children at school, little Ponette must make her way through her emotional turmoil.
Одинокая девушка
Assistant Camera
Одиночество. Как к нему приходят, как оно приходит, как сбежать от него? Это те вопросы, которые волнуют каждого из нас в определенное время. Простыми мазками режиссер Бенуа Жако создает сложную, запутанную и насыщенную картину одиночества. У каждого оно своё. Главная героиня в исполнении звезды французского кино Вирджини Ледуайен сама создает своё одиночество и сама справляется с ним. Может, это поможет кому-то из нас?
Les Choses rouges
Director of Photography
Schoolchildren tell stories in class. A worker goes home after his work day. A scholar explains ideas about colours and objects in ancient Greek philosophy.
The Sentinel
Director of Photography
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
The Annunciation of Marie
Director of Photography
During the Crusades, Vercors betroths his beautiful daughter Violaine to Jacques. She cannot marry Jacques because she has contracted leprosy, so Jacques marries her younger sister Mara. Jacques and Mara's first child dies soon after its birth, and Mara begs Violaine to return from seclusion to restore the child to life.