Werner Klingler

Werner Klingler

Рождение : 1903-10-23, Stuttgart, Germany

Смерть : 1972-06-23


Werner Klingler (23 October 1903 – 23 June 1972) was a German film director and actor. He directed 29 films between 1936 and 1968. He was born in Stuttgart, Germany and died in Berlin, Germany. Description above from the Wikipedia article Werner Klingler, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Werner Klingler


Straßenbekanntschaften auf St. Pauli
In order to bring a police commissioner under control, the criminal group that controls a notorious club that specializes in underage strippers, targets the young teenage daughter of the commissioner who is attempting to become independent by going out at night against her mother's wishes.
Грязная игра
Западный Берлин. Перебежчик из СССР неожиданно погибает, успев передать союзникам лишь часть секретной информации…
Das Haus auf dem Hügel
Die Nacht am See
The Terror of Doctor Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse has been locked away for years in an insane asylum. Suddenly crimes start occurring and no one knows the culprit. A detective goes to visit the Doctor to find some sort of clues to the robberies.
The Secret of the Black Trunk
A series of knife murders have an odd feature about them; the victims find that their luggage has been packed for them just before their deaths. Scotland Yard investigates, and discover that the murders are linked to an addictive drug called Mescadrine.
Ordered to Love
Ein Student ging vorbei
Passionate Doctor
Notes from a Gynecologist's Diary
After a carnival celebration, young Erika Hansen is offered a lift by two young men in a car. The men become abusive. Erika rushes out of the car and is seriously injured. She is brought to a gynecoligal clinic for an acute operation.
Lightning girls to the front
During WWII The German 'Wehrmacht' is heavily under fire after the invasion of Normandy. There are also a lot of women participating in the war, working at the front line as couriers for the air force. In this war, everyday, they put their lives on the line.
Hoppla, jetzt kommt Eddie
Oops, Here Comes Eddie
Eddie Petersen has been commissioned to look after the two Gonzales sisters, daughters of a Central American oil magnate, along with their friend Juanita Perez and their travel companion Maria Mattoni, and to show them Hamburg.
Frauenarzt Dr. Bertram
Bank Vault 713
Spy for Germany
The true story of a German agent sent to the USA in 1944 in order to stop the development of the atomic bomb.
Assignment: Paris
Interrogator (uncredited)
Paris-based New York Herald Tribune reporter Jimmy Race (Andrews) is sent by his boss (Sanders) behind the Iron Curtain in Budapest to investigate a meeting involving the Hungarian ambassador.
Arche Nora
Нехватка в послевоенном Берлине создала цветущий черный рынок, и товары, собранные во время крупного полицейского рейда, похоже, пришли из одного и того же источника. След ведет комиссара Науманна к кабаре «Alibaba», но он не может найти убедительных доказательств, чтобы обвинить его владельца Голля.
Solistin Anna Alt
Die Degenhardts
A stuffy old civil servant is forced to retire during World War II, but when his son, a Navy submariner, is lost at sea and his city is heavily bombed by English bombers, his old patriotism is re-awakened and he determines to be of use to his country once again
Der Verteidiger hat das Wort
Jordan, a famous criminal lawyer, will only represent clients, of whose innocence he is convinced (must be financially not-too-well-off). One day, his future son-in-law, the jeweler Fabian, is arrested on suspicion of murder on the day before his wedding. He is said to have murdered his ex-wife, the dancer Ria Norady. The conductor Gillmore found her dead in her dressing room shortly after a visit from Fabian. Gisela Jordan asks her father to defend him. After speaking to Fabian, the lawyer is convinced he's innocent. But since there is no proof of this, he decides to go and try and find the real murderer himself.
Директор "White Star Line" — компании-владельца "Титаника" — Брюс Исмей приказал капитану корабля Эдварду Смиту вести "Титаник" на максимальной скорости. Когда были получены первые предупреждения о ледовой опасности, капитан Смит должен был решить, стоит ли рисковать безопасностью лайнера в угоду Исмею. Знаете ли Вы, что... : Фильм был снят по заказу министра народного просвещения и пропаганды Третьего рейха Йозефа Геббельса, который хотел показать некомпетентность Великобритании.
Wetterleuchten um Barbara
Последний раунд
В Нью-Йорке у боксера Эдди Стила впереди крутая карьера. Но это делает его безрассудным, и он больше любит ночные клубы, чем тренировки. В конце концов, его безрассудный образ жизни становится для него наказанием. Поразмыслив, он эмигрирует в Германию, открывает в Берлине спортивную школу и позволяет своему любимому ученику извлечь пользу из собственного опыта.
Die barmherzige Lüge
Die barmherzige Lüge
Giovanni de Medici: The Leader
Returned from exile where he accompanied his mother Caterina Sforza, Giovanni de 'Medici (1498-1526), becomes, under the name of Giovanni delle Bande Nere, captain of fortune at the service of the idea of a united Italy.
Militiaman Bruggler
Chronicles the Alpine war experiences of young Toni Bruggler (Ludwig Kerscher), a Tyrolean-German member of the Standschützen (militiamen), comprised of those who are too young or old to fight in the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg army.
Die letzten vier von Santa Cruz
The Boudoir Diplomat
The ambassador of the Kingdom of Luvaria orders Baron Belmar, his attaché, to win the interest of Mona, wife of the war minister, who opposes a treaty the ambassador very much wants signed. However, his mission is complicated by the fact that Helene, the ambassador's wife, is extremely jealous of every woman he meets, for she was responsible for getting him his appointment as attaché. Belmar, nevertheless, is in love with Greta, who will not marry him until he is proven worthy of her trust. After many narrow escapes from exposure of the personal intrigue, he manages to sway the attentions of Mona, who persuades the war minister to sign the treaty, thus gaining Belmar an appointment as ambassador to Peru and Greta as his wife.
The dance goes on
This is the German-language version of 1930's "Those Who Dance", shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
Городская девчонка
Reaper (uncredited)
Парень с Миннесотских полей приезжает в Чикаго продать пшеницу, которую выращивает его семья на своей ферме. В городе Лем знакомится с официанткой Кейт, они влюбляются и женятся. Но по возвращению к родным на ферму молодую супружескую пару очень холодно встречает отец…