Hellmut Lange
Рождение : 1923-01-19, Berlin, Germany
Смерть : 2011-01-13
Together with her bisexual friend and manager Stefan, singer Miko is working on a great career that has so far failed to materialize.
Hitlers Kammerdiener, Goebbels-Puppenspieler, SS-Mann
Центральный тезис кинофильма заключается в том, что Гитлер живет в каждом из нас. Кроме того, в его семичасовой кинофреске нацистская Германия изображена как Гигантское зрелище, в котором Гитлер становится главным шоуменом.
Gordon Hamilton
Cdr. Lloyd Mark Bucher
Major Dorian von Haarenwege (uncredited)
По книгам «Паттон: испытания и триумф» и «История солдата» генерала Омара Н. Брэдли. Биография генерала Джорджа Паттона, чей темперамент часто оказывал влияние на ход военных действий во время второй мировой войны.
McGeorge Bundy
Piskov, any idyllic small town in 1969. One day there is an incident that causes a sensation in press, radio and television, but leaves the citizens of Piskov completely cold. All clocks stop and time stops! A being from the future, more precisely from the year 523 to Gagarin, lands in the small town! The skeptical inhabitants ignore the incident completly. Two journalists (Hellmut Lange and Hannelore Elsner) try to get to the bottom of things and ask various witnesses about the mysterious events...
"The ancestors heritage" - The Ahnenerbe was a scientific institute in the Third Reich dedicated to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan Race. The films deals with trials against the guilty ones of this part of the Holocaust.
1775 год. В форте Кано, ставшем отправным пунктом для переселенцев, стремящихся к покорению дикого Запада, совершено дерзкое ограбление арсенала. Караванщик Маил Форман, пользующийся большим уважением среди иммигрантов, готовит первый караван в Дакоту.
Lieutenant Murphy
Korporal Joe Adam
Captain Jimmy Braddock
Based on historical events, the film tells the story of Operation Anthropoid which led to the assassination of the German SS leader Heydrich in Prague by Czech rebels led by Josef Gabcik and Jan Kubis.
На скамейке парка обнаружена лежащая без сознания молодая блондинка. Китайский иероглиф, вытатуированный на ее ягодице, наводит спецслужбы разных стран на мысль о том, что женщина — бежавшая из Китая любовница крупного китайского ученого. Агенты ЦРУ и КГБ пытаются заполучить загадочную блондинку, тогда как китайская разведка пытается убить ее, чтобы избежать утечки информации.
Harry Freeman
An underage girl starts an affair with her much older employer. Then, her lover is sentenced for the seduction of a minor, and the young woman gets involved with his son, the junior head of the company. When his father is released from prison, father and son become rivals for their shared lover.
Robert Halfene
Raphaël, a former paratrooper, is unable to adapt to the constraints of social life. One day, he becomes the unwilling accomplice of jewel thieves and falls in love with Electre, the mistress of Alaphène, their boss. Electre gives herself to Raphäel and incites him to run away with her. The couple tries to reach Monte-Carlo, where the diamonds are hidden, but they are chased by Federico, one of the gangsters who craves the loot as well...
German-made spy shenanigans.
Angeklagter Stark
Harry Miller
Rolf Thilo
Der Regisseur (Georges)
John Krim
An international gang of gun dealers in the USA has stolen the prototype of a laser rifle from a German laboratory. The FBI agent Cormoran is being sent to recover the state-of-the-art and highly effective weapon. But there are some indications that he has defected to the enemy. Since agent 007 is currently on another mission, the chief of intelligence has to fall back on his second best man, the previous number 006. And so the German secret agent John Krim is given the assignment to get the rifle back, find evidence of Cormoran’s treachery and finally eliminate the colleague. Krim’s journey takes him across the ocean, and there he experiences incredible adventures in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Two women get in his way, and Krim can’t be sure whether he can trust them or whether they too are working for the other side.
Blaise Couture - Hauslehrer
Webster Lindley
Peter Jordan
The film around the intelligence officer Captain Smith plays in the headquarters of a British tank regiment shortly after the beginning of the invasion of 1944, where Le Havre waws to be overrun by allied troops and forced to surrender. Smith refuses to continue the fight as he is convinced that the war has become meaningless, he came to that conclusion due to the denial of the request of a German general to evacuate the French civilian population.
Matt Cole
A comet drops from the sky and causes a stir in Cadiz, Spain. A nihilistic drunk called Nada announces that very bad things are imminent. A herald gives orders that it is punishable to mention the comet.
Leutnant Junkermann
Mark McPherson
The detective investigating Laura Hunt's murder finds himself becoming obsessed with the dead woman only to find out she's actually still alive.
Harald Birk
Robert Meyer
Peter Clifton
A ring of counterfeiters is flooding the country with phony money, and suspicion falls upon a wealthy playboy who may--or may not--have amnesia.
Harry Clayton
Kommissar Bergen
Dr. Jack Roberts
Oberscharführer Niedermeyer
Pastor Tornqvist