Lenny Rose


Формула рая
Lionel Galgorin
«Формула рая» — это название компании, которая занимается генетическими исследованиями. Им удалось клонировать тираннозавра! Это кровожадное чудище живет в очень прочной клетке прямо в лаборатории. Взаперти оно не представляет никакой опасности. Но в здание вламываются грабители и ломают систему безопасности. Из-за этого автоматически открываются все двери. В том числе и та, за которой сидит хищник!
A satirical comedy spoof of Superman, combining elements of the 50s TV show and 70s feature films, in which an inept superhero tries in vain to rescue his kidnapped alter-ego boss from a hippie-turned-gangster villain.
Studio 666
Dr. Meso
Cassidy, the lead singer of a band, lives with her boyfriend and band member, Neal. Cassidy records the torment of her silent pain and suffering in a private journal. Thinking Neal does not love her, Cassidy is devastated and commits suicide. Neal, shocked and horrified, witnesses the suicide. Three months following Cassidy's death, band members, Dora, Donny, Victor, and Neal visit Dr. Meso, a psychic, for answers. They question whether or not to continue recording their album with out Cassidy. After posing the question, Cassidy's spirit overtakes Dr. Meso's body. Cassidy addresses the band, and specifically Neal, before revealing four tarot death cards.
Vonda Madding has a history of bad relationships with men. The last man she married abused her and that was the last straw - she swore all men were scum. But what can she do? Eileen Trost has the answer: a witch's potion to free Vonda of her hateful thoughts and make her forget them once and for all. Suddenly her ex-boyfriends are being murdered and the police's only suspect is Vonda. But they don't know about Enyo, and they won't believe what is really happening...
A warrior and a beautiful ex-convict are left to fight the galaxy's most fearsome commandos in an alien wasteland.
Heat of Las Vegas
A ruthless casino owner plots a counterfeit scheme to protect his fortune while his son, fueled by a violent hatred, seeks to knock off his father's casino with the help of a desperate ex-FBI agent. Meanwhile, the FBI lurks in the shadows, waiting for the final gun to sound.
Dr. Martin Speer
"The Children of the Third Reich" - College freshman Kari Berman and her twin brother Kyle are young, healthy, brilliant, and attractive. To genetic researcher Dr. Martin Speer they're breeding stock, part of his scheme to make create superior humans through modern genetics.
Sex, Lies & Politics
Senator Dicuado
Ron Slick is a Washington lobbyist who comes by Dr. Fez's "clicker" invention, which makes women errogeneously ex-tra-cited; Slick uses the clicker on a senator, a reporter, a police officer and two federal agents.
Passion and Romance: Scandal
Gov. Peacock
With the election drawing near, Georgia Governor Buckwald's family becomes entangled in a series of sensational sex scandals.
Lust: The Movie
Erotic Boundaries
A married woman seeks the fulfillment she can't find in her marriage by visiting a secret club where participants explore sexual boundaries.
Caged Hearts
Captain Rey
Kate and Sharon kill a man in self defense and are framed by the justice system. They are put in prison and forced into prostitution. With the help of their defense attorney, they devise a plan to bust out of prison and hopefully expose the group of corrupt politicians, judges, lawyers, etc. who put them there in the first place.
Lady in Blue
While investigating a case involving a love triangle, a lovely police captain meets the man of her erotic dreams.
Beach Babes 2: Cave Girl Island
James T. Renford the 2nd
Xena, Luna, and Sola leave Malibu but return to earth unexpectedly when Xena sneezes and crash lands them on a desert isle. After being threatened by dinosaurs and having a few close encounters with some primitive stud muffins, they tangle with the evil James T. Renford II, who has some sinister profit-making plans for the babes from space.
Assault of the Party Nerds 2: The Heavy Petting Detective
Tutu Man
Five years after throwing a killer party and stealing Muffin away from alpha-male Zeta frat member Bud, head party nerd Ritchie is married (to Muffin!) and runs a detective agency.
Fatal Pursuit
Dr. Dufoe
A rugged P.I. and a gorgeous insurance investigator search for diamonds stolen in a brutal robbery
Приватные танцы
Анджи мечтает стать актрисой, но пока что она временно устраивается на работу в стриптиз-клуб. Однако Анджи быстро понимает, что для этой работы она слишком стеснительная. Преодолеть комплексы ей помогает один из клиентов.
Tornado Run
Stanley Borden
"First Strike" pilots have the mission of destroying nuclear arms that have fallen into the hands of bandits.
Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000
Droid Voice
In the future, corporations have taken over the world and banned sex. A group of rebellious high school students devise a way to go back in time to the present day and try change history to prevent that from happening.
Taxi Dancers
This sleazy little drama offers a grim slice from the lives of those who work in a seedy LA dime-a-dance ballroom.
Спасите! Умоляю!
Джим Стивенс, способный сотрудник процветающей компании внезапно становится свидетелем следующей сцены: молодая симпатичная девушка приклеивает к двери записку. В записке всего 2 слова «Спасите меня» и телефон. И с этого момента жизнь Джима превращается в какой то кошмар из цепи необъяснимых покушений, убийств и интриг, в которой сам Джим не понимает своей роли…
Beach Babes from Beyond
City Official
An intergalactic babe borrows her dad's T-bird ship to do a little planet hopping with her two friends, but they run out of fuel unexpectedly, and must land on earth. They land on the California coast and run into some guys, where they have fun and a few close encounters at the beach. One of the guys' Uncle Bud, who just wants to meditate and hang out, is being threatened with condemnation of his beach house unless he puts some money into repairs. The alien babes offer to enter the bikini contest with their way-out designs to try and win the money he needs, but they are hampered by the garment designer who will stop at nothing to win.
Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil
Rev. Meredith
An evil warlock takes over a rock club. He uses beautiful, large-breasted and frequently nude women to try to collect enough souls so that he may be able to bring Satan to Earth.
Good Girls Don't
Brash and gutsy stripper Bettina and mousy secretary Jeannie are framed for a murder they didn't commit. The radically contrasting distaff duo go on the lam in a red convertible with a half million dollars in cash in a briefcase. Various folks on both sides of the law give hot pursuit.
Shadow of the Dragon
Officer Zenigt
Tony Baker (Jimmy Williams), a Vietnam vet who is now an L.A. detective, is on the trail of the 'Mekong Dragon', assisted by his partner Brian O'Malley (Sandy Palm) and police Captain Washington (Robert Z'Dar).
Повелитель кукол 3: Месть Тулона
Airport Agent
В конце Второй мировой войны нацисты проводят опыты по оживлению мертвецов. В поле их зрения попадает кукольный театр Андре Тулона, который, кажется, открыл страшную тайну…
Бомба замедленного действия
Главный герой фильма — Эдди Кей. Некоторое время он имел дело с государственными органами Америки и имел доступ к некоторым военным тайнам. Этот человек попадает в катастрофу, частично теряет память, и его мучают кошмары. Тогда он обращается за помощью к психиатру Анне Нолмар. Вначале женщина думает что он сумасшедший, но его опасения имеют реальную основу. Вдвоем они пытаются противостоять угрозе и восстановить память Эдди.
Deadly Dancer
A police detective, investigating a string of murders of strippers at a Los Angeles night club, must race against the clock to clear his name when he's wrongfully accused of being the killer.
Призрак Голливуда
Officer #2
Молодая писательница Анжела Рид поселилась в доме на пляже Малибу. В нем она столкнулась с Билли, призраком актрисы, которая якобы совершила самоубийство 30 лет назад. На самом же деле актриса была убита своим любовником. Билли просит Анджелу доказать факт убийства и предлагает свою помощь.
Murder Weapon
Dr. Gram
Two daughters of mobsters get out of the sanitarium after having killed a boyfriend in the shower, supposedly cured and on the right track. They hold a party and invite all their old boyfriends, making all of them think there is still hope for a relationship. Then the boyfriends start disappearing one by one.
Доктор Чужой
Campus Guard
Доктор Аккерман, новая учительница биологии, так хорошо изменила внешность, что никто и не подозревает, что она на самом деле ученая — пришелец. Она экспериментирует на студенте-первокурснике Уэсли, быстро становящемся сексуальным магнитом, перед которым не может устоять ни одна девушка, в их числе и сама Доктор-пришелец…
Heaven Can Help
Officer Fleisher
When a boy accidentally opens a channel between heaven and earth, his father must take on the role of an intermediary between heaven and hell.
American Rampage
Ex-San Francisco vice cop Samantha Roarke and Hollywood homicide detective Ryan Hayes team up to investigate an international drug cartel in Los Angeles, leading them to an ex-CIA operative turned drug kingpin who's organizing a heroin distribution center in the city.
Lady Avenger
Detective #1
When the door of freedom cracks open for inmate Maggie Blair at her brother's funeral, she doesn't let anything stand in her way. This begins her furious determination to unearth the gang that murdered her brother.
Тихая ночь, смертельная ночь 2
Младший брат Билли по имени Рикки оказывается в психиатрической лечебнице и рассказывает врачу о страшном прошлом своей семьи. Убежав из лечебницы Рикки также переодевается в костюм Санта — Клауса, берет топор и идет по стопам старшего брата…