Chris Cordell
Рождение : , United Kingdom
King Erik
The King’s daughter Bodil lay dying in the arms of King Erik. Her lover Rune embarks on a quest to find the cure before Harald, who makes a tempting offer to the king. Should Harald find a cure for Bodil then he shall take her hand in exchange for the castle. Rune travels across lands, battling those who cross him to find the elements of the cure with surprising consequences.
Будучи наивным ребёнком, Кристофер Робин подружился в Стоакровом лесу со странными существами, дал им имена и многие годы таскал им еду с кухни. Когда парень вырос и уехал в колледж, лесные друзья не вынесли голода и предательства — они озлобились и поклялись больше никогда не разговаривать на человеческом языке. Не поздоровилось и самому Кристоферу, спустя годы решившему показать своей невесте места, где он провёл счастливое детство. Теперь Винни и Пятак зверски истребляют всех, кто оказывается в их лесу, и приехавшая в съёмный дом провести веселые выходные компания девушек исключением не станет.
After a violent thunderstorm scares a house party, the guests flee to a nearby home for shelter.. only to discover, a more sinister hand is at play.. Now, they can't escape the strangers home due to the thunderstorm, but they can't stay inside due to the danger that follows them.
Bill Carmichael
An American author travels to a small rural town to collect an inheritance left to him by his estranged mother. During his stay, he uncovers a cabal of people who worship Lycanthrope
Mr. M Cullum
A group of students stuck inside for the holidays, unable to drive home due to bad weather conditions, soon find themselves conducting a modern day witch trial.
Cult Member 1
A group of troubled teen girls and their teacher must fight for survival after discovering a cult has brought Humpty Dumpty, a killer doll, back to life and set loose on the camp where they are staying.
Sammy, a surviving teacher rejoins her colleagues back at work. After hearing some odd noises around the classrooms Sammy feels she is being watched. When she hears the familiar knocking at the door she realizes her nightmare is not over.
Reverend Jackson
Deep in the English countryside, Lisa and Charlie prepare for their wedding at a Tudor mansion. But an angry crocodile lies in wait, determined to ruin their big day.
Dr. George Zizerman
A deadly nest of spiders lurk in the attic - And the nest is about to be awoken by a news reporter and her colleagues
An old doll seemingly returns to life to wreak havoc.
Невзрачная старшеклассница по имени Кэрри с рождения обладает способностями телекинеза. Давление со стороны фанатично религиозной мамочки и постоянные издевки сверстников лишь способствует развитию ее сверхъестественных способностей. На выпускном одноклассники решают жестоко подшутить над ней, что приводит к фатальным последствиям. По роману Стивена Кинга.
Security Guard
Sally and Jason Danville's life are turned upside down when a tragic accident suddenly names them the caretakers of four young children.
Punch & Judy is a 2023 British horror film about violent puppets and is loosely based on the traditional children’s seaside show.
A reporter discovers all is not as it seems in a infamous hotel..
In the late 1950s London, a saxophonist, when offered to play at the most prestigious venue in the city, slips down a spiral of existential thoughts about his future after the performance.