A Shocking Accident is a 1982 British short comedy film directed by James Scott, based on Graham Greene's short story by the same name. About a boy whose father is killed in Naples, when a pig falls on him as a balcony collapses. The incident haunts the boy through his later life until he meets a girl who understands his side of the story. The film won an Oscar at the 55th Academy Awards for Best Live Action Short and was nominated for BAFTA in 1983.
Couples and Robbers is a 1981 English language comedy/crime film written and directed by Clare Peploe, starring Frances Low, Rik Mayall and Peter Eyre. Two couples -- one with all the riches that dreams are made of, the other with only dreams and schemes -- are brought together by the plotting of the poorer couple. A pair of newlyweds wander through the city streets, bickering about their poverty, until they are distracted by the opulent home of a lawyer. Impulsively, the couple makes off with the lawyer's vehicle for one night of extravagant indulgence. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.