Henry McCarty


French Dressing
Bridgmouth Mayor
A deck-chair attendant at a British resort promotes a film festival featuring a French sexpot.
Римская весна Миссис Стоун
Campbell Kennedy
Вивьен Ли играет стареющую звезду сцены Карен Стоун, которая только что провалилась в роли, более подходящей для молодой женщины. Она решает отдохнуть в Европе, но неудачи продолжают преследовать ее. Ее богатый супруг заболевает и умирает на пути в Италию, но она все-таки приезжает в Рим. Когда вдова признается подруге Мэг, что не отказалась бы от мужского общества, та знакомит ее с великосветской сводницей, которая находит вдове красивого юношу - итальянца. Карен влюбляется в молодого человека с самыми печальными для себя последствиями.
Part-Time Wife
Charles Whitworth
Insurance salesman Tom and his wife Jenny are struggling through the first years of marriage in a modest flat, on Tom's even more modest salary. By contrast Drew, Tom's old army pal, is a footloose bachelor currently running a car-hire firm owned by his rich uncle, who lives in Canada. Since Drew's uncle makes it clear that his nephew will only inherit the business when he's a respectable married man, his upcoming visit throws Drew into a panic. Having taken a fancy to the vivacious Jenny, Drew persuades her to masquerade as his wife – an arrangement that leads the trio into some highly complicated situations!
23 1/2 Hours Leave
Army training Sgt. Gray makes a bet that he can get himself invited to breakfast with his commanding officer, General Markley. But he gets into an unhappy tangle with a couple of enemy spies (and a happy tangle with the general's daughter) before the bet is finally decided.
Классный парень
Джон Грин — старший чиновник палаты мер и весов лежит в больнице, после того как попал в автомобильную аварию. Его навещает коллега Джонни Кэйв. Грин делится с ним своими предположениями о том, что авария подстроена бандой некого Всемогущего Кевена. Джонни просит молодого человека занять его должность в палате мер и весов, чтобы вывести на чистую воду негодяев, подстроивших аварию, но Грин предупреждает, что банде покровительствует кто-то из правительства и, зная вспыльчивый характер парня, умоляет не пускать без причины в ход кулаки. Кэйву предстоит единолично начать борьбу с владельцами магазинов и складов, которые обвешивают покупателей при помощи хитроумных уловок и приспособлений, ведь потери только за один год для граждан и государства, от деятельности этих непорядочных бизнесменов, составляет приличную сумму, равную оборонному бюджету страны…
The Right To Romance
Against her better judgment, a dedicated and hard-working plastic surgeon (Ann Harding) finds herself falling in love with a playboy (Robert Young). Drama.
Men Of America
Bank robbers and killers cause mayhem in a small western town.
The Mad Parade
The story of eight women and how they served their country during World War I.
A showgirl falls for a society boy but has to win over his family.
Bright Lights
In this light-hearted musical, an early color film, a successful actress tires of the bustle and hustle of her tawdry life and settles down to what she thinks is the blissful mundaneness of married life. Unfortunately, the actual drudgery of wifedom takes her by surprise and domestic turmoil ensues.
Top Speed
An order clerk poses as a millionaire.
Numbered Men
Prison drama from 1930. Mary Dane and falsely imprisoned Bud Leonard love each other, but Lou Rinaldo, who framed Bud to get Mary, and escape-minded King Callahan, set events in motion to prove that love and justice will prevail.
Señor Americano
A U.S. soldier goes after bandits in California, although it is still owned by Mexico.
The Carnation Kid
It's a case of mistaken identity in this comedy that centers around a country bumpkin mistaken for a Chicago hitman.
The Lodge in the Wilderness
Jim Wallace, a young engineer, is engaged by Hammond, manager of an estate in the Northwest, to build flumes for a logging camp, but Donovan, the superintendent, dislikes him and places numerous obstacles in his way. Virginia Coulson, owner of the estate, and her maid Dot arrive, and when Hammond proposes to Virginia, she refuses his declaration in favor of Jim. Later, when Donovan is found murdered, suspicion points to Jim, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Hammond gets evidence on the murderer, Goofus, a half wit, and plans to use it to force Virginia to marry him; Goofus wounds Hammond and, seeing he has not killed him, starts a forest fire. Jim, who has escaped from prison with the aid of his friend, Buddy, rescues Virginia from the burning lodge; Goofus confesses to the murder, and Jim is freed.
Hearts and Spangles
Scenario Writer
Steve Carris, a medical student, is expelled from college, disowned by his father and joins a circus.
Vengeance of Pierre
A film by Henry McCarty