Walter Giller
Рождение : 1927-08-23, Recklinghausen, Germany
Смерть : 2011-12-15
Walter Giller war einer der erfolgreichsten Schauspieler des deutschen Nachkriegskinos, er war bis zu seinem Tod verheiratet mit der Schauspielerin Nadja Tiller, sie galten als Traumpaar und standen oft zusammen vor der Kamera
On February 20, 1953, the Nordwestdeutsche Rundfunk broadcast the first cooking show of German post-war television. Clemens Carl Hahn became the TV chef Clemens Wilmenrod. When the "request in ten minutes to table" on the screens flickered, went for the presenter of the show a dream come true: He had designed the cooking show not only the first TV format that was aimed at women, but also a new self invented.
Franz Todsen
Hannah hero finds out that her husband Martin is cheating on her. Angered, she announces that she wants a divorce. But Hannah is waiting for the million-dollar legacy of her great-aunt Käthe and a divorced woman will never entrust her family heritage to the tradition-conscious old lady. So Hannah arranges the separation of table and bed with her future ex-husband. Then Hannah and Martin move into Aunt Käthe's villa and play a harmonious married life.
Kapitän Hubertus
Mann mit weißem Bart
Лето 1944 года. Юная баронесса Барбара выходит замуж. Ее супруг, Александр, оставив Барбаре символ любви, янтарный амулет, уходит на фронт и пропадает без вести. В поместье родителей Барбары размещаются советские солдаты под командованием майора Беляева. Барбара влюбляется в русского офицера, но отказывается уехать с ним в Москву, так и не сказав ему, что ждет от него ребенка. Вернувшийся из плена Александр воспитывает сына Беляева как своего. Но после июньского восстания 1953 года суд ГДР приговаривает Александра по обвинению в шпионаже к 20 годам заключения. Единственный, кто может помочь Барбаре добиться освобождения мужа и переправить всю семью на запад — это Беляев…
The main attraction in Ahrensburg Castle is the smart, popcorn-loving ghost Schubiduu..uh. One day, Schubiduu..uh moves out because the castle administration has issued a popcorn ban. Since then, Schubiduh has been living in the attic of the Krüger family, because the siblings Jenny and Simon are his best friends. But soon the clever ghost is homesick for his old castle. Luckily for Schubiduu..uh, the ban on popcorn in the castle has just been lifted and so the ghost moves back into his old abode. Jenny and Simon visit their friend Schubiduu..uh as often as they can and experience many wonderful adventures...
Twenty years ago, Dietrich discovered (Jan-Gregor Kremp) that he is gay. Wife and son he left behind in the country and opened a travesty Club in Berlin. He and his lover Max (Pasquale Aleardi) can adopt a child, Dietrich now requires a "testimony" of his son Jan (Matthias Schweighofer). In his postcards he has for years fooled him a "real men live" on mounting - but the moment of truth draws near: An accident leads Jan, the aspiring professional quarterback and homophobic macho, to Dietrich's desk ... gays are stylish hold French Schneider and turned pink piglets - the figure of Dietrich serves all clichés. Through the Eyes of Jan we discover the people behind them. Despite weaknesses in the structure of an amusing search for the father, in the comedy legend Walter Giller occurs as Alt-queen Wanda.
Colonel Foxton
Dr. Dittmers
Jonathan Conway
Man in trench coat
A musical comedy written by Heinz Erhardt and his son Gero Erhardt.
Robin Partridge
Herr Oskar
A beautiful blonde bitten by Count Dracula 100 years previously is unearthed in Vienna, and soon she goes on a killing spree.
Ed Devery
Dudu, the craziest car in the world, takes part in the goofiest race in the world!
Jimmy Bondi and his miracle yellow VW Beetle Dudu are asked by their boyfriend Aldo to support him at a car show in Liverpool. After the show it turns out that the organizer Ivan Leskovich made off with the proceeds. Dudu and his friends give chase. Leskovich's trail leads via London to Switzerland, but thanks to Jimmy's lack of navigational skills, the friends first end up in Portugal...
Hans Pfeiffer
The title refers to the Feuerzangenbowle punch consumed by a group of gentlemen in the opening scene. While they exchange nostalgic stories about their schooldays, the successful young writer Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer realizes he missed out on something because he was taught at home and never attended school. He decides to make up for it by masquerading as a student at a small-town high school. At the school, he quickly gains a reputation as a prankster. Together with his classmates, he torments his professors Crey, Bömmel, and Headmaster Knauer with adolescent mischief. His girlfriend Marion unsuccessfully tries to persuade him to give up his foolish charade. Eventually, he falls in love with the headmaster's daughter and discloses his identity after provoking the teachers into expelling him from school.
Inspektor Walter Knauer
Bruno Stiegler, a boxing promoter with a disreputable past, returns from America to Berlin to make some big things again with his friends. Fatally, he is always preceded by some gentlemen from better circles who are developing amazing criminal activity in their old days. They are led by Oberlandesgerichtsrat a. D. Herbert Zänker, whom it still hisses, that he could bring in his term Bruno never behind bars.
Hans I
In an erotic version of famous fairy tales, Snow White (Marie Liljedahl), Sleeping Beauty (Gaby Fuchs) and Cinderella (Eva Reuber-Staier) have sexy fun.
Dr. Wagner
A detective gets involved with the beautiful daughter of an old friend. The daughter turns out to be a jewel thief, who in turn gets the detective involved in a caper in Austria.
Forfatter Sven Gjeholm
Love Thy Neighbour (Danish: Elsk... din næste!, German: Vergiß nicht deine Frau zu küssen ) is a 1967 Danish-German comedy film directed by Egil Kolstø and starring Walter Giller.
Inspector Jakubowski
A hustler of humble origins steals $200,000 from a gangster and heads to Monte Carlo.
Maurice Labrousse
Скромный месье Фарран, строит грандиозные планы об ограблении банка. Его давний друг по приключениям Джим помогает претворить план в жизнь…
George Randy
This three-part Austrian/Czech comedy stretches the boundaries of what is considered to be humorous. Part one finds a silent film actor upset because of a rival actor's attention to the former's wife. When he kills his rival, it is only when he is strapped to the electric chair that he realizes that this is his last live scene. The second episode has the wife of an elderly British nobleman having an affair with the young gamekeeper of their estate. Part three finds a peasant woman taking a lover when her husband goes off to fight the war.
Karl (Vienna segment)
A lady killer tracked by the police, takes refuge at a psychiatrist's home, and the doctor tells him three stories, to convince him that crime does not pay
Fritz Kiesewetter
Древние земли Южной Америки хранят ещё немало тайн и секретов. А также они хранят великие сокровища, оставшиеся после таинственной и трагической гибели целой цивилизации - Страны Великих Инков. Этот народ умел не только сражаться и завоёвывать всё новые пространства, но и красиво, с роскошью и шиком отдохнуть. Именно поэтому до сих пор то там, то здесь случайно находят громадные золотые изделия, невероятные в своей красоте драгоценные камни, невиданные по мастерству и великолепию кольца и ожерелья… В этом фильме кучке авантюристов и искателей приключений противостоит мощная, хорошо законспирированная и разветвлённая тайная организация наследников Древних Инков. Кто из них выйдет победителем в безумной гонке за сокровищами?
Renato Balli
B 501, a newly developed controller for missiles, has disappeared despite the strict surveillance. Phillippe Tissout is sent by his boss to Paris to take over the case.
Charly Bauer
Three crooks come out of jail on probation and, taking advantage of the economic boom in Germany, they continue their shady business quite legally this time.
Spike Sunday
After his parents are killed in a stagecoach holdup, a young man learns to be an expert gunman and with his dog Shorty, sets out to avenge their deaths.
Cult filmmaker Russ Meyer takes on directorial duties in Zugsmith s adaptation of the notorious erotic classic Fanny Hill. Set in pre-Victorian London, young Fanny finds herself taken in by a madame at one of the city s most elite brothels. A strange mix of Zugsmith s surreal slapstick and Meyer s trademark buxom beauties and thoughtful satire, Fanny Hill is an over-the-top saga of low-rent thrills in high-brow settings.
This drama is taken from Thomas Mann's 1903 semi-autobiographical novel. Tonio (Jean Claude Brialy) is an aspiring writer and the son of a rigid aristocratic father and a music-loving mother. Wandering throughout Germany and Italy to "find himself," Tonio frequently remembers his childhood experiences in a series of flashbacks. The highlight of the film is the expert lensing by cinematographer Wolf Wirth. Erika Mann, the daughter of the late poet and author, collaborated with Ennio Flaiano on the screenplay.
Woody Johnson
A former sheriff begins to persecute the gang led by Pedro Ortiz, after his wife is taken away.
Kröner, Insurance Agent
Twelve different episodes of erotic relationships are described as examples of modern love substitute.
Young lovers Kurt and Lydia spend their first vacation together in Sweden at the picturesque Gripsholm Castle. They enjoy their happy days outdoors and in the nature far away from all everyday troubles and have fun with Kurt′s old friend Karl who comes to visit them in their holiday home. But when Lydia′s beautiful friend Billie also joins them shortly after, Lydia senses that Kurt seems to be falling in love with Billie.
Lord Edgar Blackmoor
A strangler is loose on a British estate, and he not only strangles his victims but brands an "M" onto their foreheads before he decapitates them.
Pater Mariano
Молодожены любят друг друга. В их супружеской постели царит идиллия, но… женщина способна приносить потомство! И когда она забеременеет… В пчелиной семье это само собой разумеется, а в человеческой?
Bettler Filch
The Gangster Macheath secretly marries the daughter of beggar king Peachum. When Peachum finds out, he instructs the police chief Brown to arrest and hang Macheath. If not, all the beggars of Soho will disturb the upcoming coronation.
Norbert Lang
Tom Fleming
Michel Boissand
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
Autograph hunter
Lieschen Müller is in her mid-20s, works a dull office job and fancies the handsome waiter from the diner down the street, wishing for a more exciting life. In a vivid, lucid dream she happens upon a gigantic fortune, allowing her to live out her wildest fantasies. Quickly, however, she realizes that that's not what makes her happy.
Robert Bolle
Anton Scheufele
Jerome (Jo) Sommer
A businessman who lives from blackmailing begins to be blackmailed by his own wife who hates him.
A music comedy directed by Dietrich Haugk based on the play by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.
Micki Flunder
Bobby Dodd
Rudi Kleinschmidt
Фильм разоблачает политику западногерманских властей, назначающих гитлеровских генералов на высокие руководящие посты в правительстве, армии и государственном аппарате.
Bobby Dodd
Daniel Mogge
Bobby Dodd
Ralf Siedler
Hans Fichte
Erwin Tucke
Walter Gerber
Heidelberg teenagers make jazz music.
Felix Rabe
Otto Schräge
Billy Cole
The true story of a German agent sent to the USA in 1944 in order to stop the development of the atomic bomb.
Dr. Jura
Rudi Winter
After high school the lover's Ursula and Gerhard paths part: she stays in the small town, while he attends university in Hamburg to become a composer. While she remains faithful to their love, he forgets more and more about her when he becomes successful as song writer for the famous singer Dahl. Disappointed, Ursula turns to Gerhard's former friend Peter.
Bosty Mc. Millar
Willy Wormser
Его имя Фридрих Вильгельм Фойгт, и он — один из самых знаменитых мошенников мира. Когда-то он был простым сапожником — правда, с незаурядным воображением. Однажды он купил у старьёвщика форму гауптмана и, нарядившись в неё, приказал двум отделениям прусских гвардейцев сопроводить его в ратушу Кёпеника. В результате ратуша была захвачена солдатами под его командованием, бургомистр арестован якобы за растрату, а касса с кругленькой суммой изъята «для нужд армии».
Fred Windberg
Peter Korff
A comedy directed by Paul Martin.
Charley Sallmann
Торговый атташе Отто Дернбург приезжает из Южной Америки на деловые переговоры в Германию. На приеме он знакомится с привлекательной миллионершей Карлоттой Рамирес. Позже он посещает своего младшего брата Ральфа, который живет со своим другом Чарли на чердаке. Друзья пригласили в гости двух очаровательных шведок Уллу и Бритту, но боятся их сурового дяди Нильса. Девушки не хотят оставаться наедине с молодыми людьми. Должна приехать тетушка Чарли, но ее нет. Ради своего брата и чтобы спасти вечер, доктор Дернбург переодевается в тетушку Чарли. Ситуация становится все более сложной, когда на вечеринке появляются отец Чарли и дядя Нильс…
Robert, Peter and Fritz are the best of friends ... and hopelessly broke. But they don't let that stop them and in short order, they end up renting a deserted gas station. With just a little bit of wit and some elan, they'll bring the old girl back to life and all will look rosy ... until all three of them fall in love with the same dame: Gabi, the daughter of the director of a large gasoline firm. Thanks to her, their eternal friendship is really going to be put to the test.
Rolf Sprüngli
Karl Zimmermann
Dr. Hugo Bendler
Walter Lorenz
Peter Vondenhoff
Dr. Konrad Berko
2.Aufnahmeleiter Schmittchen
Paul Heller
Fritz Schromm
Ewald Bach
Fatma has quite the talent for getting herself into trouble and escaping with her head intact. But when she's caught rifling through Caliph Omar's possessions, she finds herself in serious trouble. News of a theft makes the rounds and now the caliph's men are after her. Fortunately, she's able to find refuge with a sheikh, who isn't quite so thorough in checking his possessions. And it's thanks to him, that Fatma is able to get away with her newly acquired goods.
Студенты Урсула и Томас влюбляются друг в друга и проводят вместе романтическое лето. Затем Томас уезжает из города учиться. Он обещает скоро вернуться, и Урсула ждет его. Когда спустя годы Томас возвращается в город своей юности, он навещает Урсулу, которая теперь понимает, что их встреча — просто случайность. Но когда Томас вновь отправляется в путь, он понимает, что Урсула была его большой любовью.
Ernst Feldmann
Conny Hauser