Abdullah Boushahri


Executive Producer
Камал, молодой иракский мужчина, пытается дойти пешком до Европы. На турецко-болгарской границе его ловят пограничники, но ему удается сбежать. Так Камал оказывается в лесу, где не действуют правила и законы, а местные наемники охотятся на мигрантов.
It's About to Rain
Executive Producer
Said Mahran fights for his right to remain in Italy, where he was born and raised from Algerian parents, after his visa expires.
The Circle
Ibrahim, a poet and a journalist, discovers that he is dying soon from a fatal disease. He confront his crook partner, Bader, and demands his share to make sure that his wife has a better life after he's gone. Shihab, a professional thief forced by his boss to do jobs for him in order to pay off a huge debt, plans to quit crime world to take care of his younger sister. They both meet accidentally just to begin seeing the world with different perspectives.