Elio, an underdog with an active imagination, finds himself inadvertently beamed up to the Communiverse, an interplanetary organization with representatives from galaxies far and wide. Mistakenly identified as Earth’s ambassador to the rest of the universe, and completely unprepared for that kind of pressure, Elio must form new bonds with eccentric alien lifeforms, survive a series of formidable trials and somehow discover who he is truly meant to be.
Production Design
In an office late at night, an employee by the name of Reza is working overtime alone. After some time, he gets bored and goes on his social media. Every post he encounters that is uninteresting to him is commented negatively through forms of insults or satire. After a while, he finds a video of a girl who wants to kill herself. Reza comments on the post and is later DM-ed by a girl who then sends photos of him in the office. Reza becomes afraid and so he attempts to leave the building.
В центре сюжета уникальной и инновационной в визуальном плане картины подросток из Нью-Йорка Майлз Моралес, который живет в мире безграничных возможностей вселенных Человека-паука, где костюм супергероя носит не только он.