Sayba Talukder


Sound Designer
Film data is unknown at this point
Nishir Daak
A young NGO worker living in Cox's Bazaar hears stories about a voice that calls young children into the water, to their death. Should he continue his job as a change maker, or confront the supernatural to create real change?
Sound Designer
Famous musician Sohel is found dead in his bedroom. His wife Neela was sleeping peacefully when the body is discovered. Sohel's childhood friend detective Rashed took charge of the investigation. Although Neela seems to be the prime suspect, everyone around Shohel is not telling the truth. When the present is not serving Rashed anything fruitful, he dives into the past. Unsetting events start to unveil and we learn that lie is nothing but a badly expressed truth. How Sohel was killed?
Рехана Марьям Нур
Sound Designer
Рехана Марьям Нур стала свидетельницей несчастного случая по дороге домой. Помогая своей ученице, женщина вынуждена бороться с системой, несмотря ни на что.