Umberto Smaila

Umberto Smaila

Рождение : 1950-06-26, Verona, Italy


Umberto Smaila


Chi ha rapito Jerry Calà?
Sé stesso
Buon compleanno Massimo
La banda del Buffardello e il manoscritto di Leonardo da Vinci
Aldebrando Testori
Tre sorelle
Original Music Composer
Three sisters goes on a vacation and meet their new neighbour Antonio.
Локдаун по-итальянски
Примерный муж Джованни Де Бернарди втайне от жены заводит интрижку с замужней кассиршей супермаркета. Оба брака трещат по швам. Герой торопится уйти к новой пассии, но власти Рима вводят жесткий карантин. И теперь супруги, пребывающие в разладе, вынуждены проводить круглые сутки под одной крышей.
Nati 2 volte
A trans-sexual man return to his hometown to finish the bureaucratic process to become officially a male. But the public servant who should implement this simple bureaucratic operation is Giorgio, his first and only boyfriend.
Odissea nell'ospizio
Four sixty-something disgraced comedians - who used to work together - find themselves in a retirement home. They'll join forces again, this time to save the place from bankruptcy.
Odissea nell'ospizio
Gilberto Smania
Four sixty-something disgraced comedians - who used to work together - find themselves in a retirement home. They'll join forces again, this time to save the place from bankruptcy.
Vita smeralda
Umberto Smaila
Three girls leave behind their camping friends and head to Porto Cervo - a luxury seaside resort in northern Sardinia - looking for adventure.
Без царя в голове
Перед смертью истеричный папаша мистера Бернардо Пуччини дает своему отпрыску задание найти Джейка Гордона, который много лет назад спас ему жизнь. По иронии судьбы Джейк Гордон находится в психиатрической лечебнице и его проблемы с головой очевидны. Похищение пациента психушки и все проблемы с его транспортировкой оказались лишь цветочками. Самое интересное ожидало Бернардо по возвращению домой…
I miei più cari amici
Non chiamatemi papà
Gli Inaffidabili
Amedeo Manganelli
I mitici - Colpo gobbo a Milano
Original Music Composer
Roman TV technicians Fabio and Enzo have been unable to find decent jobs. They decide to crack a safe at a jewelry in Milan. To get the layout of the store, they enlist a beautiful but unsophisticated young woman, Deborah. To find underground access to the store, they get help from a sewage worker. An obese trapeze artist is called for disarm the store alarms. The clever Mrs. Motta, old hotelier, is also involved. Will they succeed?
I mitici - Colpo gobbo a Milano
Roman TV technicians Fabio and Enzo have been unable to find decent jobs. They decide to crack a safe at a jewelry in Milan. To get the layout of the store, they enlist a beautiful but unsophisticated young woman, Deborah. To find underground access to the store, they get help from a sewage worker. An obese trapeze artist is called for disarm the store alarms. The clever Mrs. Motta, old hotelier, is also involved. Will they succeed?
The Odyssey
An Italian made for television musical comedy.
The Three Musketeers
Luigi XIII
La più bella del reame
Continuation of "I miei primi 40 anni" The sentimental and erotic adventures drawn from the true story of Marina Ripa di Meana continue.
Crimes and Perfumes
Vice Commissioner Turroni
Eddy is the detective of a general store. His girl is Barbara who works in the same store. Barbara receives a gift, a bottle of scent, and later she dies burned. Police detective Turoni begins to investigate and Eddy, wanting to revenge Barbara, does the same. Another girl, Porzia, is murdered in the same way and Eddy finds out that the motive of the crimes dates back some fifteen years.
Crimes and Perfumes
Original Music Composer
Eddy is the detective of a general store. His girl is Barbara who works in the same store. Barbara receives a gift, a bottle of scent, and later she dies burned. Police detective Turoni begins to investigate and Eddy, wanting to revenge Barbara, does the same. Another girl, Porzia, is murdered in the same way and Eddy finds out that the motive of the crimes dates back some fifteen years.
Original Music Composer
An Italian blue-collar worker finds a job on a Norwegian oil platform, hoping to earn the money he needs to open a bar in his country.
My First 40 Years
Original Music Composer
Marina is a woman who never says men, money and fame! Determined to climb the social ladder, she works her way up from a marriage of a millionaire prince. At last, she's living the life of wealth and glamour she's always dreamed of. Then Love comes along and ruins everything! A starving artist steals her heart and seduces her away to his bohemian world. Will Marina manage to stay happy living a lifestyle out of the fast lane?
Animali metropolitani
In the year 2030 mankind has regressed to ape form. In order to explain this, a scientist shows a 20th century film about a Roman couple in a society gone mad slightly more than usual to his audience.
Sweets from a Stranger
A serial killer is terrifying the prostitutes in a big Italian city. After few barbaric murdering four prostitutes Lena, Angela, Nadine and Stella decide to unify and try to self-defend themselves. The police and all the other prostitutes agree with the four and the hunting is open. Who is the cruel killer?
Italian Boys
Music Supervisor
A group of young DJs embarks on a disco challenge to win the money they need to save their radio channel.
Italian Boys
A group of young DJs embarks on a disco challenge to win the money they need to save their radio channel.
Italian Boys
A group of young DJs embarks on a disco challenge to win the money they need to save their radio channel.
Italian Boys
A group of young DJs embarks on a disco challenge to win the money they need to save their radio channel.
Una vacanza bestiale
Eros Castiglioni
Arrivano i gatti
The Mad Dog Killer
Original Music Composer
Sadistic no-count killer Nanni Vitali and three other equally brutish hoodlums escape from prison. The foul foursome embark on a savage rape, murder, and robbery spree. Vitali even abducts and defiles frightened hapless lass Giuliana Caroli. Meanwhile, rugged police inspector Giulio Santini is determined to bag the despicable Vitali.
cuoco russo
A handful of recruits prepares for a war that nobody knows about the purpose or the motive. The field commander is a general who plays with a Marx puppet and lives in a luxurious palace that looks like a cabin from the outside. His orderlies are a captain who lives in Arabic dress in a curtain and a sergeant in training who does not shine for intelligence. Continuing training between various and grotesque accidents until the order arrives for the front. And then?
Come ti rapisco il pupo
Figlio del sindaco
Молодая девушка Джованна, под впечатлением от просмотра спектакля о Жанне Д`Арк, устраивается на работу в полицию и объявляет настоящий крестовый поход против коррумпированной верхушки своего родного города.