As the successful actor Ingrid arrives at her daughter's 35th birthday party, her unexpected return is not as well received as she has hoped. Instead, her years as an absent mother come to the fore and the gap between mother and daughter are felt to be an abyss.
Thomas and Marie are getting divorced and must meet one last time to empty and sell their summer house. A young woman suddenly appears with an agenda all of her own turning everything in their lives upside down.
Erik, recently retired, is looking forward to some post-work adventure and to enjoy his family. These plans are thrown into doubt as the harsh reality of his wife Juditha’s accelerating illness causes his own health to deteriorate. Juditha refuses to accept any outside help as Erik buckles under the pressure.
Bamse (voice)
The classic trio in the Bamse universe; Bamse, Lille Skutt och Skalman, is going on a thrilling adventure to the centre of the earth. Their mission is to save the explorer Beanka, who has mysteriously disappeared and seems to be a longlost friend of Skalmans. They do not realize that they have a follower though; a smug cat named Kattja. She is determined to get to their destination - what she believes is a treasure - first. Their expedition include being chased by wolves, spending a night at a spooky hotel, climbing a volcano and finally, maybe finding what they all are searching for. However, the treasure is not always what it seems to be.
Owen McConnor
Фильм снят на основе одноименного романа Стефана Цвейга. Чтобы выдержать психологические пытки гестапо, адвокат, заключенный в тюрьму нацистами, спасает себя, проигрывая в голове шахматные партии и вспоминая при этом моменты жизни, в которые они происходили.
Lasse / Marianne
Hanna's world turns upside down when her dad, the priest, reveals that he wants to be a woman.
Когда начинается Вторая Мировая война, норвежская актриса Соня Вигерт, живущая в Стокгольме, привлекает внимание высокопоставленного нацистского офицера Йозефа Тербовена. Предпочитая начать романтические отношения с венгерским атташе Андором Геллертом, она отвергает Йозефа, который решает арестовать отца актрисы, чтобы надавить на понравившуюся женщину. Осознав, что единственная возможность освободить близкого человека — ублажить офицера рейха, Соня становится его любовницей, после чего ее вербует шведская разведка в качестве секретного агента...
Dr. Jorgen Asbjørnsen
Норвежские учёные придумывают решение проблемы перенаселения Земли. Они разрабатывают технологию по уменьшению людей. Более того, все, кто отважился на такое крохотное существование, смогут позволить себе райские условия жизни. Поэтому парень по имени Пол вместе с женой Одри решаются на эту процедуру, чтобы обменять свою простую жизнь на новую роскошную.
Lars Winnerbäck is one of Sweden's biggest artists for 15 years. At the same time he is one of those we know least about. Now Winnerbäck celebrates 20 years as an artist, despite barely filling 40. This documentary takes us closer to him than ever, while summarizing a musically unlikely career. But most of all, it gives an insight into an extremely complex human being, with all its weaknesses and characteristics reflecting an entire generation's feelings. In addition to Lars Winnerbäck is featured in the film Rolf Lassgård, Per Gessle and Melissa Horn. Director and producer are Øystein Karlsen, who is behind successes like Dag og Lilyhammer.
Narrator (swedish voice)
A young penguin, driven by his instinct, embarks on his first major trip to an unknown destination.
В 1912 году у кассира на одной из норвежских железнодорожных станций умирает при родах жена. Ребенок рождает с редкой болезнью. Все тело девочки покрыто волосами.
Кто же он такой, этот самый Уве? Пожилой въедливый ворчун, достающий соседей вечными придирками. Он впадает в ярость при виде брошенного не туда мусора или неправильно припаркованной машины. И кроет на чем свет стоит легкомысленную семейку новоселов, в которой папаша и гвоздя вбить не способен. Зато Уве умеет все: виртуозно втиснуть свой «сааб» между крыльцом и почтовым ящиком, починить батарею, выколотить скидку у самого прижимистого торговца. В доме и в гараже у него всегда идеальный порядок. Как и в мыслях. Вот только зачем ему пистолет или крюк в потолке, или пригоршня снотворных? Возможно, ответ знает приблудный котище. Его не склонный к сантиментам Уве гнал-гнал, да так и не прогнал…
Ray Steenkamp
West Germany, 1987. The politician Uwe Barschel (1944-87), member of the Christian Democratic Union party and Minister-President of the Schleswig-Holstein region, is found dead in very sinister circumstances. Reporter David Burger pledges to find the truth behind one of the most important political scandals in German history, investigating countless speculations and conspiracy theories as he fights his own personal demons.
Bjarne runs a moving company with his wife Malin, but it is shaky and they need to borrow money. Across the river lives Bjarnes father Halvar. The two have never pulled evenly, which stems from a 20-year conflict filled with idle words, grumpy pride and stubborn prestige. In order to rescue the firm Malin sees no alternative but to go across the river to ask Halvar to cater for the loan. A decision that will have unexpected consequences.
Mikkel Nordergren
Erik Bäckström
Прошло 15 лет с трагического инцидента после которого Эрик вынужден был оставить службу на севере Швеции. Но жестокое преступление вынуждает его вернуться. Но то, что первоначально казалось обычной командировкой, постепенно превращается в кошмар, хуже которого нечего и представить.
Prof. Hellstrom
A young Swedish freelance investigative journalist dies under mysterious circumstances in South Africa, and his mother sets off in a relentless pursuit of the truth behind his death.
Martin Larsson
Single mother Lotta and her younger sister Sanna are both successful in their different jobs, and are living very different lives, but are attracted to men who are their opposites.
Jonas Dahlberg
Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor of Hague's Tribunal for war crimes in former Yugoslavia, charges a Serbian commander for killing Bosniaks. However, her main witness might be lying, so the court sends a team to Bosnia to investigate.
Erland Fjellgren
Four of Sweden's top actors anchor Jörgen Bergmark's tragi-comedy about a couple, both marriage counsellors, who find themselves in deep water when the husband falls for his best friend's wife. A smart, funny film made for adults. Nominated for Best Film at the 2009 Ghent International Film Festival.
At the psychiatric clinic Varden the attendants are mad and the inmates are sane.
Angelica "Angel" Holst was a celebrated rockstar in the '80s, but since then her fame and popularity has faded. Now it's time to step back into the spotlight – but to reach the top again she needs media attention, and the question is what price Angel is willing to pay to get back?
Kurt Wallander
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
The lives of three working class women in northern Sweden.
Lena lives a safe and happy life with her husband Alf and together they run a fish shop. No one who sees her can imagine what kind of hell she has gone through with her former husband Hannes. One day, her life turns upside down as a random meeting with Hannes leads to an emotional chaos for her. She thinks he has changed, but no one else wants to believe that Hannes is a new and better person. At the same time, Alf can only look at how his beloved Lena is drawn to Hannes who's been hurting her so much before.
Kurt Wallander
Kurt Wallander is thrown into a world he does not master - the computing world. An empty taxi found, heavily bloodstained and battered. Two young girls are taken in for questioning and admits murder of the taxi driver, but does not tell where the body is. The day after a man is found lying dead at an ATM with the bank statement in his hand. Two seemingly different cases, or do they have anything to do with each other? Kurt Wallander is trying to find answers, but he does not recognize himself - he feels unwell, dizzy and is forced to go to hospital.
Якоб Петерсен посвятил свою жизнь помощи беспризорным детям Индии. Когда его приюту грозит закрытие, он получает необычное предложение. Датский бизнесмен Йорген предлагает ему 12 млн. долларов. Правда, имеются некие условия… Якоб должен не только вернуться в Данию, но и принять участие в свадьбе дочери Йоргена. Свадьба становится настоящим испытанием, поворотной точкой между прошлым и будущим и ставит Якоба перед самой серьезной в его жизни дилеммой…
Shortly after police discovers the murder of three friends, police inspector Wallander finds his friend and colleague Svedberg dead. First, it is believed that Svedberg killed himself but Wallander soon discovers links between Svedberg, the three friends and a fourth person, a young woman in a mental hospital.
Set in post-war England, a mysterious woman arrives at the Prettys' rural family home on the eve of young Jack's 16th birthday. Her remarkable likeness to Jack's mother, Emily, who tragically died in an accident eight years ago both baffles and unsettles the family. She even wears the same pearls that Emily wore.
Torben Barberare
An epic drama set in the 14th century. Hanna leaves her family to meet her husband after 4 years spent in the East during a long war. Hanna will find herself fighting for her love, her children and her life.
Henrik's Father
A Swedish drama by Reza Bagher.
A Kurt Wallander mystery told from the perspectives of police and criminal. A foreign teenage girl burns herself to death under inspector Wallander's eyes. Several homicides take place where the victim is not only killed but scalped. The victims don't seem to have any connection.
Bosse Bendricks
Autumn 1978 in suburban Sweden. Everything seems to be fine with the middle class Bendrick family with their two teenage children and a younger son, until the mother starts seeing her first love again after 20 years. Just like their badly built house, the family façade starts slowly crumbling into pieces. The daughter, 15, finds her first love, and the boys too are puzzled by their own questions around adolescence and sexuality. The father tries to keep up a happy face, while the youngest son is the first and the most sensitive to realize how the family is heading towards a disaster.
Magnus Wiktorsson
Ten actresses test films for the title role of a remake of "Queen Christina".
Rajje - Raymond
"Where The Rainbow Ends" - Mikael Persson is about to realize his dream, a great musical with some of Sweden's foremost artists and with himself in the lead role. But just weeks before the premiere the Swedish Enforcement Authority knocks on the door and throws Michael and his family out on the street. He and his fiancee Catti resort to all means to save his life's work and they get unexpected help from the past.
A mysterious stranger, Meisner, arrives in a northern Swedish town in 1820, calling himself a magnetist - an amalgam of hypnotist and healer - and claiming he can cure diseases un-treatable by doctors. Ignoring the objections of his colleagues, Dr. Selander allows Meisner to cure his blind daughter, Maria, who not only regains her sight, but also falls in love with the charismatic magnetist. Dark secrets and repressed memories start to emerge, amidst the love between father and daughter, man and woman.
Олоф жил на ферме один. Он не умел ни писать, ни читать, и полностью зависел от своего друга Эрика, помогавшего ему во всем. Олофу всегда хотелось той же жизни, чтобы была у моряка Эрика. Поэтому когда он узнал о том количестве женщин, которые побывали в постели его друга, он решил не отставать, и дал в газету объявление. Вскоре он взял на должность домоправительницы молодую Эллен.
Knut Frænkel (voice)
Poetic documentary about the polar expedition of S. A. Andrée which Troell had previously dramatized in "Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd" (1982).
In Cape Town, a police inspector named September color discovers that the dreaded Mabasha, hired murderer, is in talks with a right-wing organization. In Skåne, southwest of Sweden, is given to the real estate agent Louise Åkerblom by missing and the case is assigned to Inspector Wallander. Just start research supposedly empty building explodes. An unusual weapon, a transmitter Russian and index finger of a man of color are found in the wreckage of the building ...
Olle Sundqvist
Tin-Tin is a bar pianist, living with the radio talk show host Paul in a relationship gone stale. Still, her parents are expecting grandchildren. Then a self-assured Norwegian business man turns up giving her the eye.
In this Swedish TV drama, a once-kittenish young woman has become a fortyish spinster, still helping her widowed father on the family farm. Marta drives tractors, does the planting and harvesting, and helps to maintain the property. Meanwhile her father Johansson worries and wonders if his aging daughter will ever find a man to marry her. Into this tense situation comes Sture, the potato seller,,,
Erik Bäckström
A policeman from Stockholm come to Norrbotten in Sweden, to join his brother, now when their father is dead. While there he starts to work on a long-running case where reindeers have been poached and soon discovers that his brother is involved...
Kurt Wallander
A lifeboat floats ashore at the coast of Skåne. Inside are two dead men who who've been murdered. Policeman Kurt Wallander is assigned to the case. The men are identified with the help of the police in Latvia. One of their officers travel to Sweden to to help but when he returns to his home country he is mysteriously murdered. Kurt flies to Riga to find out why and is drawn into complex conspiracy.
Kurt Wallander
A farmer discovers that his neighbors have been murdered. Wallander get on the case.
Izabella Scorupco plays Carla, who is a con-artist somewhere in mediavel Sweden. Carla is disguised as a man and she is selling a "product" called Petri tårar (Tears of St. Peter). This product cures every sickness. In order to promote her product she promises to wake up from the dead all citizens of the town who have died within the last ten years. Both the bishop and the mayor are alarmed as they fear loss of influence over them and try to work against Carla. There are also many citizens who don't want to see their "loved ones" wake up from the dead. In order to make things more confusing, Carla and the son of the mayor, Mark, fall in love with each other.
Gunvald Larsson
A gardener decides to exact revenge on the men he believes to be responsible for the death of his mentally disturbed wife.
'Backhammer', chief of police
Sture is a rich alcoholic who has taken a trip to Mallorca to drink himself to death. But he meets Sylvia and they start a relationship. Sture moves in with her in a middle-class community. Sylvia has an eighteen year old daughter, Eva. She gets murdered on the night between Midsummer eve and Midsummer day, and to the police the primary suspect is Sture, who was so intoxicated that he can not say what he was doing during the night.
Gunvald Larsson
A woman is found murdered in a closed amusement park. A young couple who happen to be there at the same time become, without their knowledge, suspects for the murder. They are chased by a large number of police but only Martin Beck believes them to be innocent.
Gunvald Larsson
A serial-killer attacks and murders young girls in the parks of Stockholm. The police have trouble finding any evidence to find the killer. But when a newsstand is robbed in one of the parks while the murderer strikes again, police inspector Martin Beck believes that the robber may be an important witness. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Gunvald Larsson
A young American girl is found dead in Gota Kanal, Swedens largest channel. Since there are hardly any clues or evidence at all it seems as if the murder cant be solved. Martin Beck and his men are assigned to the case. Soon they find a likely suspect and together with a police woman they begin a cat and mouse game to catch him. Plot by Mattias Pettersson.
Gunvald Larsson
A famous industrialist is murdered at a restaurant in Malmoe. Police inspector Martin Beck in Stockholm gets the case. The suspects lead to people involved in illegal arms deals. But who was the biggest criminal, the murderer or the industrialist?
Stockholm in the 1920s. Young Roland lives with his socialist father, Jewish mother and a boxing brother. His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland makes slingshots which he sells. His rebellious ways has gotten him the special attention of his school teacher, who always makes sure that Roland is punished. Roland also tries to make extra money by repairing bicycles, a successful business that in the end lands him in hot water.
Gunvald Larsson
A routine mission ends up in a flaming inferno when a house suddenly explodes. It looks like a spectacular suicide attempt but the technical investigation reveals unexpected evidence. Beck and his men are soon on the tracks of a narcotic syndicate...
Fritz Algot 'Tjaffo' Nilsson
Summer of 1959. 11-year old Osvald spend his summer holiday with his parents in the countryside of Södermanland. His father has promised to play soccer with him and get some exercise. He also promised the locals to teach the church choir an Argentine mass. The father has a slight alcohol problem, so will he be able to do it?
A forty something man, Bosse, perpetually down on his luck but always optimistic, hopes to impress his new girlfriend by accepting a job as headwaiter at a remote boardinghouse.
There are technical problems in the church and Mrs. Lindblom is the only one who has appeared at the mass, but the priest decides to carry out his sermon anyway.
Bamse (voice)
A new Bamse movie that will be released in 2023.
The story of an adrenaline junkie who travels the globe in search of the most tumultuous rivers to swim with no kayak, and no protection. But there's something deeper driving him to risk his life.