Hou Tianfang

Hou Tianfang

Рождение : 1993-10-22,


Hou Tianfang


Crazy Bathouse
Chen Lai
Детектив Ди и хитрый красноглазый
Dignitary Qian
Китай, эпоха правления императрицы У Цзэтянь. Жители уезда Цзяншань взволнованы сообщениями о неком красноглазом монстре, который сеет вокруг себя смерть. По странному стечению обстоятельств, появление монстра связано с активизацией принца У Миньчжи, мечтающего свергнуть императрицу и самому занять трон. У Цзэтянь призывает Ди Жэньцзе разобраться в творящейся чертовщине и вернуть империи мир и стабильность. Очень скоро детектив Ди и хитрый красноглазый монстр столкнуться в отчаянно жестоком противостоянии, исходом которого станет или возвращение мирной жизни в Цзяншане, или же долгие годы тирании и смерть для самого Ди.
Ouchi Secret Agent
San Dunzi
Seventh year of the reign of Emperor Wangli from Ming Dynasty. Nobles from the ancient city of Yuyang conspired to join forces with foreigners to usurp the throne. And only a petty gangster Lan Yu is able to save the ruler.
Mohist Mechanism
The film is adapted from the novel of the same name written by Yan Zhiyang. It tells the story of Shen Tuo (Liu Lincheng), a descendant of Mohist's official technique, who enters the Promise Prison alone in order to rescue his beloved wife, Jiang Ren (Liu Jingyi).
Царь свиней
Еveryone knows the Monkey King’s first companion - lazy and voracious Pigsy Bajie. Many years before “Journey To West” Bajie was… legendary General Tianpeng (Marshal Tumbleweed). Not only a man of honor in the heavenly court, but also a hero in the mortal world who can destroy demons. He is a hero who can fight with the gods and demons, as well as an infatuated lover, and the film presents classic character from multiple new dimensions.
The Opera House
Super Gambler
Wu Ye
The Seven Treasures
Be Tao
Liu Xiaotang: Lost in the Red Dust
Zhao Qiansun
Liu Xiaotang was not talented since he was young, but still aspiring to become a hero like his father. After the Ying Gong’s death he continued to encounter failures but did not give up his efforts. Once he had the opportunity to investigate a series of bloody murders in Hongchen inn
A Case of a Missing Cat
The Legend of Resistance
Hun Lichen
It tells the story of black and white, and the heroes of all walks of life gather together in the big Sanyuan Inn to launch a controversy over the three boxes of gold, and the deepest and fascinating bosses and the four singers of the genre of the genre for the plot. Gorgeous appearance. The unspeakable attempted heart and the label of the people with all kinds of heart-felt things make the big three-yuan inn that is superficially singular and singularly swaying and treacherous.
Master Gong Subdues Demons