Stage director
Две сестры-русалки устраиваются на работу в ночной клуб. Как-то одна из сестер влюбляется в прекрасного молодого человека…
When a forgotten director gets the chance to make his historical film, creative visions clash when the producer considers turning it into erotica.
Three guys (John Cena, Tomasz Karolak, John Frycz) and a beautiful girl (Katarzyna Glinka). Their fate will combine the integration leaving the title that is out of control and become a true Recreational apocalypse. The film integrates ensemble acting team - apart from those in an event attended by Katarzyna Figura, Slawomir Orzechowski, Bartlomiej Topa, Grzegorz Halama, Mariusz Czajka, Robert Gonera, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Jaroslaw Jakimowicz and Miroslaw Zbrojewicz and support their comic performances of African, Eskimo, pair of Norwegians and ... Indian team disco. The sum of all kaców just in front of you!
barman na "Jutrzence"
Adaś Miauczyński, a Polish intelectual, has severe alcohol problems which affect his relationship with his son Sylwek.
Bogdan Jaworski "Lawstorant"
While the days drag by in prison, an inmate nicknamed Lawstorant (Zbigniew Buczkowski) passes the time by planning the ultimate heist -- a foolproof plan involving a bogus warehouse and enough profit to secure his financial future. But Lawstorant's decision to hook up with the risk-taking Fragler (Michal Wisniewski), the man-eating Monika (Jolanta Mrotek) and the binge-drinking Kazio (Tomasz Sapryk) may spoil a foregone conclusion.
dozorca "golący" trawnik pod oknem
У школьного учителя Адама - кризис среднего возраста. Жена давно ушла, забрав с собой балбеса-сына, который не способен даже правильно проспрягать по-английски глагол "быть", ученики в школе утратили остатки пиитета к образованному преподавателю польской литературы и считают Адася м*даком. Тот заполняет опустелую жизнь персональными ритуалами, воспоминаниями о любви и разочарованиях молодости, и весь фильм пытается закончить одно единственное бездарное стихотворение. Одни его откровенно сторонятся, другие столько же откровенно и нагло вторгаются в его жизнь. Котерскому удалось совершенно невозможное - комически и сентиментально снять кино о постепенно заполняющей жизнь пустоте...
Alojzy Bąbel
Tomek Milkowski is an comic-books' illustrator. But his chef doesn't like his drawings. He tells Tomek to make up something really cool, if the boy doesn't want to loose his job. The illustrator has a guest. It's a bird Tri-Tri from stories about Mr. Kleks. Tomek takes the book and decides to illustrate it as a comic book.
Lucjan Fedor
Two prison cellmates get a one-day leave out of jail to dress up as Santa Claus and an angel and give presents to children from an orphanage. But the presents don't seem to be for kids.
Согласитесь, трудновато устраивать свою личную жизнь, проживая под одной крышей с экс-супругой. Однако, не взирая на препятствия, Адам не перестает искать женщину своей мечты. И вот однажды ему улыбается удача. С виду скромная учительница, прекрасная Малгожата оказывается настоящей гурманкой любви.
Тигрица, таящая в себе роковые страсти и изощренную любовь, способная одарить мужчину безумным наслаждением, вторгается в его жизнь. Буря эмоций, шквал неведомых ощущений и море чувств ожидают счастливого избранника таинственной Малгожаты.
kierowca limuzyny
Осень 1942 года. На вилле в варшавском Жолибоже на конспиративную встречу собрались бойцы подпольной армии - майор Джереми, ротмистр Лелива, поручик Лётка и, самый молодой из них, подпоручик Пет. Ротмистр информирует собравшихся, что командование сформировало подразделение для спецзаданий под кодовым названием «Лицманштадт». Командиром группы назначен майор Джереми, так что все остальные с этой минуты находятся у него в подчинении. От майора они узнают о планируемой закупке большого количества оружия и амуниции. Товар этот предлагает офицер штаба итальянской дивизии, которая на пути с восточного фронта будет временно расквартирована в Польше.
dubbing roli granej przez Pawła Nowisza
An actor returns to Poland after 12 very unsuccessful years in the United States only to find himself entangled in a noirish situation reminiscent of California in the 1940s.
The story of a married couple, actress and director, who live in the bosom of nature, in a stream hut, and realize a story about their own lives, thoughts and fantasies. Working on a film is a naive attempt to search for meaning in life.
Sierżant Heniutek
karczmarz Bartłomiej Brzózka, właściciel gospody "Rzym"
pracownik domu pogrzebowego
One day, hospital orderlies, watching corpse in the morgue, recognize film director. Man, even though he died, he begins to remember his life. He made a career making movies, had numerous mistresses, but never realized their dreams. His life was interspersed with many setbacks that enfeebled him from the inside. Although he made a career in film, he was not happy with his life.
Bogusław Słomka
policjant, który polał wodą
A parliament member's sixteen year old daughter Agatha falls in love and runs away with a convicted young tramp, while her father uses his friends in the government and police to brutally break their happiness.
[obsada aktorska]
Zbyszek Butryn returns to Poland from exile to help win the Solidarity elections. His children, staying in orphanages, who intend to find him, learn about his father's return.
strażnik więzienny
Partly thriller, partly dark comedy, the tagline of this film announce that any resemblance to real-life characters and situations were completely intentional. This had the audience guessing who the main characters were supposed to represent: those biznismeni and post-socialist yuppies who after 1989 teamed up with their former enemies to exploit Poland ruthlessly.
granatowy policjant
The film is a continuation of the 1984 film I died to live. Leopold Wójcik, faking his own death, returns to the underground. Unlike the previous part, the fate of the heroes is a fiction - a variant of events that could have taken place. The film had a sequel: Born for the Third Time (1989).
Fotograf, współpracownik Burskiego
Jan Zawadzki
strażnik w filmie "Jutrzenka"
In the cinema "Liberty" there takes place a screening of the film " Daybreak". The screening is interrupted by an unusual event. Actors come to life on the screen, start conversations among themselves, draw the audience into them. Crowds gather around the cinema, the relevant authorities and services wonder what to do in this complicated situation. Also arriving is the censor, a man reaching his fifties, a one-time literary critic and journalist. The line between fiction and reality begins to blur...
The esteemed transplantologist is the victim of a conspiracy of his colleagues, as a result of which his brain is transplanted into a pig.
Man with prostitute
Пловы, мужчина среднего возраста, отправляется в путешествие со своей двенадцатилетней дочерью. На горной дороге один из водителей предостерегает их, чтобы повернули назад. Но Пловы решает ехать дальше и вскоре сбивает уличного торговца. Пловы бежит за помощью, но когда возвращается, не находит тела жертвы, только убитую дочь. Вдалеке он видит убегающего мужчину. В погоне за ним Пловы попадает в аварию. Он добирается до ближайшего города, в котором бесчинствуют панки. В городе царят хаос и беспорядки. Одна из девушек узнаёт в Пловы некогда популярного музыканта. Бурмистр просит, чтобы Пловы вывел панков из города, поскольку только он может это сделать...
Przeżycia miłosne mężczyzny w średnim wieku, który po opuszczeniu przez żonę szuka nowych wrażeń.
Alojzy Babel
Дети из детдома в Малишеве получают на Рождество в подарок новейший компьютер от бывшего воспитанника этого детдома, а ныне президента большой электронной корпорации. Компьютер им рассказывает историю, которая может произойти через 25 лет. Великий Электроник после побега с Острова Изобретателей, оседает на планете Манго и изобретает Фантомизацию (телепортацию). Похищает Агнешку и отдает ее губернатору планеты дону Базару. А в это время пан Клякса находится в последнем Заповеднике Природы. Горошек, друг Агнешки, вместе с друзьями по классу отправляется к Кляксе за помощью в поисках Агнешки...
A young penniless woman comes to a small town with her newborn baby. She goes to work but because her child has no father, life is hard for her. Until she meets a carefree vagabond photographer willing to help her out.
Piłkarz Ciapała
kierowca redakcyjnego samochodu
The life of a grumpy 40-year-old man living with his wife in a high-rise block. Every day is like the other - quarrel over dinner, garbage, neighbours, elevators, lost socks. He hates everybody, especially his wife. Not even sexual fantasies are an escape from the hell, he imposes on himself.
barman z "Acapulco"
A Polish thriller. Central story is a duel between criminal-on- the-run (Linda) and the cop (Machalica) who put him behind the bars the first time around.
nadleśniczy Siekierko "Desantowiec"
Made in 1982, shelved for five years. Story opens with Lucja Krol's husband under the tram. She gives birth to her fourth son on the floor of their new apartment. Neighbor Wiktor, a communist intellectual, befriends the poverty-stricken family but is soon arrested and sent to jail. During the war Lucja narrowly escapes a Nazi roundup at the black market. Her sons hold ardent Communist meetings in their apartment, with her blessing. Lucja works hard, but without complaint. After the war, Klemens is inexplicably arrested, accused by the new regime of being a collaborator. Wiktor, now a high-ranking party member, trying to defend him, himself falls into disgrace. Klemens is tortured to "confess" and dies in jail, a Communist to the end. Lucja is never told about his fate.
Лето 1939 года. Скоро случится Вторая Мировая. Юноша Витек готовится к вступительным экзаменам в университет. Он влюблен в одноклассницу Алину...
"Хроника любовных происшествий" - знаменитый роман, по которому Анджей Вайда снял не менее знаменитый фильм. Действие этого произведения происходит в предвоенном Вильнюсе. История первой любви переплетена здесь с Историей (да-да, с большой буквы) и кульминационное любовное происшествие происходит на фоне знаменитой "атаки розовых уланов". В этой картине Анджей Вайда искусно показывает незатейливый быт обычных людей, пылкую юношескую любовь, которую не способны разрушить ни социальное неравенство, ни смерть; войну, которая даже ещё не начавшись, способна сломать многие судьбы...
Poland 1946. Militia looks for commander of anticommunist partisans called Grom (Thunder). It quickly comes out that militiamen have to discover a rat in their group.
German-Polish adaptation of Theodor Storm's novella.
End of August 1939. The Polish-German border is crossed by a German defector from the Wehrmacht, Ernst Hoffman, with the information that on August 26 at 4:45 Germany will attack Poland.
Dwaj multi-instrumentaliści, Broda i Redaktorek, po kilku latach muzykowania w Finlandii wracają promem do kraju objętego stanem wojennym.
Tomaszow Maz
Polish film directed by Ryszard Rydzewski.
Romanek's pal
In the 50's a tailor drinking with his friends has an attack that requires an emegency treatment in the hospital. He has damaged kidneys. Given a second lease on life the tailor thinks that while in a coma he has communicated with the distant stars. He gives up tailoring and turns to the stars. He engages his friends in a village to build an observatory. He becomes recognized and for a time being even the authorities back him up. But then comes bitter awakening: his wife can't take his obsessions anymore and leaves him. The town council calls upon him to close his work as the first Sputnik goes into space. Then he is invited to an astronomical convention, He becomes the sensation of the conference, not however, as a amateur astronomer, but by guessing the clothing measurements of the delegates. Back home he realizes that his dream may be over, but he cannot help gazing at the sky. Written by Polish Cinema Database
Polish musical film with leading Polish rock bands from the '80
Alojzy Bąbel
Тихий, скромный мальчик Адам Нескладушка, больше всего на свете любивший читать, однажды попадает в волшебный мир — сказочную Академию пана Кляксы. С такими же любознательными ребятами, как и он, герой учится языку растений и животных, умению видеть интересные сны и делать добрые дела.
Two young boys living in a small town in the east of Poland try to survive the war by working as projectionists in a local cinema. They provide entertainment to Poles, Germans and Russians alike.
The setting is an old age home run by an aging director with an authoritarian hand. In the evening many of the residents huddle in a living room, penetrated by the October cold, to listen to the news. The announcement is giving the number of expected deaths due too the coming harsh winter. In the middle of the night a truckload of coffins arrives to be stored. Dicovering the coffins the elderly assume they are marked for liquidation and they flee en masse. The next day their exodus is dicovered and the director calls the authorities. It turned out that the coffins were the overproduction from a coffin factory and were brought only for temporary storage. The panic search for the pensioners begins, including helicopters. In the meantime the group gets transported to another part of the country by a truck. They take over by a near-empty restaurant, where after mistreatment by a waiter, they tie him up and move on. A lone fisherman invites them into his house where, after initial ...
Kelner w lokalu
Kochanek Mańki
"Kalafior", kumpel Bronka
Young Poland period in Kraków before WWI. Young doctor Edward comes back from Paris and meets his friends belonging to artistic bohema.
Film directed by Wladyslaw Slesicki.
В тихий мазурский городок приезжают друзья-художники Петр и Михал. Вскоре к ним присоединяется девушка Петра — красавица Дорота. Стиль и образ жизни, даже внешний вид троицы раздражают местных хулиганов, которыми верховодит Роман, парень с уголовным прошлым. Петр — хороший каратист, но неохотно демонстрирует свое умение драться, исходя из принципов буддийской философии. Однако назревает большой конфликт, и необходимо сделать выбор.
An odd couple of old people lead their simple lives close to nature. The man is an amateur constructor and his goal now is to build a small river dam to produce electricity for his country house.
sierżant MO
A young architect is locked up in prison. He recalls his uncompromising youth and gradual sliding into the moral swamp of compromises. He was not alone. A group of his friends, dreamers and glass house builders, accompanied him.
Всего несколько дней назад марсиане приземлились на землю и познакомились с её обитателями. Марсиане, как более развитая раса, стремятся обучить людей новым технологиям. Всё бы хорошо, но ведущему новостей кажется, что здесь что-то не так.
Rysiek is an escapee from a reform school. Julek escapes the anger of a voluntarily fire brigade in a small town from which he embezzled. In search for food Rysiek breaks into a villa and discovers a bundle of cash in the freezer. They team together in Warsaw and decide to go on a rampage through the city.
kierowca prezesa Radiokomitetu
Варшава 1980-х годов. Коммунистическая партия отправляет журналиста Винкеля провести грязную кампанию против бастующих работников в Гданьске. Главной целью Винкеля становится активист Томчик…
portier (nie występuje w napisach)
The main character, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances, is a manager of a sports club in Poland. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament. It appears that somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done it in order to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is taking part in a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for another actor is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play the dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...
Most important events of November Uprising in Poland.
Caller from Kalisz (voice)
This is psychological drama by Tomasz Zygadlo begins as a straightforward story. Jan (Roman Wilhelmi) is the host of a nightly talk show in which he counsels people who call in with their problems. He is dedicated to helping these lonely souls but becomes increasingly disturbed when his co-workers and supervisors at the radio station do not appreciate his program; they seem unable to grasp the importance of what he is doing. Aside from that, Jan's private life is frayed around the edges. His wife is a heavy drinker and his mistress has no comprehension about who he is or what he is doing. Jan's frustration over this lack of recognition builds to an explosive level, threatening to upset the balance of his daily life.
A few hours before the official visit of the communist party representative, the management of the visited factory learns about it. Everything must be prepared to show the guest how well the place is being managed.
The film is set in a terrorizing world of the future, where technology commands the movements of individuals, supervised by the doctors, carrying out a program to improve the human race. Thus, instead of doctors creating a monster, the monsters are already there as the species of the future - but one of them is suspected by the doctors of being a human being. That is Golem in reverse.
Detective thriller about a killer loose in the crowds. The film follows a sniper on his rounds looking for victims, while a police inspector, with few clues in hand, has to figure out the motive for the killings as well as who the psychopath is and where he might strike next. He uncovers that the mentally deranged sniper can't stand seeing people happy together in public places.
Trener skoczków narciarskich
A story about the difficult experiences of a nine-year-old boy who tries to understand and assimilate the laws governing the world of adults. Left to himself, Tomek deeply experiences his anxieties and finally decides to rebel .
Two psychiatrists attempt to save a suicidal man.
Social drama which addresses the problems faced by delinquent young people and how difficult it can be to change their way of life. Czesiek is a young hooligan who who comes into contact with Marek, a sociology student and tries to change his lifestyle but receives no support from the local youth organisation. His comrades look on him as a deserter whilst Marek is only interested in him as a subject to be studied.
Oficer Milicji
The film is a story of a young man coerced into undercover work for the police, in return for their dropping of charges against him. He is to befriend a leader of a gang of juvenile delinquents who plans big robbery of a jewelry store. The scheme works and the gang is caught in the act except the gang leader.
Złodziej Sawicki
Фильм посвящен истории партизанской борьбы легендарного майора Хенрика Добжаньского. Многоопытный боец, герой Первой мировой войны, награжденный высшей польской военной наградой — орденом Virtuti Militari, спортсмен, он всю жизнь прожил как герой. Когда Польша сломилась под натиском Вермахта и Красной Армии, Добжаньский во главе небольшого отряда уланов продолжал сражаться с врагом, взяв позже псевдоним Хубаль…
Kelner (niewymieniony w czołówce)
Three naive girls from the provinces travel to the city to find the men of their dreams.