Sarah Lelièvre


Молодые «полакас»
Elizabeth Maller
История массовой эмиграции молодых польских евреек в Бразилию в 1900-х годах, где они попадали в жуткий круговорот секс-работы. «Полакас» — это обидное устаревшее прозвище, что-то вроде «полячек» в русском языке. Миссис Мира, дочь одной из секс-работниц, дает журналисту интервью и рассказывает о своем детстве.
Marcia Haydée: Uma Vida Pela Dança
Sound Editor
Márcia Haydée is a Brazilian dancer of worldwide consecration, known as the "Callas of dance", for her great interpretive power. In her career, she performed at the Ballet of the Marquis de Cuevas (FRA), but it was at the Stuttgart Ballet in Germany under the direction of John Cranko, who in the early 1960s she became the choreographer's muse and was revealed as a great performer and dancer. In the 1970s, after Cranko's death, Márcia took over the management of the company and stayed ahead for 20 years. She worked alongside big names such as Richard Cragun, Rudolf Nureyev, Jorge Donn, Maurice Bejárt, John Neumeier.