Igor Khutsiev


Lyudi 41 goda
The second World War echoes throughout the whole Khutsiyev's oeuvre. The director himself did not participate in the war: "The thing is, I didn't fight. I had been a sickly boy, so I was turned down because I still looked like a child. This is sort of like a debt I've been repaying ever since". In "People of 1941", Khutsiyev recites his favourite pieces by war poets and invokes documentary footage.
Пошехонская старина
По роману М.Е.Салтыкова-Щедрина. Киноальманах состоит из трех новелл: 'Бессчастная Матренка'; 'Братец Федос'; 'Ванька-Каин'. Художественный руководитель Лео Арнштам.