Michel Corriveau

Michel Corriveau


Michel Corriveau


Snow Angel
In the aftermath of a fatal accident in a snowy village at the Eastern tip of Quebec, a screwed-up ex-pro snowboarder decides to pack up her cabin and leave town for good, but someone, or something - seems intent on stopping her.
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Original Music Composer
Food influencer Scarlett Bailey is presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to work as a pastry chef in one of NYC's top restaurants. Her life gets put on hold when she returns to her hometown for her sister Maddie's wedding. Scarlett learns that her parents have sold the family home, a B&B, to her childhood flame Liam Perry and that Maddie has lost her wedding venue days before the nuptials. Scarlett suggests they host the event at the B&B and works with Liam to pull off the wedding of Maddie's dreams, trying to put their history behind them. As her dream job in NYC becomes a firm offer, Scarlett is forced to make a decision. She has been falling back in love with Liam and with her childhood home. With the countdown to the wedding day on, will Liam Perry get to kiss the bridesmaid?
Стеклянные дома
Original Music Composer
Няня-подросток Кэрри переживает трудные времена из-за унизительного семейного скандала. Она узнает, что виновна местная королева Мадлен Купер и решает отомстить, разузнав все ее секреты.
Когда звонит смерть
Original Music Composer
Доктор Джилл - успешная ведущая, у которой есть собственное шоу на радио и его рейтинги зашкаливают. Однако её жесткий стиль общения приводит к тому, что одна из слушательниц совершает суицид в прямом эфире. Доктор Джилл должна узнать, правда ли то что случилось у неё в эфире или же это нелепая шутка.
Дыши во мгле
Original Music Composer
В Париже после ужасного землетрясения губящий все живое туман накрывает город. Немногие из выживших забираются за чистым воздухом на крыши, не оставляя надежды на помощь. Среди уцелевших Анна и Мэттью, которые готовы пойти на все, чтобы спасти свою дочь.
Дедушка под прикрытием
Original Music Composer
Когда девушка Джейка пропадает без вести, ему на помощь приходит его дедушка со своими армейскими приятелями.
Anna, a photojournalist, travels to Bangkok to pursue her investigations for a news story on the traffic in human beings being carried on by the triads. There she herself is kidnapped and subjected to the same abuse endured by the women she has interviewed and photographed.
Погоня за красотой
Моника собирается на выпускной вечер. С самого утра у девушки все идет наперекосяк, но последней каплей становится её кошмарная прическа. Бедняжка думает, что хуже уже ничего быть не может, но тут в ее дверь стучится полицейский, разыскивающий пропавшие драгоценности. Это становится началом грандиозного приключения…
House of Versace
Original Music Composer
Based on Wall Street Journal reporter Deborah Ball’s widely-read book "House of Versace: The Untold Story of Genius, Murder, and Survival", the movie brings to light the story of Donatella, who, following the brazen murder of her brother, world-renowned designer Gianni Versace (Colantoni) at the height of his success, is suddenly thrust into the spotlight as head designer of his fashion empire. At first ridiculed by critics worldwide, Donatella falls victim to drug addiction and nearly bankrupts the company. With the help of her family, including daughter Allegra, Aunt Lucia (Welch) and brother Santo (Feore), she enters rehab to confront her demons and soon comes back stronger than ever to re-ignite the beloved Versace brand with her own vision and builds one of the most powerful and influential fashion houses ever known.
As John Barrymore reckons with the ravages of his life of excess, he rents an old theatre to rehearse for a backer's audition to raise money for a revival of his 1920 Broadway triumph in Richard III.
The Canadiens, Forever
Original Music Composer
Neglected by his father, William, a star college hockey player, also suffered harassment from his coach and some teammates. By chance of a visit to Sainte-Justine hospital, the young man, whose morale and motivation are at its lowest, meets ten-year-old Daniel, awaiting a kidney transplant. Their passion for the Habs unites them instantly and William tries, by all means, to give him hope in the face of the disease.
Le Grand Départ
Jean-Paul, a successful plastic surgeon, separates from his wife and he sees his life turn upside down when everyone in his family blame him for all their troubles.
Accidental Friendship
Original Music Composer
Homeless woman Yvonne Caldwell is a woman with good reason to be bitter: she has lost everything except her two beloved dogs, Bebe and Man-Man. With her one friend, Wes, Caldwell lives the daily struggle of being homeless in Los Angeles until a chance encounter caused by her dogs leads to a friendship with LAPD officer Tami Baumann, and hope for a better life begins in earnest for Yvonne.
Плохой хороший полицейский
Original Music Composer
Что, казалось бы, может быть общего между двумя совершенно разными полицейскими: ярым поборником справедливости Мартином Уордом (Колм Фиори) и Давидом Бушаром (Патрик Юар), умеющим законы ловко обходить? Но судьбе было угодно свести их вместе в расследовании серии жестоких убийств. Начав следствие, напарники сталкиваются с необычной проблемой, поскольку могут понять друг друга далеко не всегда. Мартину и Дэвиду придется изрядно поднапрячься, чтобы найти элементарные точки соприкосновения. Но недаром говорится, что общее дело сближает.
The Last Tunnel
A recently released prisoner reunites his criminal colleagues to pull off one last heist.
Matthew Blackheart: Monster Smasher
Original Music Composer
A soldier who was long thought dead in World War 2, returns to modern day New York to combat monsters, who are now the power elite, running the city.
Slow Burn
The murder of the ex-wife of Doctor Sam Charney (Rutger Hauer) leads Detective Della Wilder (Pam Grier) to uncover a series of women's murders somehow linked to a big pharmaceutical company.
Hemingway: A Portrait
Hemingway: A Portrait