Sabine Jagiella


Martha Jellneck
72 years old Martha Jellneck lives alone in a small apartment in Hamburg. Since she's hampered in walking, she never leaves her home. Her only contacts to the outside world are the young social worker Thomas and a neighbor boy who walks her dog. When Thomas tells her one day that Franz Laub, another one of his clients, has his birthday, she becomes suspicious: that was also her half-brother's name and day of birth - only that he died in WW2...
Conrad: The Factory-Made Boy
Mrs Bartolotti doesn’t really like children. She is therefore completely taken aback when she receives a son in the post: Konrad. Konrad is actually delivered in a tin! He is dreadfully tidy and almost perfect and Mrs Bartolotti is very chaotic. She actually becomes so fond of him, however, that she never wants to let go of him again, even if the weird people from the tin factory are already looking for him...