Ian Campbell-Gray


Meet My Sister
Art Direction
'Poor lord tells future father-in-law that his ex-fiancée is his sister.' (British Film Catalogue)
Born Lucky
Art Direction
A humble girl's rise to fame.
Strictly Business
Art Direction
The daughter of an American leather magnate is sent on a series of sightseeing tours in London with her father's business associate, but finds herself targeted by an opportunistic blackmailer.
Dance Pretty Lady
Art Direction
During the Edwardian era, a working-class ballet dancer begins a romance with a wealthy artist against a background of sharp disapproval.
A Cottage on Dartmoor
Art Direction
A jealous barber's assistant becomes enraged by the attentions the manicurist he's obsessed with and a repeat customer pay to one another.
Art Direction
Продавщица Нелл знакомится с молодым служителем метрополитена Биллом. Их отношения могли бы быть безоблачными, но в Нелл влюблён и Берт, человек грубый и мстительный. Портниха Кейт готова ради него на всё — по наущению Берта она согласилась оговорить Билла, молодому человеку грозит увольнение с работы и разрыв с Нелл